Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 284: Wanjian Jue (Xie Mengyao's dream payment)

"Not a small breath!"

Guizhen smiled coldly, took out the Tiger Soul Saber from the storage ring, and pointed at Shi Zhixuan: "It depends on your skill, do you have such a hard tone!"

Although the three Guizhen were afraid of Gu Shaoshang and were frightened by the vision of the Holy Body, they didn't care about Shi Zhixuan and the others.

This task world is only a three-star level, and only the strong among them, such as the warriors of the Shattered Void, can reach four stars with a single blow, threatening them.

And those in front of them, even the strongest ones are only three-star level, and for a few people, they are really not a big threat.


Yuwen Tuo put his palm on Shi Zhixuan's shoulder and stepped forward with an indifferent expression: "Leave this swordsman to me!"


Yu Wentuo's face was indifferent, his palms were drawn down, and he held the Xuanyuan sword around his waist: "Da Sui Taishi, Yuwen Tuo."

"That's it? Xuanyuan Sword??"

The brows of the three Guizhen frowned and looked at each other in dismay.


Yu Wentuo's golden armor made a sound of hunting, and the vast sword power rose up, majestic and mighty, like a mountain like a sea.

In the past twenty years, Yuwen Tuo has practiced the exercises that have been passed down from his family to the highest level, and the power of Xuanyuan Sword has become more proficient.

Although he himself is one step worse than Shi Zhixuan Yang Su, but holding the Xuanyuan Sword, his combat power is not much worse than Xiang Yutian.

Today's Great Sui world, the most top master.

"A divine soldier of this level."

Guizhen's face twitched, and with a little touch, he could sense the Xuanyuan sword on Yuwentuo's waist, at least four or five stars.

The imitation of the Heavenly God Weapon and Tiger Soul in his palm is nothing but a top-notch magic weapon from Samsung. Compared with it, he almost vomited blood.

In the main temple, such a magical weapon is simply not what he can expect.

"The situation has changed, retreat first!"

The pharmacist looked solemn and said in a low voice, "There is something wrong with our information, and a Xuanyuan sword actually popped out!"

It's only been a day since I came to this world, and things have developed beyond the imagination of several people.

Originally a place to rest and recuperate, it has changed so much.


The shadow of Xuanyuanjian was reflected in Guizhen's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and snorted coldly.

Xuanyuanjian's magic weapon, if it is fully stimulated, it will not be difficult to challenge it.

More importantly, if a master they don't know pops up during the fight, that's trouble.


Kou Zhong and others looked on high alert, their swords were unsheathed, their infuriating energy rose, and they were ready to attack at any time.


The swordsman's arm fell to his side, the sword intent flashed in his eyes, and the ancient sword hummed silently behind him.


Suddenly, the swordsman pinched the sword mark with his fingers, and shouted loudly in the turbulent air.

Clang clang clang!

Clang clang clang!

Suddenly, the ancient sword carried by the swordsman rose into the sky, and the roar of sword energy resounded through the sky.

One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight...  

In an instant, the cold light in the sky skyrocketed, and the dense ancient swords swooped down like the sky overwhelmed!

call out! call out! call out! call out!

The air tearing sound instantly detonated the void.

At the same time as the sharp air explosion sounded, the storm of swords that covered the sky had enveloped everyone.

"What kind of martial arts is this!"

Yuwen Tuo raised his brows, secretly suspicious.

In his spiritual sense, the ancient swords that pierced all over the sky are all real and true, and their lethality is definitely not comparable to sword qi.

While thinking in his heart, Yuwen Tuo stepped out twenty feet in one step, and the Xuanyuan sword around his waist suddenly unsheathed.


Red light blooms all over the sky.

The moment Yuwen Tuo stepped forward, a huge sword energy up to a hundred zhang rose up from his waist!

The sword qi raised by Yu Wentuo suddenly collided with the swooping sword storm.

Loudly loudly!

The sound of countless gold and iron clashes swept across the sky, and the turbulent sword qi set off smoke and dust in the sky.

Within a radius of several hundred zhang, the sword qi whistled, severing the numerous big trees on both sides of the official road, and the official road paved with bluestone was cut by as much as three or four feet by the incomparable sword qi storm.


Crushed stone dust and endless dust rose high, obscuring the view.


The sonic boom of sword qi disappeared, Yuwen Tuo frowned, and looked up, where there were still the figures of the three extraterrestrial demons.

"This kind of exercise is really unheard of!"

The long knife in Yang Su's palm fell to the side of the sound and said lightly.

There were too many flying swords coming from the sky, and even Yuwen Tuo couldn't stop all the flying swords.

If it wasn't for him to chop down the remaining flying swords with his knife, he would have suffered casualties in one move.

"Although the flying sword of the extraterritorial demon looks amazing, it is not very powerful, and it is not a stunt."

Yuwen Tuo shook his head, disapprovingly.

"You are holding the Xuanyuan Sword, so it's no problem to block."

Yang Suheng raised the long saber in his hand and said, "I even had the long saber that I just blessed with infuriating qi almost torn apart. If an ordinary master, or even a great master, faced that sword, he would have to flee for his life and would not be able to resist it. ."

Yu Wentuo glanced at it and saw that the long knife in Yang Su's hand was full of scars and had been beaten into scrap metal.

"Yes, those long swords are extremely powerful. I took a few swords before, and they were almost cut off by the long swords."

Kou Zhong took a step forward and said with an uncertain expression: "If it were used in the army, the consequences would be unimaginable."

Yu Wentuo frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "I hope Master Pei, Mr. Xiang, and Ning Laodao can track down the three of them."


Everyone present came to their senses, but there was still Shi Zhixuan's figure.

"With Mr. Xiang's cultivation, it's no longer a problem to track a few people. Let's go find Mr. Gu."

Yang Su waved his hand.

The group went to Songjiabao.



The wind whistled, the swordsman and the other three looked gloomy and walked fast.

"This mission is a lot of trouble!"

The pharmacist had a headache, and regretted in his heart: "You shouldn't have saved the thousands of sources, and you are now in embattled!"

Ordinary teleportation of the main temple consumes little source power, but it will be detected by the will of the world. Once you enter the mission world, it will be the result of siege.

If it weren't for the fact that they had absolute crushing confidence before coming here, they wouldn't choose ordinary teleportation for the mere thousands of source power.

The swordsman frowned and said, "That Xuanyuan sword is probably a five-star magic weapon, and my Wanjian Jue was almost blocked by him alone."

"The main **** is too pitiful. It's talking about the ordinary source power harvesting task, which makes us paralyzed, and now it's difficult to ride a tiger."

Guizhen gritted his teeth and said with a grim expression: "Now the captain is dead, once the master recovers, I'm afraid we will be wiped out!"

"I don't expect so much now, try to complete the main task and return."

The swordsman glanced at Guizhen, frowned and said, "You better calm down first, Song Que's knife has already broken your mood."

"It won't recover in a short time."

Guizhen took a deep breath and stopped talking.

Song Que's Heavenly Sword Slash not only hurt his soul, but also broke his state of mind.

Irritability and irritability, which cannot be recovered in a short time.

"There is still too little information, and there are too many mistakes. It's better to hide it first and inquire about the news."

After the pharmacist was silent for a moment, he said in an astringent voice: "If you don't have the strength to crush, you have to look at the Great Sui in this world, what hostile forces are there, and take advantage of the situation to complete the main mission."


Amidst the howling of the wind, the three looked gloomy and walked on the wind.

"It really doesn't work, so I can only apply for assistance."

The pharmacist thought in his heart, but did not say it.

The main temple is a huge force that spans many time and space. It aims to harvest the source power, and there is no tricking people's hearts for fun.

There is no mortal task in the main temple, even if the changes in this world are too great and the situation is really bad, they are not without a chance of winning.

That is to apply for stronger squad assistance and crush the world into **** with absolute violence.

However, that price is too huge. Once you apply for aid, all the gains from the three worlds must be handed over to that team.

Therefore, the pharmacist never said it. After all, although it was difficult at this time, the two swordsmen would definitely not agree to apply for assistance at this time.

That means that including this world, the four worlds will not have any source power harvest.

For the plane team of the main temple, it is almost the same as death.

"That's all, let's get rid of the natives behind me first."

A trace of killing intent flashed across the swordsman's eyes, and then he forcibly suppressed it.

"Let's go!"

The pharmacist swung his palm, and a thick green smoke rose from his, covering a large forest.

Chi Chi Chi!

The green smoke spreads with the wind, covering a few miles in a short period of time.

Within the green smoke, countless flowers and trees withered, and all the birds and beasts turned into a pool of yellow water.

Toxic, evident.

"Very poisonous!"

Hunting towards Yutian's black robe, he stepped forward, and saw the poisonous mist filling the air, and countless plants, insects and beasts turned into poisonous water.


Shi Zhixuan's blue shirt swayed, catching up, seeing this scene, frowning: "The methods of these extraterrestrial demons are vicious, if they wander around the world, the world is afraid that there will be corpses everywhere!"

"Humph! It's too naive to want to block us with some poisonous fog."

Xiang Yutian's expression did not change, his sleeves and robes moved, pulling up the sky and stepping into the poisonous mist.

"Extraterritorial Demon!"

Shi Zhixuan raised his head and looked up at the sky, with a thousand thoughts in his heart.

Immediately, a little under his feet, he walked away.

The most evil king, the evil emperor, what is a mere amount of poisonous fog?

If the three of them really got away, it would be a big shame.


Songjiabao, a small courtyard somewhere.


Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged in the middle of the courtyard, his body shaking violently.

In the bone friction like thunder and tiger roar, strands of golden blood with corruption rose from him.

Even if he hadn't exploded his magical powers with all his strength, with his current body, he couldn't bear the oppression of a sudden explosion of dozens of times of power.


Gu Shaoshang's face was calm, and he slowly adjusted his injury, thinking a lot in his heart.

Main Temple, Plane Squad, Yuanli, Hulk, Tathagata Palm......

All kinds of thoughts flowed in my heart.

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