Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 308: original situation

The silver-white flying boat that the flying knife turned into is no more than three or four feet long and no more than ten feet high. It is very small and has a cabin above it.

Gu Shaoshang's eyes flickered, and there was such a big surprise before he set off. Gu Shaoshang felt more and more that he would gain a lot from this trip.

Not to mention the inheritance of the sacred, if you can fight against a group of Tianjiao, it is already a huge gain.


Shen Wuxia smiled, greeted the two of them, and stepped onto the flying boat.

Thoughts flashed through Gu Shao's sadness, his palms caressed a curious anger.

Thinking about the excuse to fight against Shen Wuxia on the way, he boarded the flying boat with Qiuye.

The space in the flying boat is very small, only a few feet of space, except for a few futons, there is nothing left.

After the three of them sat down, Shen Wuxia pressed the palm of his hand slightly, and the power of the sea of ​​​​consciousness was wrapped in the infuriating energy and infused into the spaceship.


The spaceship made a roar like a tremor of a long knife and rose into the sky.

The airflow rolled and moved, but was blocked by a layer of invisible air cover.

There was hardly any tremor, and the spaceship flew into the sky of thousands of meters in an instant, roaring to break the sound barrier, and blasted away.




Through the cabin of the flying boat, Gu Shaoshang could see that with the flight of the spaceship, the clouds and mists visible to the naked eye, like water waves, were squeezed by the spaceship.

The speed is so fast that it is even better than Gu Shaoshang's full power to use the sea of ​​consciousness.

"As expected, it is the treasure of the sky!"

Qiuye sat cross-legged on the futon, his face full of admiration: "If there is such a magic weapon, the vast continent is so big, where can't you go?"

He repeatedly praised, and only then did he know why Shen Wuxia was not in a hurry to hurry.

With such a terrifying magic weapon, no matter how long the distance is, it is nothing.

Compared with this flying knife, the giant bow that he has condensed for a hundred years is simply not worth mentioning.

"Really amazing!"

Gu Shaoshang nodded, looked at Shen Wuxia and said, "Presumably, you haven't pushed all your strength yet, have you?"

Gu Shaoshang could clearly see that although the sound barrier was broken at the moment of activation, the subsequent flight was only stable at a speed of about 2,000 miles per hour.

Although it is not slow, it is only average, and it is definitely not the full speed of this treasure of the sky.

"Not bad! With my cultivation, this speed can only last for three or four hours."

Shen Wuxia nodded slightly.

His flying knife is considered to be the first-class among the treasures of the sky. At this time, he is only in the initial stage of concentration, and it is already very terrifying to be able to mobilize to this level.

If he can have the peak of concentration at this time, the speed will increase by at least ten times!

That is the true power of this heavenly treasure!

"The prosperity of Da Zhou's martial arts is indeed far greater than that of Yan!"

Seeing this treasure of the sky, Gu Shaoshang felt the prosperity of the Great Zhou.

"Whether it is the territory or the development of martial arts, Da Zhou is indeed far more than Dayan."

Shen Wuxia pushed the flying boat with one hand, and said lightly: "On the face of Dayan, there are only a dozen or so concentration, but in Dazhou, there are many concentration, and there are even ten god-level powerhouses!"

"Da Zhou's top ten masters are not like Dayan, who can be called a god-level master with concentration."

Shen Wuxia started talking and started talking slowly.

Dazhou has a vast territory, and its population is far larger. There are many sects and aristocratic families, and experts emerge one after another.

Although Ning Shen is considered a master on the previous side, it is far from being able to dominate the other side.

The top ten god-level masters are even giants in the sky, and the top three are giants in the illusion world.

"That Wang Fulongtian was a prodigy. From the day he was born, he activated the Divine King Body, which was second only to the Holy Body. When he was young, he worshipped at the gate of Xuanlong City. In the middle of the year, the adventures came again and again, and I was promoted to the illusion world in one fell swoop!"

Speaking of this, the corner of Shen Wuxia's mouth twitched slightly. Before, he was curious and went to the back house of the palace. If he hadn't looked at the Shen family's face, and this treasure of the sky, he would have almost died by his hands.

When mentioning Wang Fulong at this time, it is inevitable to gnash his teeth: "Originally, after Wang Fulong returned to Da Zhou, there were no great people among the seventy-six children born to him."

"At most, it's just a concentrating mirror on which resources are piled up. Where do you think about it, where do you think about it!"

Shen Wuxia's sword eyebrows twitched again and again, and there was a hint of envy on his handsome face.

"Wang Yuanyuan?"

Gu Shao moved in sadness and blurted out.

Before, he had heard Kun Xiang mention that Wang Fulong, a god-level master of the Great Zhou Dynasty, appeared in one of his descendants and called Wang Yuanyuan.


Shen Wuxia took a deep breath and said: "Among the human races in the vast continent, the Holy Body and the Divine Body are respected, but there are not one in a hundred who can activate it. That Wang Xuanlong not only activated the top Divine Body among the Divine Bodies, but also his grandson. , to activate the Eucharist as soon as he was born!"

His heart was full of envy. He was a **** himself, but even under the infusion of the Shen family's huge resources, it had not been activated. He was really envious of this legendary physique.

Among the human race, the Holy Body that can be successfully activated is too rare, and Da Zhou has not seen it for thousands of years.

"Is it the same Holy Body as the legendary Xuanlong City Lord?"

Akiba's palm trembled slightly, shocked.

In Dayan, the gods that have been successfully activated are well-known, but there are only four people such as Kun and the Holy Body, which is simply unheard of.

"On the day of Wang Yuanyuan's birth, the purple energy came from the east, and in one fell swoop, the physique of the Holy Body was stimulated! That Wang Fulong was even more excited. While taking care of him, he notified his ancestor, the great supernatural power, the city lord of Xuanlong. !"

"The city lord of Xuanlong, who was rushed over after that, was kept under the door. He is the true pride of heaven, the dragon among men! Once he grows up, I am afraid that he will be another city lord of Xuanlong!"

Speaking of which, the envious look on Shen Wuxia's face disappeared and he regained his state of mind.

The Shen family he belonged to was quite different from the Wang family. Although he was considered a genius, compared to Wang Yuanyuan, who was only two years old, he was nothing like a cloud.

The gap is too big, and the feeling of envy and jealousy in his heart slowly faded away.

"It is indeed the pride of heaven!"

Gu Shaoshang nodded, but Shen Wuxia's loss and Qiu Ye's shock were not.

Although his physique is strong, the more important thing is to hone his own body. He has the opportunity like Zhu Tianjing, and naturally he will not think that he is inferior to a two or three-year-old child.

"Strange, why do I have a vague feeling in my heart when I mention this name?"

Compared with the Holy Body, Gu Shaoshang is more concerned about the fact that every time he mentions this person, his heart is faintly touched.

For a while, Shen Wuxia lost his interest in talking, Gu Shaoshang was silent, and Qiu Ye was even more immersed in shock.


Outside the silver-white spaceship, the air flow was turbulent.

Dragging the scorching white air, leaving a long trace in the sky that does not dissipate for a long time.


Because this treasure in the sky should be recognized as the owner of Shen Wuxia, Gu Shaoshang could not urge the flying boat.

After that, the three of them only traveled for three or four hours a day, and spent the rest of the time talking about martial arts and polishing their acupoints.

Gu Shaoshang learned a lot of martial arts knowledge beyond Dayan from Shen Wuxia, and Gu Shaoshang's solid foundation also shocked Shen Wuxia inexplicably.

Even the autumn leaves have benefited a lot.

In this way, the three of them stopped and went, and in a few months, they crossed hundreds of thousands of miles and came to the outside of Tianmo Prefecture.

Tianmo Prefecture is located a million miles northwest of Dayan. It is a vast sand sea covering an extremely vast area. Compared with the entire territory of Dayan, it is several times larger.

It is said that in ancient times, a great magician sat here, and under the aura, turned this huge territory into a sea of ​​sand.

In Tianmo Prefecture, the sun was shining brightly, and there was no obstacle, scorching the huge sand sea, and the hot air was slightly wrinkled.


Gu Shaoshang lightly tapped under his feet, and a huge sand wave of dozens of meters swayed on the sandy sea.


A red poisonous scorpion several feet in size sprang up from the sand sea, and its huge claws waved, tearing the air apart.


Gu Shaoshang flexed his fingers, and a slight concussive force popped out in the air, killing him.

After returning to the vast continent for more than half a year, Gu Shaoshang has made little progress in his cultivation, but the power of the shaking in his hand has become more and more mellow.

clap clap!

Shen Wuxia clapped his hands and sighed in admiration, "Brother Gu's boxing skills are really impressive, making Shen Mou amazed."

During several months of communication, Gu Shaoshang did not hide his secrets, and showed his boxing skills for Shen Wuxia to watch.

The chest diameter made Shen Wuxia and the two stunned, and naturally they understood how terrible Gu Shaoshang's boxing skills were.

Shen Wuxia knew even more clearly what kind of chest diameter, self-confidence, and courage a master of boxing meant when he dared to show the essence of his boxing skills.

This kind of momentum, even in the Great Zhou Dynasty, is unmatched by any of the heaven's favored people.

"Ha ha!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and the huge poisonous scorpion floated into the air.

Click! Click!

The red carapace, which had long been shattered by Gu Shaoshang's shock force, fell to the ground, leaking white scorpion flesh.

This kind of poisonous scorpion, called the fire poisonous scorpion, is a group of monsters unique to Tianmo Prefecture.

The temperament is extremely ferocious, and it feeds on the fire poison in the sky.

Its flesh contains strong Of course, for warriors above Qi Zong, it is extremely simple to force out the toxins in scorpion meat.


As Gu Shaoshang's palm swayed slightly, the white scorpion flesh that was several meters in size turned sallow, and traces of scarlet oil flowed in the sea of ​​sand.

The burning "chichi" sounded.

However, during the tea time, only less than half of the shriveled scorpion meat remained.

The three were enraged, and in a moment, they ate it cleanly.


Shen Wuxia raised his head and glanced at Haori in the sky, frowned and said: "Although I know that the inheritance of the sacred is in the Xuanxu Mountains in Tianmo Prefecture, but the Xuanxu Mountains can wander in the sand sea, and it is not the time for the inheritance to start. won't appear."


Gu Shaoshang suddenly felt a move in his heart.

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