Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 334: Lightning strikes Gu Shaoshang

In the beginning was one, including everything in the world.

It could be qi, it could be divine consciousness, or it could be anything else.

Based on oneself, all kinds of supernatural powers are derived.

The root of the "Golden Chapter of the Beginning" cultivation is one, and the root is "self".

With every breath and every breath, you can carry it with you, and every move is a supernatural power.

This is the way of Gu Shaoshang's practice.

His rebuilding seems to be very complicated, but in fact, it has only changed a little from the previous one.

The foundation is still the martial arts of the vast world, but it is slightly different.

The opening of the acupoints, the evolution of concentration, the picture scroll of the sky, the practice of the illusion world, the five-layered heaven of the holy manifest... and so on, there is not much change.

It's just that he is not following the path of his predecessors, but his own path.


Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged in front of the jade bi, his whole body trembled slightly, the ubiquitous spiritual energy between heaven and earth slowly flowed into his body, flowed through blood, transported to the five internal organs, reached many acupoints, and scattered in the limbs and bones.

The thirty-six acupoints he opened trembled, communicating with the next acupuncture point, and the aura opened with a bang.

"Eighty-one acupoints, I still need twenty years."

The thoughts in his mind turned, enough to pinpoint the time of the breakthrough to every day.

With the opening of an acupuncture point, his physical body strengthened a little again, and the brilliance of the internal organs circulated, and the magical powers that were conceived sprouted slightly.

The liver belongs to wood, the heart belongs to fire, the spleen belongs to earth, the lung belongs to metal, and the kidney belongs to water. The five internal organs are one of the most important organs in the human body.

There is a door of God opened in the faint, and the supernatural power is conceived.

The liver is in charge of the vitality of the whole body for the Qing emperor, the heart is in charge of the blood and qi of the whole body for the red emperor, the lungs are in charge of the sharpness of the body for the white emperor, the kidney is in charge of the internal defense for the black emperor, and the spleen is the yellow emperor, the foundation of the whole body.

The five internal organs and the five elements are mutually generated and restrained, and each other is restrained by each other. In the circulation of the five colors, it is like the five emperors in the flesh, who control the movement of the whole body.

From joy, anger, worry, down to fur, muscles and bones, they are all under the jurisdiction of the Five Emperors.

Gu Shaoshang stared intently, faintly seeing the golden light flowing in his lungs, a small golden bell, and a small long knife, looming.

It was the two supernatural powers of "Golden Bell Jar" and "God Emperor's Fuji Sword" that he cultivated in his lungs.

As long as his mind moves, natural magical powers are activated.

The practice of Jinzhang in the very beginning will not conflict with any secret method. Spiritual consciousness, five internal organs, acupuncture points, and even countless small existences form the foundation of Gu Shaoshang.


Every moment, countless spiritual energy of heaven and earth was swallowed into Gu Shaoshang's body, and every part of his body was slowly getting stronger.

Under the control of the Five Emperors, he was orderly and formed a huge network of practice within his body. Even without his guidance, he practiced all the time and became stronger.

The initial stage of the "Golden Chapter of the Beginning" is only divided into three realms, the innocuous body, the immortal body, and the immortal body.

At this point, he was in the initial stage of stepping into the uninjured body.

Unless he was killed within a single blow, even if he was dismembered in an instant, with only one head left, he would recover in an instant, a state he called "no injury".

Of course, in the heavens and the world, there are countless strong people who can kill him at this time in one blow, but as he becomes stronger step by step, sooner or later, he will achieve a real immortal body, and even an immortal body. .


Gu Shaoshang trembled slightly, opened his eyes slowly, and looked at the sword intent in the four verses above the jade bi.


At first glance, the world seems to be different.

The sky and the earth are surrounded by countless seas of sword qi, all the time, it seems that sword qi slashes all over the body.

"Li Taibai's sword intent!"

Gu Shao's heart trembled slightly, and in the endless sea of ​​sword qi, a figure wearing a white robe with an indistinct face suddenly appeared.

He walked in the sea of ​​sword qi, and the endless sword qi retreated in front of him.

Gu Shaoshang recognized that that was where Li Taibai's sword intent resided.


The figure in white robe raised a finger and made a swipe in the air, followed by an endless sea of ​​sword energy, and under the guidance of sword intent, he chopped towards Gu Shaoshang.


Gu Shaoshang's will moved slightly, and a black-robed figure evolved, facing the long sword that slashed down, and walked on foot.

The fist of the vast Zhiyang rose up, like a mountain rising into the sky, welcoming the dazzling brilliance.



After a while, Gu Shaoshang looked away and let out a long breath.

"Li Taibai's sword intent is indeed worthy of the supreme power."

With a smile on his lips, he was in a good mood.

After that jade piece came into contact with his aura, a sword intent avatar of the hollow level turned into it, fighting against him in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Although the sword intent figure was the same as Gu Shaoshang's cultivation at this time, it was quite remarkable that he could hold three punches under Gu Shaoshang's fist mark.

After Gu Shaoshang polished the foundation, there is no doubt that the foundation has climbed to the two-star supreme level, and its combat power is comparable to the three-star limit. Compared with Qiongtian, it is only a line behind.

The sword intent left by Li Taibai must have been left behind when he broke through the void. After thousands of years, he could still receive three fist intents from him.

"Qing'er, eat."

He stood up and took out some seeds of Longya Rice from the nine tripods in his chest, as well as some spring water stoves and the like.

After a while, two bowls of white porridge were made.

"Thank you master, master is really nice."

Qing'er jumped over, cheered for a while, picked up the small white porcelain bowl, and sipped it.

Gu Shaoshang's batch of dragon tooth rice seeds, although only inferior, is much stronger than any food in Jiuding World.

Qing'er had only eaten it a few times before she was completely conquered by this delicious food.

Although there is no seasoning, the faint fragrance seems to penetrate the heart and lungs, which is extremely intoxicating.

The medicinal power of Longya Rice is mild, even an ordinary little girl like Qinger who has never practiced can eat a small bowl.

"Starting today, the master will teach you martial arts."

Gu Shaoshang looked at the steamy little **** her little face and smiled slightly.

Her muscles and bones were corrected by Gu Shaoshang, and she took Longya Rice again, which was the best time to practice.

"Yes, Master!"

Qing'er was a little excited when she heard the words.

Tantai Huazhang told her about the strength of her master once, and she was uneasy all the way, for fear that she would not be able to get into the master's eyes.

At this time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Gu Shaoshang with anticipation.

Be careful thinking about flying, do not know what kind of magic tricks the master will teach him.


When her mind was flying, Gu Shaoshang stuck out a finger and flicked his finger between her eyebrows: "Practice well."

Immediately, he closed his eyes again.


what happened?

The little girl was stunned for a moment, looking at Gu Shaoshang with her eyes closed, her heart was slightly clouded.


In an instant, a loud buzzing sounded in her mind, and a complete picture of practicing the exercises flashed in her mind.

Horse Steps...Standing...Fisting...Infuriating Cultivation...There are many, many of them, and they are very clear.

"Is that so?"

Her little head was dizzy, her mouth was wide open, and she looked at Gu Shaoshang who was sitting cross-legged in front of the stone wall in disbelief.

Isn't teaching apprentices hand-in-hand teaching and a little bit of correction?

Is the teaching done with just one finger?


She opened and closed her mouth, still silent, walked to the corner and watched it carefully.

She was shocked to find that the picture in her mind was tailor-made for her, and the person in the picture was actually herself!

Under the stone wall, Gu Shaoshang traced a smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, he naturally does not need to teach his apprentice hands-on teaching. With a slight calculation of his brain, he can tailor a set of cultivation paths that are most suitable for her according to her physique and other aspects.

Even with a single thought, when she does not have too many variables, it is enough to know the specific situation of her practice in her chest, when is the day after tomorrow, when is innate, when is the virtual realm... What is the highest potential and so on? Wait, Gu Shao knew all about it in his thoughts.

The night was dim, and the stars were all over the sky. In the early morning, Gu Shaoshang suddenly opened his eyes.

"The Will of the World?"

In his spiritual sense, a mighty atmosphere filled the world suddenly descended.

Immediately, the small blue-black cauldron that he held tightly in his hand turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared into the air.


The pale golden light in Gu Shaoshang's eyes flashed, and in an instant, one arm was raised, and the five fingers were stretched out, suddenly covering the entire cave space.


The gust of wind tore off countless air currents, and was crushed by Gu Shaoshang's palm!

In the turbulent air, a small tripod turned into a blue-black streamer and ejected from the channel and disappeared into the night sky.

"Want to run?"

Gu Shaoshang's body instantly disappeared in place, and an electric shot from the channel stepped into the night sky.


Thunder bursts in the night sky, and the air flow rises straight into the sky.

Gu Shaoshang's figure broke through the sound barrier, dragged the billowing airflow for dozens of miles, and held the Jiuding in his palm.

"Huh? This is?"

Gu Shaoshang's brows suddenly wrinkled, and he looked back at the sky.


I saw the will of the invisible matter in the sky and the earth condensed, and the dark clouds condensed in the night sky, turning into a thundercloud of about a mile in size and slowly pressing down, and the purple electric lights in the thundercloud danced endlessly among the black clouds like small snakes.

A sense of crisis rose in Gu Shaoxing's head, and the purple electric light gave him an extremely dangerous aura.

"very good!"

Gu Shaoshang's face twitched firmly grasped the small blue-black cauldron in his palm, and his figure swooped up, facing the thunderclouds in the sky.

"If you want to take it away, then come and get it!!"

Layers of ripples oscillated in the air, and Gu Shaoshang roared across dozens of miles in the sky, rushing into the condensing thunderclouds in the sky.


In the dark cloud, Gu Shaoshang's figure moved around, and countless fist marks erupted, tearing the thunder cloud apart.

A group of thunders exploded in the sky, and large swaths of thunderclouds shook and erupted, and countless purple electric lights rose in the sky, wandering around like countless small snakes.


A loud bang resounded through the sky!

The countless thunder snakes that shook and scattered in the sky suddenly condensed and turned into a huge purple thunder dragon.

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