Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 297: demon clan

The ground trembled violently, and a rolling cold current swept through the snow.

Later, in the darkness of the night, the snow accumulated on the Daxue Mountain for many years turned into a snow wave with a height of dozens of feet.

Huge waves wrapped in rocks and snow, overwhelming the sky and surging wildly!


Big Avalanche!

"not good!"

Gu Shaoshang and the old monk looked at each other, and immediately burst into the air, rushing towards the Hanging Temple with a roar.

Xue Beng is naturally nothing to the two of them, but with their eyesight, they can naturally see a group of monks coming from inside and outside.

Kun Wu, who had tracked down the pilfering scriptures before, almost all the experts from the Qi Zong and above in the Xuankong Temple were dispatched. Except for a few Qi Zongs, most of them were only in the realm of life!

In this huge avalanche like a landslide, nine out of ten is death!


Gu Shaoshang and the two approached in an instant, blocking the front of the monk.

Like a giant ice and snow dragon, the invincible and unstoppable snow waves have already swept in, banging down head-on!

Gan Gang didn't care about scolding the little monks, and he took a step forward abruptly.


Stepping out one step, the golden light on Gan Gang's body shines brightly, and the huge golden bell phantom suddenly appears!

In the rolling infuriating turbulence, the golden bell became more and more solid, and the patterns on it could be clearly seen!

Gu Shao was shocked in sadness, this is the fact that he has already trained the golden bell to a great extent, and has become a supernatural power!


The huge golden bell suddenly overturned, protecting Gu Shaoshang and hundreds of monks in the bell body!

At the same time, the whole person turned upside down and stood on the top of the clock, with one palm pushing up, the other pressing down, and **** pointing to the ground.

Heaven and earth, I am the only one!

Immediately, snow waves as high as tens of hundreds of feet smashed down, carrying hundreds of millions of tons of snow!






Huge snow waves slapped on the golden bell which had just condensed into substance, making a series of loud noises.

Inside the golden bell, there were even more roars, deafening.

If it weren't for the fact that all the monks had strong martial arts cultivation, even if they weren't shot to death by Xue Beng, they would have been shocked to death on the spot!


The giant bell trembled violently, standing like a stone in the endless snow waves.


Come fast, go fast.

About half an hour later, the golden bell made a final loud noise and disappeared into the night sky.


The Gan Gang monk's robe standing on the top of the bell danced and fell to the ground.

Looking around, all the little monks were lying on the ground dizzy, only Gu Shaoshang stood in the middle with his hands behind his back.

Gu Shaoshang frowned and looked at him, only to see that he was arrogant and arrogant at this time, and he turned into the thin old monk who was stalking the building again.

Obviously resisting this huge avalanche, he is not without a price.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Qian Gang put his hands together and sighed slightly.

With his concentrated strength, resisting such a huge avalanche would also consume a lot of vitality.

At this time, if you want to suppress the young man in front of you, if you are not careful, it will become a life-and-death fight.

Therefore, after Gan Gang sighed, the tattered monk robes rolled up the snow, or poured cold snow water to wake up a group of young monks.

Step towards the Hanging Temple.

"Old monk!"

Gu Shaoshang suddenly spoke.


Gan Gang stopped.

"It's okay to be idle, go down the mountain and find your "Buddha and My Unique Sutra" on the way, it's an even match!"

Gu Shaoshang raised his brows and said loudly.

This old monk's character is not bad. In Gu Shaoshang's spiritual sense, he never had any killing intent towards Gu Shaoshang from beginning to end.

And the third uncle took into account that he would stay in the Hanging Temple, so he naturally did not want to offend the Hanging Temple to death.

"Then, it's work."

Gan Gang's voice drifted lightly, and he walked slowly and quickly into the Hanging Temple.

Gu Shaoshang smiled and walked down the mountain amid the mourning of the monks.


Gan Gang stood on the edge of the cliff and looked out.

"Host! Can't you just let him go down the mountain like this?"

Behind Gan Gang, a middle-aged monk said with a frown.

With the background of Xuankong Temple, even if Gan Gang didn't make a move, it would be easy to take down Gu Shaoshang.

Gan Gang suddenly let Gu Shaoshang go, which made the middle-aged monk frown.

"Force to stay will turn into hatred. That young man seems to be indifferent, but in fact he is full of rebelliousness, and his martial arts cultivation is even more contemplative. He is already qualified to learn the golden bell of my temple."

Qian Gang's face was pale and his voice was calm: "How can the heritage of the Hanging Temple be easily used?"

If there is no consumption, he asks himself that he can still suppress Gu Shaoshang, but after the avalanche, his vitality has diminished, and if he wants to win him, he can only wake up the ancestors who retreated for breakthroughs.

But for the sake of Gu Shaoshang, awakening the ancestor who retreated was a bit of a loss.

He turned around and put his long eyebrows under his eyes, covering the light in his eyes: "This son, it's amazing."

Gao Jinyang, the leader of Yanwutang, Fu Sandao, Xuankong Temple, and Mu Qingliu of Taibai Sword Sect, are already the four most powerful young masters in the contemporary Dayan.

As the contemporary host of the Hanging Temple, Qian Gang naturally knew that even the most powerful Mu Qingliu of the four could only barely escape under the contemplative warriors when he first stepped into Qi Zong.

Like Gu Shaoshang, as soon as he was promoted to Qi Zong, his strength was comparable to that of a contemplative person, which was unheard of even before Gan Gang.

He naturally didn't know that Gu Shaoshang was promoted to the mid-Qizong stage, not the early stage of Qi Zong, with the savings of the Tang Dynasty's fifty years.

Of course, Gu Shaoshang knew it well, and he never showed his acupoints.

After all, Qi Zong is different from Liming. If you want to get promoted, you can get through 36 acupoints. In the middle of promotion, it is even more shocking than Qi Zong defeating Ning Shen.


Along the way, it is full of scars after the avalanche.

Going down to the mid-level of Tianjian Mountain, large tracts of woods were washed away by snow.

All the way to the foot of the mountain, it was covered in white, and the rolling rocks swept everything.

The night has not faded, and the dawn is the darkest time.

Gu Shaoshang retrieved the Jiaoma and rode astride it.


Immediately, golden light flashed in the sky, and its wings were more than two feet long, but it was still the anger of a young bird, shrinking its size and falling on Gu Shaoshang's shoulder.

"Ha ha!"

Gu Shaoshang stroked the angry Phosphorus feathers with his hands, and hurried the horse forward with a slight smile.

His father's injury has recovered, and there are many resources left by himself. It is not a problem to cultivate to the point of life.

Considering staying in the Hanging Temple, perhaps the concentration may not be successful, but Qi Zong's grasp has been greatly enhanced.

The two people who are most closely related to him are arranged properly, and Gu Shaoshang has no worries.

As long as you find the "Buddha and My Unique Sutra" in Xuankong Temple, you can explore this vast and boundless continent.


Tianjian City, backed by Tianjian Mountain, is a heavy city, and people can't go down to Jinyanfu City.

Gu Shaoshang led the Jiao Ma all the way through the white stone-paved street and settled at an inn.

After handing the Jiaoma to the man, Gu Shaoshang walked into the lobby.

At this time, the sun had just risen, and there were only a few men dressed as merchants in the inn talking and eating.


Gu Shaoshang glanced around and walked to the counter.

The shopkeeper is a middle-aged man with a pot belly. At this time, he is dialing the abacus in his hand and is bored.

"This young hero, do you want to hit the tip or stay in the store?"

The fat shopkeeper looked at Gu Shaoshang with a smile on his face full of fat.

Gu Shaoshang was dressed in a brand-new black robe, his face was like a crown of jade, his bearing was solemn, and there was a handsome golden eagle on his shoulders.

At first glance, it is not a simple role, and the fat shopkeeper will naturally not be neglected.

"Neither sharp, nor shop."

Gu Shaoshang took out Yanwutang's waist card, flicked it in front of his eyes, and said lightly.


The smile on the fat shopkeeper's face stopped for a while, and then he said with a smile on his face: "It turned out that it was a "relative" who came."

Immediately, he walked out of the counter, greeted the guy to look at the store, and led Gu Shaoshang to the backyard.

The martial arts hall monitors the world, naturally it is not a joke, except that every state capital has a martial arts branch hall, and there are intelligence personnel stationed in various cities and towns.

And this unremarkable fat man is the head of the martial arts branch in Tianjian City, and he has established a mid-term cultivation base.


The door to the room closed.

"I don't know this brother, can you let me take a look at the waist card?"

Entering the room, the smile on Fatty's face faded a little, and he said.

"It's impossible."

Gu Shaoshang took out his waist badge and handed it over.

There are not many people in Dayan who dare to pretend to be Yanwutang, but there is nothing wrong with being careful.

The fat shopkeeper took Gu Shaoshang's waist card, took out his own, and touched it.


There was a flash of light on the waist card, and a white light curtain opened in front of him.

On it is the appearance of Gu Shaoshang.

"Offend, offend."

The fat shopkeeper handed the waist card to Gu Shaoshang and repeatedly accused him of the crime.

"As it should be."

Gu Shaoshang took back his waist card and put his hand into the nine cauldrons on his chest.

"I, Sun Jing, don't know if my brother is here, but what's the matter?"

The two exchanged a few words, and Sun Jing asked.

"A few days ago, I heard that the Xuankong Temple lost the Qiongtian-level town education secret book "Buddha and My Unique Sutra". I wonder if Brother Sun knows about this?"

Gu Shaoshang didn't give a **** and said straight to the point.

If you want to inquire and help Xuankong Temple retrieve the secret book, it is naturally impossible to aimlessly.

And this Sun Jing has been entrenched here for many years and has many eyes and ears, so it is naturally the best choice.


Sun Jing was slightly Gu Shaoshang naturally knew what he meant, smiled slightly, took out a bag of purple gold coins from his chest, and threw it on the table with a clatter.

The maintenance of Yanwutang's intelligence costs a lot, and it is naturally impossible for the intelligence to be free.

"Ha ha."

With a move of his ears, Sun Jing already heard that there were at least a dozen purple gold coins in it, he laughed loudly, and put the purse into his chest.

One is enough to buy ten robust large buffaloes, enough for a family of five to live for two years, and more than a dozen pieces of information are naturally more than enough.

The attitude was a little closer, and he said with a smile: "Old brother naturally knows about this matter, but I advise my brother, it is best not to interfere, the involvement is really not small."


Shao Gu was heartbroken and motioned for Sun Jing to continue.

Sun Jing glanced around subconsciously and said softly: "Brother, do you know that the overlord of my vast continent, the demon clan?"

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