Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 299: Big week visitor


Airflow fluctuates slightly.

In the darkness of the night, a white figure swept in from a distance, sometimes erratic, and sometimes looming.

Apparently he has a very clever body.

His speed was astonishingly fast, but there was no loud noise, only the airflow blew like a breeze.


Gu Shaoshang raised his eyebrows and looked.


The savage man who was cross-legged and silent opened his eyes and glanced at Gu Shaoshang in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the black-robed boy's spiritual sense was more sensitive than his own, and he couldn't help but feel a curiosity in his heart.


In the slight air flow, the figure swept over.


The figure let out a chuckle, swayed slightly, and came to the Ironwood Forest.

"In the middle of the night, there are actually so many masters entrenched here?"

The figure questioned and stopped.

Everyone looked at it intently, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

It was a handsome young man, wearing a white brocade robe, with long hair standing up in a crown, two tassels hanging down from his temples, and holding a plain white folding fan in his palm.

The young man's long black eyebrows slanted up into his temples, his deep eyes flashed with a strange brilliance, and under the bridge of his tall nose, the corners of his mouth were slightly outlined, with a smile that was not a smile.

Duan is a man of peerless beauty.

If people hadn't seen his Adam's apple, they would have thought he was a woman.


The night wind blew past, no one spoke, and even more faintly raised the heart of vigilance.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing that everyone didn't answer, the young man was not angry, smiled slightly, and walked towards Gu Shaoshang.


The young man took out a white gauze with a faint fragrance from his arms, spread it on the ground, and sat opposite Gu Shaoshang.

"The birds of Xiongtai are really beautiful."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a smile.

"you are beautiful too."

Gu Shaoshang replied calmly.

There was only one reason why everyone present ignored him, and even more faintly raised their guard.

This young man is a master, a master of concentration!


The young man was stunned and touched his nose in embarrassment.

Immediately, he glanced at Gu Shaoshang and said with a smile: "Sink Wuxia, the 66th generation descendant of the Shen family in Dazhou, don't know Xiongtai?"

Shen Wuxia murmured in his heart: "This person only has Qi Zong cultivation base, why does he feel stronger than this young master?"

He has a keen sense since he was a child, and can secretly detect a person's strength or weakness.

After he came to this place just now, he felt a faint threat, and upon closer inspection, it was actually from a boy who seemed to be younger than him.

"Big week!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned to look at the young man.

Da Zhou was another great human nation that was a million miles away from Dayan.

But there is still a big forbidden area between Da Zhou and Dayan. The four alien tribes, even if they are concentrating warriors, want to come over, it is not so simple.

Wait a minute, everyone has never seen anyone from Da Zhou.

"Gu Shaoshang."

Gu Shaoshang replied lightly, feeling that the smell of fat powder on this young man was too strong.

"Brother Gu, it's your courtesy!"

Shen Wuxia clasped his fists slightly, and said curiously, "I came here for the first time, and I don't know why you all gathered here for what?"

A warrior in the Qi Zong realm, even in Da Zhou, who is full of concentration, is considered to be a master on the top side.

Gathering here late at night naturally aroused his curiosity.

"Wait someone."

Gu Shao cherishes words like gold.

"Cough cough!"

Shen Wuxia coughed lightly, and said in a low voice, "Could it be that you are doing some tricks to cut the diameter and kill people?"

Although his voice was soft, but the people present were all experts, so there was no reason why he couldn't hear it.

At the moment, he frowned secretly in his heart, wondering how this master of concentration from the Great Zhou Dynasty could be so virtuous.

Dressed in fancy flowers, she looks like a woman, and her speech is far from limitless.

As a member of the public, no matter where he is, he will definitely not be able to go to the point of cutting the path.

If it wasn't for the fear of his cultivation, someone would have come forward to ask questions.


Gu Shaoshang replied with an indifferent expression.

A light flickered in his eyes: "It is indeed the act of cutting the path to kill."

Everyone was waiting here, waiting for Kun Wu, who stole the scriptures, to kill people and **** secrets.

Although the words are ugly, the meaning is not much different.

"Brother is generous."

Shen Wuxia was stunned for a moment and exclaimed.

His eyes swept across the other people present, revealing a disdainful smile, and secretly said in his heart: "The cultivation base is low, and it looks ugly, it's really a death sentence, a death sentence."

With his spiritual sense, he can naturally feel the unwholesome thoughts hidden in the hearts of other people.

Immediately, he was not interested in seeing Gu Shaoshang, and immediately closed his eyes.

Previously in Da Zhou, because he "wrongly entered" the back house of Wang Fulong, one of the top ten god-level masters in Da Zhou, he was almost beaten to death by Wang Fulong.

In a hurry, he took out an ancestral world-breaking talisman, and no one thought that it was directly sent to Dayan, a million miles away.

The power of sea consciousness was almost exhausted, and it took more than ten days to recover less than half.


The night fades, the golden sun rises, and the sun is shining.

In the wilderness without the slightest human beings.




In the sky where the sun was hanging high, a series of huge explosions resounded like thunderbolts.



In the sky, dozens of giant birds and beasts spread their wings and chirped loudly.

Vaguely visible, there are figures on the backs of birds and beasts, looking down.

On the ground, dozens of figures, carrying the billowing air current to blast the void, ran and hurried.

Every time they took a step, the ground would tremble, along with grass, gravel, and soil, roaring and splashing in all directions.



Countless hurricanes pulled up around the crowd, dusting the sky and covering the sun.

Directly in front of them, four "human" figures were running fast, but upon closer inspection, they didn't look like humans.

They have thick black hair all over their bodies, deep eyebrows, slender fangs, and limbs that are far longer than ordinary people.

From a distance, it looks like a human figure, but if you look closely, it looks like four gibbons!

The leader is even more tall than the other three of the same kind. The only difference is that he is more like a human being, and the hair around his body is also golden!

Monster Race!

The four of them are monsters!

Ten miles behind him were the six elders of the Hanging Temple, including Qian Yang, and dozens of mid- and late-stage Qi Zong disciples, including Kun.

The monks of the Hanging Temple had indifferent faces, and there was more urgency and killing intent in their eyes.

Under the mutual restraint of the great power of the demon race and the great power of the human race, many great monsters easily do not set foot on the human race. Similarly, if the human race masters enter the demon race territory in groups, it is also the way to die.

Once the four demons escaped into Daming Mountain, everyone could only watch the four people steal the scriptures and leave.

"Nie Barrier! Stop it for me!"

Qian Yang's long eyebrows twitched, and the billowing sound waves burst out like arrows. Through the sonic boom of the hurricane, it spread into the ears of the four ape monsters in front.

"Hahaha! Old bald donkey, one day, I will destroy the whole gate of your Hanging Temple!"

The golden-haired ape in front of him laughed loudly, and his shrill, ape-like sound wafted in the wind for several miles.

Let a group of monks in the Hanging Temple be on fire.

"What a shame! Die!"

An unnamed fire arose in Qian Yang's heart, and the golden light soaring all over his body ignited dozens of meters like a flame.

Immediately, he slammed his feet.


The sound of the sonic boom suddenly became ten times stronger, and the billowing waves of turbulent and scorching hot air were scattered in all directions.

The air was filled with the smell of charred air being roasted by the intense heat.

In the burning golden flame, Qian Yang's figure is one mile in one step, and the distance is shortened in a few steps!


In the roar of wanton killing intent, Gan Yang pushed out with a palm from several miles away.


The terrifying tyrannical power suddenly erupted, the heaven and the earth seemed to be all dark, the pale golden palm was shining brightly, and the brilliance of Hao Sun seemed to be covered by it, and the airflow within a radius of a hundred meters suddenly lifted the dust and soil all over the sky!

"His Royal Highness! This subordinate takes a step first!"

Suddenly, an ape behind the golden ape let out a shrill roar.

Suddenly stopped.

"do not want!"

A trace of reluctance flashed in the eyes of the golden ape demon.

Immediately, the steel teeth clenched tightly, his eyes were red, the speed skyrocketed again, and he fled away.

In the distance, I can already see an endless mountain line between the sky.

Daming Mountain is near.


A mournful ape cry sounded.

The ape demon suddenly raised its body and jumped dozens of feet, with tyrannical killing intent in its eyes.


The gray-white demonic energy condensed into a huge curtain, which suddenly pressed down as if covering the sky.

Welcome to Qian Yang's full-strength splitting palm force!


The gray-white demonic energy dissipated like a foam board in Qian Yang's huge palm.

The monkey monster's body, which was covered in fine steel, made a series of loud noises, and the blood all over his body dyed his hair red!


But he did not retreat half a step, instead he let out a mournful ape cry again.

The hair all over his body was immediately gray, and even his eyes turned gray.


Immediately, the ape demon suddenly rushed towards Qianyang in the powerful and domineering palm.

"Good monkey demon!"

Even if Qian Yang was full of anger, he had to admire that these monsters were not afraid of death.


However, he didn't keep his hand, instead he exerted force under his palm and smashed it with a palm.


Flesh and hair fluttered in the wind blowing in all directions.

It only took a few breaths to kill the monkey monster, but the monkey monsters in front had already escaped for several miles.

The reason why Kun Wu was able to escape before was also because of the delay of his dozens of Qi Zong-level monkey monsters who were not afraid of death.




At the moment the masters of Xuankong Temple are not reserved.

The six contemplative old monks, together with the fat monk Shang Kunxiang, whose eyes were burning with flames, suddenly burst out with all their strength!

The golden rays of light rose into the sky, dyeing the sky into a piece of red gold, and then, the figures of the seven people suddenly burst into the sky.


The tyrannical airflow tore the monk's robe, and the sonic boom scattered.

In an instant, he stepped out of a few miles and chased the three monkey demons.

Seeing that there are still dozens of miles to escape into the territory of the demon clan, then the demon soldiers sent by the violent ape king will follow him, and Kun Wu's heart is filled with excitement.


At this moment, they heard the sound of a sonic boom behind them, and the monks of the Xuankong Temple burst out and chased after them.

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