Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 324: 9 states world

Gu Shaoshang flipped and tossed his palm, the bald white old man's huge body floated like straw, flew more than ten meters, and planted it into the huge fountain pool in front of the White House.


Water splash.

All the U.S. soldiers were stunned. They never thought that someone would dare to kill the vice president of the U.S. Empire before the White House.


"kill him!"

"The glory of the American Empire cannot be violated!"

For a time, the crowd was surging, and the huge sense of humiliation suppressed the fear brought by Gu Shaoshang.

The U.S. soldiers who were roaring wildly, shaking their guns wildly, spewing tongues of flame, shrouded Gu Shaoxing.

"Useless act!"

In the torrent of bullets, Gu Shaoshang raised one palm, a touch of golden light lit up, and the phantom of the golden bell slowly solidified, and under the torrent of bullets, it remained motionless.

In the golden bell, Gu Shaoshang bent his fingers and tapped lightly on the bell wall.


The golden bell suddenly made a loud noise, and the invisible sound wave exploded, violently expanding outward, compressing the surrounding air, forming layers of high-pressure air waves.


In the turbulent sound of the gas explosion, all the bullets refracted and shot their master to death with a roar.

The humming fighter jets in the sky shuddered violently, and they tumbled and fell in all directions.

He hesitated a little before and didn't dare to bombard the White House. At this time, there is no such opportunity.

boom! boom! boom!

With a flick of the finger, countless fighter jets all around fell like dumplings, bursting into countless large fireballs, blowing up the outside of the White House in a mess.

Gu Shaoshang looked at the raging sea of ​​flames, the corpses, and the blood-splattered ruins. With a slight smile, he walked slowly into the White House.

After deducing the "Golden Chapter of the Beginning", the foundation of enlightenment, Gu Shaoshang's understanding of supernatural powers is not limited to the limitations of supernatural powers.

Just like the golden bell, can't attack by defending supernatural powers? Even, in the gestation of his myriad laws, it will be turned into a magic weapon, and even a magic weapon, such as the bell without beginning, and even the bell of chaos, it is still unknown.

"Golden Chapter of the Beginning" is not only the foundation of Gu Shaoshang's enlightenment, but also the countless bizarre ideas in his mind, which are slowly realized in the countless magic tricks.

Outside the White House was a mess, and among the ruins, the remaining American soldiers screamed and groaned.

Several stern and serious white people looked at all this in shock and couldn't believe their eyes.

Even if I knew that the man was tyrannical beyond imagination, it was still shocking to myself.


In the shock of several people, a figure broke out of the sky, and the White House, which symbolized the hegemony of American imperialism, was crumbling, and finally, it collapsed.



In the turbulent turmoil, Gu Shaoshang moved to many continents of the US Empire, killed all the important US imperialists who knew about it, and destroyed several large military bases.

The obtained research materials were packaged and sent to Huaxia.

Immediately, this matter came to an end.

After this battle, all the senior leaders of the American Empire, as well as the helms of countless big financial groups who were behind the scenes, were all killed by Gu Shaoshang.

American imperialism fell into chaos, various parties fought for power, and countless clan consortiums intended to regain control of the parliament, and American imperialism inevitably declined.

In the end, it lost its aloof position to dominate the world.

Huaxia, who was restored to its source, caught up.

The world has entered a new chapter.

As for Gu Shaoshang, who escaped the nuclear explosion and destroyed the White House in World War I, it was also spread on the Internet, and the impact was huge and spread all over the world.

Regarding Gu Shaoshang, the last picture in the satellite is the young man riding a golden giant eagle and falling into the vast Kunlun Mountains.

After that, even though countless countries in the world were paying close attention to this young man, they could no longer find any trace of him.

So far, in the world, there is really a matter of immortals, which is fermented in the world from time to time. Every year, countless people go to Kunlun Mountains to find immortals and visit Taoism.

Until, one day, the world changed drastically, and something called the RR virus spread...  


The top of Kunlun Mountain is covered with snow, and even at noon in the hot summer, the temperature is still extremely cold.


The air flow fluctuated slightly, and Gu Shaoshang stepped up to the top of the mountain.

The anger shrank slightly, turned into a ball of golden light, and fell on his shoulders.

[The master of the mirror changes the world process in a subtle way, and obtains 50,000 source power points]

At this time, a message appeared in the mirrors of the heavens.

"Huh? It's only 50,000 points?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly, a little surprised.

He escaped the nuclear explosion of the US imperialists, and even destroyed the White House in World War I, showing strength beyond anyone in this world, yet he only got 50,000 power points?


As soon as he thought about it, he knew the sea and the waves, and his light brain trembled violently under the urging of divine consciousness.

In Gu Shaoshang's mind, the information about this world circulated, and thousands of threads went through it, and finally it turned into a message: There will be great changes in this world after that.

"There will be great changes in this world?"

He shook his head, thinking no more.

After all, the light brain is not the master of the future, and even the master of the future, in the absence of information, it is impossible to specifically predict the direction of the world.

What's more, Gu Shaoshang didn't think he would come to this modern world in the future.


He swept away his sleeves slightly, swept away the snow, and sat down with his knees crossed. Thinking slightly.

In the Jiuding world, the fetal membranes of the modern world and the Kyushu world are not so easy to cross.

If it wasn't for Jiuding to lead the way, Teng Qingshan would be the Lord of Impossible to pass through.

With Gu Shaoshang's strength at this time, although he can break through the void slightly, but if he wants to cross the void and accurately find the Kyushu world, he is not capable.

However, at this time, he has full control over the heavenly mirrors.

With the ability of the mirrors of the sky to cross the heavens and the world, the gap between the twin worlds is naturally nothing.

Although after coming to the Jiuding World, all the abilities of the Mirrors of the Heavens will be temporarily frozen, but it does not include the shuttle.

However, when the Mirror of the Heavens had not repaired Samsung before, this ability was also hidden by the former Mirror Master Ning Qiudao.

At this time, he alone held the All-Heaven Mirror to break all the backhands, and naturally he would not care about the barrier of the Kyushu world. However, the source power that he had just obtained could not be preserved.

"Fortunately, Qing Shan went first, otherwise, it would be very difficult to bring him along."

Thoughts turned in his mind.

The Heavenly Mirrors can carry all objects and even lives that are connected to Gu Shaoshang's soul, and it is extremely difficult to travel through things that do not have such a relationship.

Before, Gu Shaoshang planned to spend huge resources to train Teng Qingshan and wanted to take him with him.

However, the will of the world intervenes horizontally, which naturally saves Gu Shaoshang's power.

The purpose of the will of the world, Gu Shaoshang is unknown at this time, lacking the necessary information, even if the light brain is running at full speed, it cannot be deduced.


An angry cry uttered softly, breaking Gu Shaoshang's thinking.

He opened his eyes, glanced at the anger, smiled slightly, and understood what it meant.

Since the initial activation of the Golden Winged Dapeng's bloodline, and taking Lingya rice and other spiritual rice every day, the growth of anger has been extremely rapid.

In the past two decades in modern society, it has once again taken a step forward and became a two-star monster, exceeding the level limit of the golden-eyed eagle.

The thinness of aura in the modern world has made it unbearable.

Gu Shaoshang gently stroked his palm to soothe its emotions, and the Mirror of Heaven appeared in his hand.


The mirrors of the heavens came out of their hands, stirring up the sky, turning into a purple air current, passing through the air.

In an instant, a huge crack was drawn above the sky.


As the mirrors of the heavens trembled, they returned to Gu Shaoshang's body.

A layer of Yingying purple light wrapped Gu Shaoshang and anger, whistling, and plunged into the void crack.

Embark on the road to the world of Kyushu.


In the bizarre void, the torn storm did not blow.

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly, feeling a strange sensation, faintly aware of it, it seems that the will of the world sensed that someone was shattering the void.

However, with the level of the Mirror of the Heavens at this time, it is naturally impossible to discover the incomplete world will of a mere Jiuding.

That will searched around Gu Shaoshang for many times, but could not detect the existence of Gu Shaoshang, and finally left in despair.

"Huh? So it is."

After the will of the world receded, Gu Shaoshang suddenly realized.

After the will of the world appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, the light brain, which was violently oscillating and deducing, stopped.

There was a clear understanding in his mind, Gu Shaoshang didn't know what the will of the world was.

But he vaguely predicted that what this world will needs is probably the way of the "superpower" of the Kyushu world.

Perhaps it is used to complement his will, or more likely to be promoted to Samsung.


In the purple light, the source energy is consumed like water.

In an instant, Gu Shaoshang crossed the barrier of the world, the endless void barrier, and came to the world of Kyushu.


At this moment, some warning signs suddenly came from Gu Shao's sadness.

Before I could think about it, I passed through the barrier of the Kyushu world in an instant, and the purple light of the Mirror of the Heavens disappeared.


The sight suddenly lit up, surprisingly bright.

With Gu Shaoshang's physique at this time, the eyes are instantly white!


With a soft cry of anger, the wings flashing with metallic color suddenly opened, but involuntarily lost control, hovering in the void.

Lost direction.


Spiritual consciousness burst out with all his strength, holding up him and his anger, and instantly moved away from the huge flaming ball of light behind him.


Came across, actually came to the edge of the Kyushu world, out of the atmosphere!


The consciousness trembled, and Gu Shaoshang instantly retracted his anger into the Jiuding space.

Immediately, lost its direction, swaying and falling towards the remaining huge continent.

"The Mirrors of the Heavens have no artifact spirit, so they are indeed unreliable!"

Gu Shao's thoughts flashed in his heart, and his consciousness turned into a rainbow, seducing the attraction of the Kyushu world and pulling him away.

The Mirrors of the Heavens have no artifact, nor any will, but only one operating principle.

This is naturally good and bad. The good thing is that Gu Shaoshang doesn't need another will to point to him. The bad thing is that occasionally he will suffer a big loss because he does not know the situation.

Just like the previous teleportation, he was basically teleported to the appearance of the Son of Destiny, but this time, Gu Shaoshang was caught off guard and almost suffered a big loss.

This place is only a thousand miles away from the atmosphere of the Kyushu world. With Gu Shaoshang's strength at this time, it is more difficult and can still be reached.

If he were thrown on the moon, or even the sun, it would be a miserable one!

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