Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 292: prefer not to kill

Red and white things scattered.

Gu Shaoshang's face was indifferent, his fists and palms changed, flipping and throwing, Yaoshi's headless corpse floated like straw, flying more than ten meters away.

In an instant, the scene changed, and the pharmacist was shattered, thrown up, and died.

The field was suddenly quiet, and no one expected such a big turnaround.

Yuwentuo frowned. He knew best how serious Gu Shaoshang's injury was. In his opinion, there was almost no possibility of recovery.

But I didn't expect it to recover so quickly!

He naturally didn't know that after Gu Shaoshang noticed that the Lord God might have made a move, he reluctantly aroused the Qi of Creation and repaired the physical wound.

After consuming nearly three or four years of heritage, Gu Shaoshang has already recovered from his injuries.

After that, because of the warning signs in the dark, he never showed it, but turned into a fake body with the technique of three transformations of one person, and the real body was hidden in the dark.

With Gu Shaoshang's martial arts cultivation base, it is too easy to create a seriously injured avatar to hide from everyone's sight.

Sure enough, including the three pharmacists, no one found out.

After that, after the pharmacist activated the Yin-Yang mirror, it suddenly exploded.

Gu Shaoshang's eyes were indifferent, he swept across the audience, and finally fell on the swordsman and Guizhen.

The plane team of the main temple really can't take it lightly. That weird mirror gave Gu Shaoshang a very dangerous feeling.

If it is exposed, even he is not sure that he will survive.


With a soft cry of anger, it suddenly became smaller and landed on Gu Shaoshang's shoulder, and the small head kept rubbing against his cheek.

"not good!!"

Under Gu Shaoshang's indifferent and mocking eyes, the hearts of Guizhen and the swordsman exploded, their hairs stood up, and they felt a sense of crisis.

"Hurry up!"

Guizhen glanced at the swordsman, shouted abruptly, raised the tiger soul sword horizontally, agitated the sky, and slashed at Gu Shaoshang with a roar.

His heart was bright, with Gu Shaoshang's strength to kill the captain with one punch, and with the two of them seriously injured, it was absolutely impossible to fight back.

Only desperately supporting Gu Shaoshang and letting the swordsman apply for the aid of the Lord God is the last chance!


The condensed and solid sword mang tiger roared and broke through the air.

The violent knife light reflected a dazzling brilliance, and while everyone was still sluggish, it was more than twenty feet in an instant.

"Want to go!"

After being sluggish for a short time, Xiang Yutian sneered.

In the burst of infuriating energy all over his body, he stepped and punched.

The iron fist that infuriated condensed agitated its billowing air and smashed towards the back of Guizhen.

"Quick, quick!"

Guizhen shouted at the swordsman.

The figure was unavoidable, and he gritted his teeth and punched Yutian, vomiting blood.

Instead, he used his strength to raise the Tiger Soul Sword, followed by the giant tiger with the sword glow, and slashed at Gu Shaoshang.

"It's not worth the sun!"

In the face of Guizhen's sword light giant tiger, Gu Shaoshang sneered, his arm shook, and his anger was thrown.

The body did not move, and the blood burst out, shaking the sky and the wind.


Gu Shaoshang pinched his five fingers, and the horizontally pressing fist marks suddenly exploded the giant sword-like tiger in the air!


The light of the sword scattered, and the sound of thunder rolled, tearing apart the air that was flying in the sky.

Immediately, Gu Shaoshang's feet exploded, the ground rippled like water waves, and countless stones, dust, and dead grass were pushed out.

The earth trembled violently, and billowing smoke rose from the ground, covering the sky.

Returning to the heart, jumping wildly, and stepping on it with one foot, causing the earth to shake violently, what a powerful body and control it requires!

In the midst of Guizhen's sudden change of color, Gu Shaoshang took a step forward, pressed one hand on his waist, raised his arm high, and made a continuous note!

It seemed that a series of thunder sounds exploded from the ground, and the air swelled and made an overwhelmed wailing sound.


The white fist prints slashed in the air, visible to the naked eye, the space was like a mirror, and there were small and terrifying gaps.

"Such a punch!"

Returning to my heart, I finally felt the terrifying, overwhelming power.

The furious air blew his face as if his entire face fell off, a frenzied look flashed across his eyes, and his whole body vibrated with sword energy.

Without dodging, without evading, flatly stabbed Gu Shaoshang in the chest!

"I'm going to die! You're going to die too!"

Guizhen's face was full of sly smiles, with his physique of an immortal cat demon, it was simply too cost-effective to trade life for life!

The Tiger Soul Saber is four feet long, which is naturally longer than Gu Shaoshang's arm. The fist mark has not yet been pressed, and Guizhen Ping's stab has already stabbed Gu Shaoshang in the chest!

when! !

A sound like the ringing of a bronze bell sounded, and a huge humming sound echoed in everyone.

Guizhen's ferocious complexion suddenly froze, and he felt numbness in his palms, as if the tiger soul knife had stabbed an iron mountain.

The tiger's mouth is cracked, and the arm is numb!


He was drenched in cold sweat, and a cry of despair came out of his heart.

It is unbelievable that with the sharpness of the tiger's soul in the palm of his hand, he can't pierce his flesh.


A smile of unknown meaning flashed across Gu Shaoshang's face, and the phantom of the golden bell shrouded on his body disappeared at once!

Immediately, punch down!

This time, Guizhen no longer had the chance to resist, and only had time to turn his head away.

He was punched by Gu Shaoshang on the shoulder!


Guizhen only felt as if it had turned into a 10,000-foot-high mountain and was smashed down. A steel tooth was shattered, and his eyes suddenly jumped out of his eye sockets due to the impact of the violent blood!


The huge air waves were surging vertically and horizontally, and the sound of the rolling sound resounded in one piece.

Countless earth is like a curtain pulling up dozens of feet high!

After Gu Shaoshang punched him, he didn't look at Guizhen again.


He stepped on the air under his feet, and hula-la pulled up a wave of scorching air, blasting the swordsman with a terrifying face several dozen meters away!


Guizhen's figure remained motionless, in the sound of a burst of bursting cannons.

A large stream of blood carried internal organs and bone fragments, and shot in all directions.

In the dull eyes of everyone, the three powerhouses such as Yuwentuo and Yuwentuo fought alone before.

The arrogant swordsman turned into pieces of flesh and blood in Gu Shaoshang's hands in just a few breaths.


The sound waves exploded, and the air waves rolled in. Gu Shaoshang stepped out more than 40 feet in one step, and his arm was straight, like a big gun, straight at the swordsman.

"Apply! Apply! Quick! Quick, quick!"

The swordsman looked terrified, never expecting Guizhen to be beaten to pieces in just a few breaths.


His body trembled slightly, and the blue shirt was torn apart by Gu Shaoshang's fist style.


The swordsman roared in the sky, and a white light pulled up a portal in mid-air.


The surrounding space vibrated with layers of ripples like water waves, and the portal trembled slightly and slowly opened!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

With a frantic smile on the old face, the swordsman looked at Gu Shaoshang with resentment: "You too die together!"


Gu Shaoshang looked indifferent, strode forward, and punched the swordsman across the chest by a dozen meters.

Still in mid-air, a large mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth one after another, and there was a sound of tendons snapping and bones bursting all over his body.

Hula la fell to the ground.

"what is this?"

Gu Shaoshang's brows twitched, feeling that there was a faint feeling in the portal that made his heart palpitate.


The illusory door suddenly solidified, and suddenly opened.

"Fuck you! Lao Tzu is in a decisive battle with Changmei in the world of Shushan, and you actually asked Lao Tzu for help!"

"It's really hot!"


With the sound of murderous aura, a solid fist print suddenly burst out from the door.


At the moment after the fist mark flew out, the door suddenly shattered and dissipated into the sky.


The fist print whistled in the air and condensed into a figure.

"Fist Intent materializes! Can you evolve into an incarnation?"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes narrowed slightly.

It was an Ang Zang man who was more than eight feet tall, wearing a cyan suit, his face was like gold and iron, and there was not a single hair.

Standing in mid-air at this time, it is like a mountain suppressing the void, and its power is amazing.

"Huh? It's just a Samsung world?"

The bald man frowned, and couldn't help but cursed at the **** of the ghost squad in his heart, and the Lord God made a fuss.

For such a trivial three-star world, he was forcibly notified when he blocked any contact with the main **** space and singled out his long eyebrows.

Almost let him die under the long eyebrows of the purple and green double swords.

"Are you from the Ghost Squad?"

The bald man looked around, glanced at Gu Shaoshang, and said lightly, "Tell me, how are you going to compensate this uncle?"

He stood in the air with his arms folded.

Gu Shaoshang's eyes twitched slightly, looking at the bald man in the air, and said lightly: "I'm sorry, the ghost team you mentioned is there."


The bald man turned his head and glanced at the minced meat on the ground, his face suddenly gloomy: "Damn, you can't even hold a breath!"

"Huh? He's actually a master!"

After the bald man got angry, he leaned over to look at Gu Shaoshang, and said slightly: "No wonder I came here in an incarnation, and I am extremely dissatisfied!"

He leaned over to look at Gu Shaoshang, and his thoughts were rolling in his mind.

You know, applying for aid has never been compelled by the Lord God.

"He? Or it?"

Gu Shao turned his head sadly, his eyes dignified.

Although this bald man is just a fist incarnation, in Gu Shaoshang's spiritual sense, he is much stronger than the previous captain of the ghost team.

However, Gu Shaoshang was not afraid, raised his head slightly, and said lightly: "A fist incarnation is really nothing!"

Gu Shaoshang's indifferent voice floated in the air, and the golden blood around his body mixed with the vast fist intent rose into the sky.

The fist is mighty, and the qi and blood are so strong!

"Interesting, interesting!"

The bald man smiled, thinking about something in his mind.

Looking at Gu Shaoshang's eyes, an inexplicable smile flashed: "Whoever wants to kill, I will not kill this time!"

"I really feel happy just thinking about it!"

"Haha! Hahaha!"

The bald-headed man moved, and when the air turned into a fist, he rushed towards Gu Shaoshang:

"Boy, it's cheaper for you!"


Gu Shaoshang raised his bowed, stepped, and punched.

The mighty fist intent was covered with golden blood energy, and slammed into the torrent of fist intent from the bald man.


The torrent of fist intent suddenly shattered.

Gu Shaoshang frowned, only to feel that the place where the fist mark was empty was empty, and there was no force at all.


Immediately, like a thunderbolt suddenly exploded in my mind!

In a trance, it seems to see a wheel that contains life and death and controls the heavens.

It disappeared in an instant.

"Huh? Could it be that there are plane teams that secretly oppose him in the main temple?"

Gu Shao's thoughts flashed in his heart.

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