Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 271: God of War Catalog!

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In the center of the top of the hall, there is a circular object, two feet in diameter, emitting blue-yellow light, like an indoor sun, bathing the entire giant hall under the ten thousand blue light.

With this light source as the center, a huge star map is formed, covering the giant hall under the infinite stars.

There is not a single column or a single object in the huge hall. There is a relief sculpture of two meters square on the ground in the center of the hall. There are also twenty-four relief drawings each with a square meter on each side of the left and right walls. It's forty-nine!

The relief on the ground in the heart of the hall is exquisitely carved, and it depicts a **** in strange armor and a mask on his face!

Under its crotch sits a monster that looks like a dragon but not a dragon. It pierces through the nine thick clouds that have split open from the upper left corner, and then plunges straight into a blood-red fireball in the lower right corner. Next to each thick cloud, from top to bottom Below it is written the Nine Heavens, the Eighth Heaven, and the lowest One Heaven.

There are five big characters on the top of the relief, which is "God of War Catalog 1".

"The God of War Catalog!"

After more than a hundred years of hard search, I can see it once.

Even an owl like Xiang Yutian has an uncontrollable urge.


At this moment, Gu Shaoshang and Yang Su stepped in.

"That's it? Guangchengzi?"

Gu Shaoshang stepped into the hall, looked around, never looked at the God of War catalogue, but saw the figure sitting cross-legged against the wall under the star map at a glance!

I saw the figure sitting cross-legged, with a burly back and ancient costumes, unlike modern times.


Gu Shaoshang stepped forward and examined it carefully.

This man had a solemn face, with a serene smile still on the corners of his mouth. His hair and clothes had been melted for the most part, but the expression on his face was the same as that of a stranger, but it gave Gu Shaoshang a feeling of being firm and indestructible.

This person hangs his left hand on the ground, and there is a line of small characters on the ground: "Guangcheng Zizheng Broken Diamond is here".

This line of characters walks dragons and snakes, strong and powerful, coupled with the vast Qi machine on the body, the escape is strange, the continuous circles, and the body is flying and unrestrained.

"Ancient Daxian, Guangchengzi!"

Yang Su's pupils shrank, and she exclaimed!

"But I don't know if this great immortal is in this world, or if the real body is this world!"

Gu Shao thought in his heart and bowed to show his respect.

Gu Shaoshang also has deep respect for this great power who has a famous reputation in the heavens and the world.

"It is said that in the ancient times, Daxian Guangcheng once came to the Temple of War, understood the mysteries of the universe, and created the "Longevity Secret" based on what he had learned, and then entered the Temple of War. I never thought that it was actually true."

Xiang Yutian came to hear the sound, looked at Guangchengzi's body, bowed and sighed again and again.

"I think back then, but I don't know what kind of style this Daxian is!"

After Yang Su bowed and bowed, he let out a faint sigh.


Gu Shaoshang moved his sleeves and robes and came under the relief depicting the God of War catalogue.

"No wonder the God of War catalog has never been circulated in time. It turned out that there was no written record, but forty-nine huge relief pictures!"

Glancing at Yutian, he sat cross-legged under the first relief.

Only then did he know that he had been searching for the God of War catalogue for hundreds of years, but he had not found any reason for the spread of the God of War catalogue.

"The God of War Catalog!"

Gu Shaoshang put his hands down, walked behind Xiang Yutian, and carefully watched the God of War Catalog 1.


Gu Shaoshang's eyes lit up, and the power of sea consciousness surged, covering the relief.


Gu Shaoshang's body was shocked, and he couldn't help but fell down and sat down, his eyes closed, and he entered a mysterious state of forgetting things and me.

In a trance, Gu Shaoshang seemed to see a **** wearing a strange armor and a mask on his face, fighting in the heavens!

The fighting spirit is soaring, and there are dead bodies everywhere!

That ancient giant **** was badly damaged, and his blood was flowing, but he had a high fighting spirit, fighting the sky and fighting the earth, and would never give up!

God war!

Gu Shaoshang seemed to have seen a battle of gods with his own eyes. He saw the unknown **** of war, blood flowing in all directions, but he didn't retreat. In the end, he and the sky defeated the enemy.

It seems that only the ancient giant **** and the dragon-like monster he rides are left in the world.

Before Gu Shaoshang could take a closer look, the picture suddenly changed, the ancient **** of war swooped down from the sky, and the ground was in a mess, with corpses everywhere, and tears fell.

The **** of war looked back sadly, swung with one hand, and the billowing air filled the heaven and the earth, turning into two cyclones, one yin and one yang, and again spawned the trees, flowers, fruits, fish, insects, humans and beasts of the earth.

The power of yin and yang,

the power of lightning,

life force,

way of killing,

the way of Tai Chi,


Until the end, the ancient **** of the ancients rode the monster that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, passed through the nine layers of clouds, and went straight to the sky!

The ancient **** of war looked back at the earth, and with a wave of his hand, he opened a huge space channel.

With the flow of the picture, Gu Shaoshang seems to have spent a long time with the goddess, as if he has understood everything, and as if nothing is left.

It's like a dream!

"Heaven and earth are Taiji, and human beings are Taiji. Taiji is originally one, because the small becomes the big and the big, and the intention is the inner and the outer. If you can get rid of the mind, there will be no distinction between the inner and the outer, the difference between you and me, and the heaven and the earth are endless, and the human body is not. Get rid of everything."

Yang Su's muttering came from his ears.


Gu Shaoshang suddenly looked back and saw that Yang Su had already stood under the thirty-sixth relief.

And Xiang Yutian, sitting under the last relief sculpture of the God of War catalogue, comprehends the wonders of the Broken Void.

"One qi prevails between heaven and earth, all of which are different in shape, resulting in a thousand changes in life. However, if the source is traced back to its current, it can be attributed to one. Therefore, if one can keep one in the middle, what is the difference between me and wood and stone, and what is the difference between the stars and me? One of them, the essence of heaven and earth, all for me.”

During the time when Gu Shaoshang was in a trance, Yang Su frowned, stepped under the thirty-seventh relief, and muttered words.

But Gu Shaoshang observed that his face was pale and bloodless, his eyes were slack, and he seemed to be exhausted!

Gu Shaoshang frowned. With Yang Su's background, he could only stop here. If he was forced to comprehend, he would be killed on the spot.

"Master Yang!"

Gu Shaoshang shouted attentively, and the sound waves blasted away, making a thunderous drink.

Yang Su doesn't care about Gu Shaoshang, but his decades of political experience have helped Da Sui a lot, and Gu Shaoshang can't just watch him die.

"What a pity! What a pity! What a pity!"

Under Gu Shaoshang's violent shout, Yang Su's body shook and woke up from a trance.

With a look of regret, he turned around, not daring to look at the relief again.

"The God of War catalogue is too inscrutable. With my background, it is far from comprehensible."

Yang Su smiled wryly and shook her head again and again, and staggered to the front of Gu Shaoshang.


Gu Shaoshang stood up, only to feel that the true qi seeds in his dantian had grown larger, which was enough to open up the acupoints again.

The power of the sea of ​​knowledge has more than doubled!

"What kind of insight does Mr. Gu have? Why did you fully understand for nine days under the first relief!"

Yang Su took a few deep breaths, and finally there was blood on her pale face.

"Nine days?"

Gu Shaoshang raised his eyebrows, not too surprised.

However, it was a huge surprise that his sea-consciousness power and infuriating energy had skyrocketed so much in nine days.

"Capture the essence of heaven and earth for yourself."

Gu Shaoshang stood up, shook his sleeve robe, and said lightly: "I can see the whole picture from a glimpse, just look at a relief, I have already comprehended all the pictures of the God of War."

"Enlightenment of all!"

Yang Su's heart trembled, even though he had expected that Gu Shaoshang would not only comprehend a relief for so long, he was still ashamed.

"Mr. Xiang has been standing for a day before the last relief, and he has not woken up yet."

Yang Su looked back at Xiang Yutian and frowned, "Will Mr. Xiang also do it?"

"No, Xiang Lao's martial arts background is very deep, and what he has learned has been passed down from the God of War catalogue, which is several times faster than my comprehension."

Gu Shaoshang raised his brows and looked towards Yutian.

I saw him standing in front of the last relief with his hands behind his back, with a faint smile on his face, concentrating on comprehension.

"Wait a moment!"

Gu Shaoshang said lightly, then turned around and left the Temple of War.


I saw the sky above the lake, swimming in anger, swooping down from time to time, grabbing a strange fish from the lake and swallowing it.

So uncomfortable!


Angrily, seeing Gu Shaoshang coming out of the Temple of War, he swooped down, grabbed a big fish more than three feet long in the lake, and flew towards Gu Shaoshang.


In the turbulent air, he threw the struggling big fish in front of Gu Shaoshang.


Gu Shaoshang smiled and raised his arms, letting anger fall on them.


Anger whispered twice, his head dawdling back and forth on Gu Shaoshang's cheek.

Xu was the reason why he ate some demon dragon meat, his angry body grew bigger, and his wings spread more than seven feet.

Compared with ordinary eagles, it is already considered a big bird, but it is still in its infancy.

"When I go back, I will activate the bloodline with you!"

Gu Shaoshang fondly touched its already metallic feathers and smiled.


With a raised hand, anger fluttered away.

Although the underground lake is not small, its height is only 60 to 70 meters high, and it can swim back and forth with a flap of anger.

"Golden Winged Dapeng!"

Seeing the fluttering wings and the domineering anger in the air, Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but look forward to it.


Gu Shaoshang flipped his palm, and the strange fish that was more than three feet long on the ground was suspended in the air.


It was as if the invisible knife energy was roaring in the air, and within a few breaths, the scales and even the skeleton of the visceral fishbone of the strange fish fell Huhu!

Gu Shaoshang's palm flipped, Chunyang's True Qi oscillated slightly, and wisps of hot air emerged from the fish fillet, but it was only a moment.

This strange fish was swallowed by Gu Shaoshang.


Gu Shaoshang didn't bother Xiang Yutian's comprehension of the God of War catalogue, his sleeve robe blew the dust on the ground, he sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and meditated.

Although Gu Shaoshang already knows all the essence of the God of War catalogue, there are too many things in it, and it is difficult to integrate it in a short time.


After meditating again to polish his infuriating energy, Gu Shaoshang felt the difference.

I only feel that I have become the center of the universe, the essence of the sky is going down, the essence of the earth, going straight up from the Du meridian, and converging in the Zhoutian movement of the two meridians of Ren and Du!

Feed yourself with the essence of heaven and earth!

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