Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 342: Dayu?

[The Mirror Master kills Qin Shiqi, a powerful player in the cave in the Jiuding World, and obtains 30,000 power points]

Gu Shaoshang's eyes shifted, and he let out a long breath.

Qin Shiqi is not much weaker than him, but in terms of the martial arts realm, although his kendo cultivation is not weak, it is still much worse than Gu Shaoshang's boxing attainments.

Therefore, once the power of the world is defeated, it will naturally be killed with one punch.


Ying Haitong took a step forward and supported Qin Shiqi's stiff body.

Qin Shiqi's eyes were slack, and brilliance scattered from his body. The power of the world in his body was already dissipated by Gu Shaoshang's punch.

For the Void Void Warrior, once the power of the world dissipates, it is naturally impossible to survive.


Gu Shaoshang moved and stepped forward to the two of them: "Are you from the Ying family?"

He recalled at this time that this Dongxu strongman named Qin Shiqi was a member of the Ying family.


Ying Haitong gritted his teeth and looked at Gu Shaoshang full of hatred: "It's my Ying family."

"You are not making a fortune in Kyushu, but you went to my gods to die, what is the reason?"

Gu Shaoshang raised his eyebrows and said.

His eyes were a little pity, Qin Shiqi's cultivation base is still good, but once the battle of life and death starts, Gu Shaoshang will naturally not be able to keep his hands.

It's a pity, but it's just a pity.

Ying Haitong hugged Qin Shiqi with her upper body naked, her face extremely bitter.

Never thought that out of Kyushu, he could meet such a Dongxu master who was comparable to the Northeast King Hongtian, and even his senior brother was not an opponent.

He looked at Gu Shaoshang, and the hatred in his heart was bitter, and he didn't even feel anxious: "The Emperor Xuantian of the Shinto Alliance ordered to expel all the eight major sects of Kyushu with masters of the virtual realm, and all the aristocratic families in Kyushu. I was waiting to come to Duanmu Continent, but I didn't expect to meet you...".

"Dugu Xingye?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly, doubting in his heart: "He is already a superpower, even if he dominates the world, he is only in a hurry, why should he expel these people from Kyushu?"

With a move in his heart, his light brain trembled slightly, and he kept pushing and calculating.

After a while, Gu Shaoshang waved his hand and said: "Let's go, Duanmu Continent, except for the East China Region, you can occupy it as much as you can, but those who come to my East China Region will be killed."

After all, he ignored Ying Haitong and the two behind him and walked towards the hall.

"This revenge, my Ying family must have someone to avenge it!"

Behind him, the voice of Ying Haitong's hatred resounded.

"That's up to you!"

Gu Shaoshang kept his feet and didn't care. Compared with the Ying family, he paid more attention to Dugu Xingye.

If the Ying family was willing to die, Gu Shaoshang would naturally accept it with a smile.

"What does he want to do?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned, faintly aware that Dugu Xingye's goal did not seem to be targeting these sects, but more like expelling the masters of the Kyushu virtual realm from the land of Kyushu.

"I see!"

The light's brain trembled, and Gu Shao suddenly felt sad: "He expelled a group of gatekeepers with virtual realms from Kyushu, but it was because only virtual realm masters, who understood the laws of heaven and earth, could repair the Kyushu continent!"

Before Gu Shaoshang walked to the main hall, he had already grasped the context of the matter.

The core of the Kyushu world is the continent of Kyushu. In ancient times, the continent of Kyushu was flooded again and again, and the continent of Duanmu was also plagued by natural disasters.

After Dayu repaired the water veins of Kyushu and suppressed the source of the nine major energy riots in Kyushu with a tripod, the Duanmu Continent has also been eliminated from natural disasters over the past 10,000 years, and the population has changed from hundreds of thousands tens of thousands of years ago to hundreds of millions today.

Presumably, all the powerhouses above the virtual realm above the Kyushu Continent realize the power of heaven and earth, and invisibly strengthen the power of the world will above the Kyushu Continent.

"Mr. Gu..."

Yunmeng God of War and others stood in front of the main hall, and when they saw Gu Shaoxing coming over, they couldn't help but look apprehensive.


Gu Shaoshang nodded lightly and stepped into the hall.


Kyushu mainland, Yangzhou, Tengjiazhuang under Dayan Mountain.

in a small room.


The airflow oscillated slightly, and a small figure moved around the room, practicing boxing.

Xingyi Twelve Forms, Xingyi Five Elements Boxing, Xingyi Three Poses, Taiji Hammer, Bagua Palm, and Bajiquan are completely mixed together, and they can be performed at will.

For a while, a tiger descends the mountain, a python is entangled in it, a dragon swims out of the water, and a bear hits a tree for a while...

"This world! A world where sects are kings! There are still the strongest people in the world! If you want to survive, you must have more powerful power!"

Teng Qingshan slowly closed in the three-body pose, thinking in his heart.

"Also, what is that purple gas?"

He had many thoughts in his mind: "Kitten, where will you be?"


More than a month passed in the blink of an eye, with the opening of the Divine Fist Dao, the fist technique that Gu Shaoshang compiled and spread spread, and the subtle source power was captured by the mirrors of the heavens.


Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged in the room, silently polishing the acupoints all over his body.

The ubiquitous spiritual energy of heaven and earth was captured wildly by him and infused into his body, as if the acupoints like a star map were shining in the starry sky in his body, and it was uncertain.

The opening of acupoints is not a one-time event, and the addition of Tianlei can never be done again. The strength accumulated in one year is not enough for him to open many acupoints, and he is not in a hurry.

Silent savings is the kingly way. The acupuncture hole he opened is much stronger than the ordinary Qi Zong on the vast continent, otherwise it is impossible to defeat Jing Shen with Qi Zong cultivation.

It's slow, but it has a solid foundation.

Some warriors on the vast continent who are eager to progress in their cultivation, once they are trapped in bottlenecks, they often cannot advance for dozens or hundreds of years. Gu Shaoshang naturally knows how to go.


The sound of footsteps came, Wuma walked into the room, bowed and asked, "Master, there are 1,706 new disciples who are practicing boxing skills. How should they be arranged?"

"More than a thousand people?"

Gu Shaoshang slowly opened his eyes, nodded and said, "You can arrange to go to the front mountain first, and the next boxing technique can be taught."

The boxing technique he passed down was not Neijia Boxing, of course, but the introductory chapter of a set of boxing techniques he deduced based on the secret book he obtained from the Rising Sun Trading Company.

If the fundamental boxing technique of this set of Divine Fist Dao is cultivated to the extreme, Dongxu should not be difficult.

"The twenty-six stone carvings of Emperor Yu, collected by the Rising Sun Trading Company and the Tianfeng Family, have also been delivered. Are they delivered to your bedroom?"

Wuma said.

After the first battle between Gu Shaoshang and Qin Shiqi, the chain reaction was naturally extremely shocking, and there is no need for Gu Shaoshang to say more, all the families in the East China Region have all surrendered.

The Rising Sun Trading Company and the Tianfeng Family also wisely withdrew all their respective forces in the East China Region, leaving several cities to Shenquan Dao, and also presented the Yuhuang Stone Carving.

"Well, bring it in."

Gu Shaoshang nodded and said, "You brothers and sisters, don't be idle during this time, remember to go to the front mountain and teach boxing techniques to a group of new disciples. If you have talents that can be created, you can also report them to me."

For some acquired disciples, it is natural that Gu Shaoshang does not need to personally train them, and it is enough to use Wuma and other innate disciples.

"Yes, the disciple knows."

Wu Ma bowed and stepped back.

When Gu Shaoshang was accepted as a disciple, he was already an acquired first-class figure. After being trained by Gu Shaoshang, he was already a congenital cultivation base, and he was also the one with the greatest potential among the dozen or so named disciples under Gu Shaoshang.

After a while, the stone carving of Emperor Yu was sent to Gu Shaoshang's bedroom.


Gu Shaoshang brushed over the stone carvings with his hands, and over twenty stone tablets were shrouded in the flow of consciousness.


The strange spiritual power was uploaded from the stone tablet, and Gu Shaoshang's mind roared, and pictures passed by.

"The 27th Form of the Mountain Axe..."

"The Fifteenth Form of the Mountain Axe..."

"The Thirty-third Form of the Mountain Axe..."


More than 20 sets of stone carvings trembled, transmitting pictures one after another, and were finally summed up by Gu Shaoshang into his own system.

Although it is impossible to collect the complete "Thirty-six Forms of Kaishan", but most of them have been obtained, it is natural to deduce the remaining axe cheats.

Kaka Kaka~~~

The stone carvings trembled slightly, and cracks appeared, and finally turned into stone powder.

Buzz! !

Suddenly, the void vibrated, and an illusory figure emerged from the broken stone tablet, and the specific appearance could not be clearly seen.


Gu Shaoshang raised his long eyebrows and looked at it with interest: "Da Yu? Or the will of the world?"


The illusory figure trembled in the void for a moment, then slowly solidified, turning into a tall, rough figure with a beard covered in animal skin.

"I am Dayu and part of the will of the world."

The low voice of the figure sounded.

Xu Ying looked at Gu Shaoshang and said slowly: "Every supreme power has left its spiritual imprint in the world, and it is OK to say that it is Dayu."

"Spiritual imprint? Do you have a mind?"

Gu Shaoshang asked with a slight frown.

There are only a few worlds in which the will of the world has thinking. Among the heavens and the world, the Jiuding World should not be in it.

"Da Yu, naturally he has a mind..."

The illusory figure sighed slowly: "At the beginning of the world, there were many disasters between heaven and earth. I was ordered by heaven to regulate the water veins. Although it has eased, it is only a temporary solution."

"Ordered by God?"

Gu Shao moved in sadness and said: "Is the Jiuding really forged by the will of the world?"

"Yes, Jiuding is the core of the world."

The phantom, who claimed to be the Great Yu, admitted it and said, "At that time, there were many natural disasters, and the world's will was under the guise of my hand, using the nine cauldrons to set the eyes of the nine riots in the world..."

This phantom slowly told the story, including the flaws in martial arts handed down one by one, without concealing it at all.

After Dayu cultivated to the supreme, he came into contact with the will of the world that was in the dimness at that time. Under the guidance of the will of the world, the world was decided. a world.

Even if the resources of Dayu fill the will of the world, and then there are warriors above the virtual realm, who have been making up for the world for tens of thousands of years, it is still gradually coming to an end. The spiritual energy of the world in modern society is scarce, and after Li Taibai, there has not been a superpower for two or three thousand years. , for this reason.

"However, with the decline of the twin world, the origin of the world will gradually return to the Kyushu world, that world will be abandoned, and the Kyushu world will even mature in the next few decades, and it does not even need to absorb the virtual world. Realm and even the strongest warriors to fill the world!"

The illusory figure's eyes fluctuated: "At that time, I will be free."

Gu Shaoshang's face was calm and unmoved.

In my heart, it suddenly dawned on me that in the original Jiuding World trajectory, Teng Qingshan and Pei Sanhui advanced together to become the strongest. It turned out to be this reason.

"But here he comes..."

Dayu's phantom suddenly fluctuated.

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