Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 289: decisive battle


The morning wind blew, rolling up the leaves.

"There is no way anyone in this mission world can destroy a hundred miles with one blow. It is definitely the handwriting of the Lord God."

The pharmacist looked at the huge Tiankeng, and his face couldn't help twitching.

Destroying a hundred miles of land with one blow, even they couldn't help but tremble.

This is already the power of the five-star level in the main temple, they are only three-star level, and they are really shocked when they see it.

"Even if the black-robed master could fly in the air, it would never be intact if he was caught off guard."

Guizhen's voice is hoarse, and his eyes light up slightly.

In the previous fight with Xiang Yutian, the suffocating energy has been reduced a lot, and it has suppressed the backlash of the Seven Great Limits.

"Not bad! It's a great opportunity!"

The swordsman's cold eyes lit up, and the ancient sword on his back trembled: "Next, it's up to you, pharmacist."

Although there is an application for assistance bestowed by the Lord God, who would want to share it with others if it can be swallowed alone.

"Okay, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

The pharmacist couldn't help but grinned and said, "If this task is completed this time, one million source power will be enough for the three of us to break through the bottleneck and move to four stars!"


His heart was agitated, his footsteps moved forward, and the green armor vibrated and hummed.


The next moment, billowing golden insects swarmed out from his cuffs.

Countless Gu worms swarmed the sky, covering the sky like a huge golden cloud.

The dense chirping of insects resounded in all directions, making one feel chilling.

"Go! Find the man."

A green light flashed in the pharmacist's eyes.


The next moment, the overwhelming cloud of insects suddenly dispersed, turning into a stream of insects swarming in all directions.

"Pharmacist, your mutated Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu, no matter how many times you've seen it, it's still chilling."

Guizhen heard that the pharmacist had raised so many Gu worms on his body, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Ha ha!"

The pharmacist watched the stream of insects scattered, and disappeared in the sky in an instant.

"Unfortunately, compared to the Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu in Shu Mountain, which is enough to devour four-star masters, it is still a step behind."

The pharmacist smiled lightly, glanced at the two swordsmen, and said, "Afterwards, if you encounter that black-robed master, you must do your best. If you lose, I will apply for assistance."

"Even if the harvest is greatly reduced, it is better than losing a small life."

The two swordsmen looked at each other and nodded: "Naturally, we must do our best."

With five or six teams in the mix, who can't have the trick of pressing the bottom of the box.

Guizhen had fought against Song Que before, if it wasn't for the contempt in his heart, and even the ultimate trick was useless under the care, where would he be beheaded by Song Que.

In the same way, the burly giant naturally has a way to destroy his own reason and fully activate the Hulk, but he did not expect that Gu Shaoshang would be so decisive.


The sky was bright, and a few rays of sunlight filtered through the jungle and sprinkled on Yuwen Tuo.

Click! Click!

Yuwen Tuo stood up and stretched his muscles.

After a night of recuperation, he also regained some vitality, and the paleness on his face faded a little.

At this time, Kou Zhong came forward with two roast chickens: "Master, let's have something to eat."

"Thank you."

Yuwen Tuo smiled, not afraid of being greasy, he took it and swallowed a few mouthfuls.

"Master, when will he recover?"

Kou Zhong held the roast chicken in his hand with a worried look on his face.

He looked up and saw Gu Shaoshang's scales and armor were torn, and the exposed skin all over his body was even more red and purple.

A wisp of blue smoke curled up several meters high from his body and swayed endlessly with the wind.

"Mr. Gu, his injury is too serious, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to improve in a short time."

Yu Wentuo glanced at Gu Shaoshang, who was sitting cross-legged, and shook his head slightly.

When he came to Songjiabao, Gu Shaoshang was already seriously injured, and then he was hit by the aftermath, which made him even more injured.

Even though he himself had taken three Tianxiang cardamom, the injury at this time was still not healed.


At this moment, a wind whistled suddenly.

"Gu boy!"

Walking towards Yutian and Shi Zhixuan, seeing Gu Shaoshang sitting cross-legged with a sallow complexion, he couldn't help frowning.

"Is there really such a master among the extraterrestrial demons? Even Mr. Gu was injured?"

Shi Zhixuan was a little surprised.

"It's a long story, how are you recovering from your injury?"

Yuwen Tuo looked gloomy and shook his head.

"Okay, six or seven points."

Shi Zhixuan's face returned to calm, and he said lightly, "Next time I meet again, I will definitely not suffer this kind of loss."

Shi Zhixuan's eyes flickered with a faint cold light, murderous aura.

With his martial arts cultivation, if he hadn't seen Feijian before and was surrounded by him in the sword formation, even if he was inferior to a swordsman, he would never have been so seriously injured.




Suddenly, several eagle cries sounded, startling the sky to stop the clouds, and piercing the eardrums.


Everyone looked up and saw a golden line flashing across the sky, and the scorching airflow whistled in an instant.

When I got close, I saw a pure golden giant eagle with five feet of wings outstretched.

The giant eagle looked forward to being arrogant, powerful and domineering, swooping down from the sky, spreading its wings and setting off a hurricane.


Countless dust was scattered, and the surrounding trees were rattled by the airflow, and even slightly thinner trees snapped with a "click".


The brilliance of humanity flashed in his angry golden eyes, and he looked down in the air above Gu Shaoshang's head.


Suddenly, his body shrank, turned into a young bird about a foot long, and fell to the ground, looking at Gu Shao and crying uncontrollably.


Apart from Xiang Yutian and Yu Wentuo, Shi Zhixuan and Kou Zhong had never seen such a strange beast.

When in the air, it spreads its wings five feet, and after landing, it can turn into a bird that is no more than a foot.

"What a strange bird."

Kou Zhong's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but exclaim: "Domineering and contemptuous, he is indeed an eagle raised by the master."

Shi Zhixuan was also very interested and took a closer look.

I saw the eagle, the whole body of golden phosphorus feathers shone with the color of gold and iron, and the golden eyes flashed with sadness.

"Really extraordinary!"

Shi Zhixuan was amazed.


"Ah! What is this?!"

"A lot of bugs!"

At this time, only a shrill scream came out.


Xiang Yutian snorted coldly, unfolded his sleeves, and whistled towards the forest.

"Could it be that the extraterrestrial demons are here?"

Yuwen Tuo's face suddenly sank, his palm moved down, and he held the Xuanyuan sword: "Be careful with the strategy of turning the tiger away from the mountain."

Kou Zhong heard the words, his feet suddenly stopped, and his footsteps flickered, one after the other with Yu Wentuo, and surrounded Gu Shaoshang.

Tweet! Tweet!

Anger fluttered its wings and landed in front of Gu Shaoshang's body, with golden eagle eyes scanning the four directions.

"Master, this eagle, really."

Kou Zhong's eyes were cold, and he forcibly resisted the thought of stepping forward to touch, and he was amazed.

This kind of spirituality is no longer comparable to others, and it is simply perfect.



Suddenly, there were bursts of air explosions outside the woods, and the grass and trees blown by the rolling air were crawling on the ground.


After a while, Xiang Yutian returned with an ugly expression.

"This place has already been discovered, maybe the three extraterritorial demons are coming."

Xiang Yutian stretched out his five fingers, and a wasp-like, but even more sinister Gu worm lay in Xiang Yutian's palm: "This thing has a hard body, it can break true qi, and it is extremely poisonous. will kill."

"Xiong Kuohai was bitten by his carelessness. If I hadn't rushed to cut off his arm in time, I'm afraid he would have died."

Speaking to Yutian, he smashed the Gu worms into pieces: "Next, right here, completely solve them!"


At this time, Xiong Kuohai, who was pale and had his left arm broken, and Xu Ziling Hou Xibai and others walked over with solemn expressions.

"Mr. Xiang, was my junior brother really killed by this group of demons?"

At the end of the crowd, a middle-aged Taoist who seemed to be in his thirties or forties walked over.

The Taoist priest was dressed in a black and white Taoist robe, wearing a Taoist crown, and his face was ordinary.

Behind him, Li Yuanba with a cold and ruthless face lifted his double hammer and walked on foot.

"Yes, Ning Daoqi was indeed killed by his swordsman, and there are no bones left."

Xiang Yutian nodded and said lightly, "If you want to avenge your junior brother, you will have a chance right now."

"Pity my Junior Brother Ning."

Taoist Ziyang lowered his eyes and swung the whisk in his hand.


"Huh? Found it!"

On the edge of the huge Tiankeng, the pharmacist's eyes suddenly lit up.


With a ferocious look on the pharmacist's face, he stepped towards the jungle where Gu Shaoshang was hoo!

Guizhen and the swordsman looked at each other and followed.

Although the hearts of the three are urgent, they are wary of cheating, and the journey is not fast.

"The man in black robe is in the forest here!"

After more than half an hour, the pharmacist stopped and pointed to the jungle a hundred meters away.

"Will there be an ambush?"

The swordsman's eyes narrowed slightly, and he always felt a little depressed in his heart.


A bloodthirsty light flashed in Guizhen's eyes, and he sneered: "Even if there is, so what? Do you turn around and go back?"


As he spoke, he raised the Tiger Soul Sword in his palm and walked on foot.

"Be careful!"

The Yin-Yang mirror in the palm of the pharmacist flipped endlessly, and suddenly walked on.


As he walked, golden Gu worms surging from all directions, like a golden armor, tightly wrapped him inside.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it."

The swordsman shook his head, and the ancient sword he was carrying burst into the air, shaking violently in the air.


The ancient sword trembled as one became two, two became four, and in the surging cold wave, it turned into a torrent of flying swords that covered the sky and the sun.


The swordsman's slightly narrowed eyes suddenly opened, and his fingers moved in the air.

In an instant, innumerable flying swords hummed, swooping down towards the mountains and forests a hundred meters away like a rolling wave from the sea.


shhhhh! shhhhh!

High in the sky, the explosively shot flying swords sent out countless screams that pierced the air, like thousands of powerful bows and arrows, and the sound was connected together.

But in a few breaths, countless flying sword torrents dragged the scorching airflow pulled up by the flying sword's anti-aircraft blast and shot into the forest where Gu Shaoshang and others were.

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