Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 252: Enthroned!

When Emperor Yang Jian of Sui died, Prince Yang Guang urgently summoned his ministers to discuss matters, and at the same time ordered the general Shi Wansui to lead troops to block Daxing City.

At the same time, Xiang Yutian led Gu Shaoshang's 900-year-old masters to start a **** killing in Daxing City.

All the aristocratic clansmen hid in the dark, shivering. I didn't expect that there were so many masters hidden under the prince.

For a time, Daxing City was in turmoil, but secretly, the clouds were treacherous, and the dark tide was surging.

A month later, in the turbulent undercurrent, the prince ascended the throne and became emperor.

Tread! Tread!

Gu Shaoshang was wearing a dragon robe and a crown of the emperor on his head. In the eyes of all the ministers, either frightened or worried, he calmly stepped on the royal steps and walked towards the dragon chair, which symbolized the highest position in the world.

The crisp footsteps echoed throughout the hall.

He walked to the dragon seat, turned around, waved his sleeve robe, sat on the dragon seat, and looked at the civil and military officials through the twelve beads in front of his eyes.


Gu Shaoshang's body trembled suddenly, as if an infinite force was added to him, and an inexplicable general trend was pressing down from all directions in the world.

At this moment, he felt as if he was a **** standing among the clouds.

All kinds of things in the world, all things in the world, are all within his grasp.

Gu Shaoshang understood that this was just an illusion.

But with his keen sense of mind, he can naturally feel that he has a real and unreal power, which is blessed from somewhere.

It seems to be everywhere, but it seems to be invisible.

Gu Shaoshang's mind flashed a hint of the mirrors of the heavens, and he was a little surprised. Is there such a benefit in ascending to the highest place in a country?

Thinking can't help but spread out, a mere mortal emperor can get such huge benefits.

If so, what would it be like to sit on the throne of the emperor one day?

At this time, a eunuch's resounding voice sounded: "The new emperor succeeds the throne, and all the officials worship!"

Under the imperial steps, the etheric master Yang Su, the left servant shot Su Wei, the right servant shot the civil and military officials headed by Gao Ying, kowtowed three times to Gu Shaoshang, and sang aloud:

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The ministers shouted long live three times to congratulate the new king.

"All the Qing families are free from courtesy!"

Gu Shaoshang sat upright and spoke lightly.

At the same time, Gu Shaoshang looked at the hundred officials below.

Whether it is sincere support or false flattery, it is reflected in the heart like a mirror.

I have a bright mirror, I always hang in my heart, and I can tell the loyal and traitor at a glance.

Spiritual sublimation comes from material support.

After Gu Shaoshang was promoted to Qi Zong, his mood went further, and some undisguised thoughts were almost invisible in front of him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The ministers responded with a bang and stood up.

Looking down at all the civil and military officials from the dragon chair, Gu Shaoshang's expression was indifferent, neither surprised nor happy.

Sitting on the throne of the emperor, he has the power to control the life and death of the world, and the goals that countless people can't reach are easily achieved by him.

But in his heart, there is far less source power that makes him happier.

"All the illusory power and wealth are not as valuable as the slightest progress in the martial arts."

A trace of enlightenment rose in Gu Shao's sadness.

The middle-aged **** who stood and started said loudly: "If you have something to play early, if you have nothing to do, retreat!"

"Report to Your Majesty, I have something to report."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Su, who was standing in front of the ministers, took a step forward and said.

Wearing a black crown, Yang Su bowed and said, "Yuwen clan, Dugu clan, conspiracy to rebel..."

The hall was silent, only Yang Su's voice echoed in the hall.

Standing at the head of the group of ministers, Yang Su counted the ten crimes of the Yuwen Clan and the Dugu Clan, and finally bowed deeply.

"My minister, please do everything you can to revive the dynasty!"

The ministers were silent, not daring to speak.

The previous killings in Daxing City had already shocked all the families in the entire Daxing City.

However, Gu Shaoshang deliberately left the Yuwen clan and the Dugu clan.

These two major families are different from ordinary families. The Yuwen family is a great hero who started with Yang Jian since the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and the Dugu family is the mother family of the deceased Dugu Jialuo, a royal relative.

No one would think that this was Yang Su's own opinion, and it must have been the instigation of the person sitting on the high dragon chair.

However, just after ascending the throne, it is necessary to add the old officials of the previous dynasty and the royal family's foreign relatives.

His Majesty's murderous intent is simply terrifying.


On the throne, Gu Shaoshang spoke lightly, and through the twelve beads of the crown, his deep eyes glanced at the ministers.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

The ministers who were swept by Gu Shaoshang's eyes were all shocked, fell to their knees, and shouted Shengming.

With that person's temper, the first thing after ascending the throne, whoever dares to contradict, is afraid that he will have a long life.

Even Su Wei and Gao Ying, who were standing in front of the officials, fell to their knees after hesitating for a while.

"Sir, there is still Ben to play!"

The ministers just got up when Yang Su spoke loudly again.

Yang Su stood up straight, and under the shock of the hearts of the ministers, he opened his mouth again: "In today's Buddhism, there is no production, no taxes, and what's more, it has become a place to hide dirt, and now I dare to participate in rebellion!"

"I invite Your Majesty to sweep the Buddhist sect, and once the property is confiscated, all the monks will be forced to return to the secular world!"

"If there is a heinous crime, kill!"

"Those who hide dirt, kill!"

"Those who refuse to confess, kill!"

"Those who dare to resist, kill!"


Yang Su was in the main hall, counting down the charges of Buddhism, opening and closing is killing!

The killing intent was so deep that the ministers were shaken.


After Gu Shaoshang waited for Yang Su to finish speaking, he nodded and played.

As for Buddhism, several years ago, Gu Shaoshang sent experts to investigate Buddhism in the world.

Only then did I discover that the wealth of Buddhism is even richer than that of the Great Sui State Treasury!

In Luoyang alone, there is a temple in Jingnian Temple, one of which is a Buddhist temple built of copper. Even Gu Shaoshang can't help but look at the copper coins it You must know that in this world, the currency circulating in the market, Still with copper coins as the mainstream!

The luxury of Buddhism can be seen in general!

And this matter, Gu Shaoshang did not hide it, so he forced Kong to take the risk and came to kill Gu Shaoshang.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

The group of ministers couldn't see it, the two monarchs and ministers were singing together and playing happily.

They are all cunning and cunning, and no one will not open their eyes and go to interject.

Fomen, what does it have to do with yourself?


After retreating, Yang Su watched all the ministers retreat, and just followed Gu Shaoshang to the study.

"The matter of Buddhism, Your Majesty is still too hasty."

Yang Su glanced at Gu Shaoshang, who was sitting upright, and sighed: "Although Buddhism has committed a lot of crimes, there are so many masters among them, and the four holy monks are the best in the world. If they hide, no one will be able to find them. "

"The tree has fallen, the hozen has scattered, the Buddhist sect has fallen, and there are no disciples, disciples and grandchildren, and only four old monks, can they still go to heaven?"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly and didn't take it seriously.

After Buddhism fell, these four old monks naturally went to look for trouble, and there was no need for Gu Shao to worry.

"General Shi has gone to strangle the Yuwen clan, and Wei Chen has gone to help him."

Yang Su didn't care much about Gu Shaoshang, didn't say much at the moment, bowed and stepped back.

After exiting the door, Yang Su's eyes flashed slightly and he walked slowly.

Since Ping Nanchen, he has faintly noticed that this majesty has become very different, becoming mysterious and unfathomable.

Even he was a little frightened, and in front of him, he lowered his head subconsciously.

Thinking of the black-clothed boy who appeared before, a shadow casts a shadow over Yang Su's heart.

However, now that things have come to this point, Yang Su can only bury certain thoughts deep in his heart and dare not reveal the slightest.

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