Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 352: return

In Yicheng, there is a hustle and bustle, passing pedestrians carrying knives and swords, roadside teahouses and restaurants, there is a lot of noise.


Gu Shaoshang stepped on the bluestone floor and walked slowly into the square.

At this time, there were many children lined up in front of the statue, and a young man wearing a white martial arts shirt with the words "Shen Fist Dao" stood with his hands folded and stood in front of the crowd.

"This statue is the second of the three greatest sect masters in the history of my Shenquan Dao, the supreme master Teng Zushi, who first met Wuzu..."

He talked eloquently and eloquently.

Gu Shaoshang listened quietly and stepped forward: "You Patriarch Teng, where are you now?"

"Huh? You..."

The white-robed youth turned around impatiently, stunned slightly, and looked at the black-robed youth in front of him, vaguely familiar.

"Ah! Patriarch Teng, his old man, and Patriarch Tantai, one after the other, shattered the void more than ten years ago."

After a moment of hesitation, the young man still spoke.

He looked at Gu Shaoshang with an aura that was different from ordinary people, and he was faintly in awe, coupled with that inexplicable sense of familiarity, so he didn't dare to make mistakes at all.


Gu Shaoshang shook his head slightly, no more nostalgia in his heart, turned around and walked away.

"Senior Brother Wang! This eldest brother and Martial Ancestor look alike!"

The young man in white was still thinking, when a five- or six-year-old child in front suddenly said.

"Yeah! It's exactly the same!"

"Could he be Martial Ancestor?"

A group of children chatted.


As if a flash of lightning struck, the young man in white was shocked, and suddenly remembered where this familiar feeling came from.

He looked up at the huge statue, and between his eyebrows, it was the appearance of the boy from before!

"Master Wuzu?!"

He turned around abruptly, only to see that the young man stepped on the void as if walking on the ground, stepped into the sky step by step, lowered his head and glanced at this world, and disappeared in a flash of purple light.

"Broken Void! Is it really the Patriarch?"

"Martial ancestor? Really ancestor?"

The head of the boy in white roared, and he was speechless.

Martial Ancestor, who is that person? Hundreds of years ago, he and a generation of superpowers were both broken away. His disciples are all over the world, not only two superpowers Teng Qingshan and Tantai Qinger, but also dozens of caves. Virtual, countless innate.

In today's world where Divine Fist Dao is spread all over the world, it is a generation of myths whose prestige surpasses that of all the most powerful people in history!

Above the square, it was boiling, everyone was startled by the purple light, and stared blankly at the purple light that opened a portal in the air and shattered the void.



The screen on the first floor suddenly shattered, and Gu Shaoshang, who was enveloped in purple air, heard a wailing from behind him.

Invisible fluctuations came from the Jiuding World behind him.

"It's two clear!"

In the violet light, Gu Shaoshang's mouth drew a sneer.

He fought against Dugu Xingye, and finally both fell into the interlayer of the world. It was not a coincidence, but the will of the world.

Afterwards, it accelerated the flow of the world, allowing him to spend hundreds of years in ignorance.

If Jiuding hadn't been taken into the mirror world by him long ago, I'm afraid this time he really lost his wife and lost his army.

However, he came here at the core of the world, Jiuding, so it is no wonder that the will of the world is under the black hand, and he naturally expected it in his heart.

It's all about it's own merits.

The purple light flickered faintly, and gradually faded away in this unpredictable place.

The world of Jiuding trembled slightly, and in the mourning of the world's will, a world whose spiritual energy disappeared, separated from the world of Jiuding, and floated in the void.

It was after Gu Shaoshang took the Jiuding, the will of the world was severely damaged and he had to fall into a deep sleep, and the modern world on that side was abandoned by it one step ahead.

However, it was said that the modern world, where the spiritual energy disappeared, was floating in the void, and soon after, it fell into a huge world.

The whole world didn't even react at all, it was spinning on its own.

The huge world on that side became a huge universe by itself, in which countless star seas circulated, and a small planet suddenly appeared in the corner, which was naturally inconspicuous.

But for that small planet, unimaginable changes have taken place.

This is crisis, but also opportunity, this is destruction, but also new life.

Under the rapid changes of the world, a "virus" called RR has swept the world, and countless lives in the world have undergone drastic changes, becoming stronger rapidly in a terrifying way.

Countless ordinary beasts have turned into terrifying monsters, rushing to the world from the sea, human beings are in danger... Until a young man named "Hong" rose up in the apocalypse not long after his birth, Dedicated to protecting the last fire of mankind...

And Jiuding World, which has got rid of the burden of the modern world, has also undergone drastic changes after the will of the world fell into a deep sleep. After countless years of **** of the world by Shenquan Dao, a young man with a Daguan knife started at the very end and fought hard to become this world. Xeon.

Along the path of countless ancestors and ancestors, they pursued the Great Way of Heaven and Earth.


In the purple light, the unpredictable place of the outside world flashed past, and instantly came to the vast continent in front of it.

It was no different from before, even if Gu Shaoshang magnified his consciousness to the limit, he could only see an extremely small part of the vast continent.

Although that part is already big and unimaginable.


With a flash of purple brilliance, Gu Shaoshang returned to the world in the mirror.

"Phew! I'm back."

Gu Shaoshang stood on the stone platform and exhaled lightly.


Anger spread its wings slightly, hovering in the purple air.


Gu Shaoshang looked at it with a smile.

He was living in the interlayer of the Jiuding World. It seemed to him that it was only a few days, but the anger had already been waiting for hundreds of years.

Although the All-Heavenly Mirrors locked the flow rate of the All-Heavenly World, hundreds of years were equivalent to hundreds of days in the main world, but the experience of suffering was not less.

With Gu Shaoshang's heart, the moment he saw the anger, he couldn't help crying.

Before he knew it, the bird had become inseparable from him.


He smiled slightly, sat cross-legged on the ground, and frowned slightly: "I have stayed in the Jiuding World for nearly five hundred years. Although it was put together by the will of the world, I am afraid that in the vast continent, more than a year has passed!"

He had a slight headache, and this time, Shen Wuxia was afraid that he was tricked by him.

"Hope you'll be fine alone."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Shen Wuxia himself is concentrating, and also has the treasure of the sky, even if Gu Shaoshang at this time dare not say that he will definitely win, self-protection is definitely not a problem.


He thought in his heart, and with a backhand move, he recruited the mirrors of the heavens into his hands.

His fingers flicked the mirror lightly: "The mirrors of the heavens."


The mirrors of the heavens trembled slightly, and the purple energy surged like a tide, and the familiar pictures moved. From the first time I entered the world of Jiuding, I was overwhelmed by the Siberia training camp... Condensed the light brain... Nuclear bomb Outbreak.... fist split Qin Shiqi.... decisive battle against Xuantian Evil Emperor and so on.

Until he was above Yicheng Square, walking in the air.

Immediately, these pictures were closed and turned into a tiny picture that appeared on the mirror body, shrinking into a pattern!

It is juxtaposed on the mirror body with the three patterns in the world of dragon and snake, the world of Daming, and the world of Tang Dynasty.

"The fourth world."

Gu Shaoshang took a deep breath, and his heart fluctuated slightly.

Since he obtained the Mirrors of the Heavens, until now, although he has only crossed four lower worlds, the harvest is unimaginable.

A young boy at the foot of Daming Mountain, jumped to the present day, fighting for his life as a master in the sky.

In the eyes of those on the vast continent, it was only a few short years.

"After the foundation of the Dao is removed, you must step up your steps to collect the exercises of the heavens and the world to irrigate your body, and see what kind of flower you can open up."

Gu Shao muttered to himself.

[The Mirror Master returns to the main world, the Nine Ding World and his party have obtained a total of 1,619,653 source power points, and one world core (Nine Ding Unity)]

More than a million source power!

These source powers are not actually available for Gu Shaoshang to collect, but with the growth of Shenquan Dao, he has gained so much source power invisibly.

Among them, only a very small part was obtained by him himself, and most of them were obtained by him changing the world.


Gu Shaoshang's expression was calm, even if he had a million power, he couldn't seem to shake his mind.

Seeing this million source power, he was more vigilant and contemplative in his heart.

In the world of the heavens, every move of Gu Shaoshang can have an impact on the world and gain countless sources of power.

Just changing is enough to gain so much source power. So, if one world is destroyed, how big should the source power be?

For a time, a seemingly endless desire arises from my heart.

But his mind is surprisingly quiet, his heart is transparent, and the light shines all over his body.

"I really am not a saint."

Gu Shaoshang spoke softly, his face indifferent.

In the world of human beings, there are always many temptations to strike, or those who are practicing, they are demons.

It's not any external demon, but the mind.

"One thought becomes a Buddha, one thought becomes a devil, no matter whether it is a Buddha or a devil, I will not do it."

Gu Shaoshang smiled: "I don't move, I am me."


The light in the sea of ​​heart burst out, sweeping away all the haze, desire and distraction.

"The source is enough, do you want to repair the mirrors of the heavens?"

Gu Shaoshang's face was flat, and he muttered to himself slightly.

At this time, the Mirrors of the Heavens did not have many restrictions for a long time, and they could travel through any world without restrictions. Gu Shaoshang did not seem to need to repair the Mirrors of the Heavens too urgently.

The source power of more than one million is enough for him to manifest a large number of items, and even enough for him to manifest a five-star secret treasure!

[The mirror master carries the main temple subsystem, whether to use the source power to manifest it and erase the powerful idea in it]

As he pondered in his heart, the Mirror of Heaven suddenly moved slightly, and a line of characters appeared.

"The main temple subsystem..."

Gu Shaoshang raised his eyebrows and moved slightly in his heart.

As a big power that spans the heavens, he is naturally very interested in many of the secrets.

Gu Shaoshang can't travel through four worlds alone, and the harvest is so great. Then, even if the harvest of the plane team in the main temple is not as good as his, the savings of countless people and countless years are far beyond Gu Shaoshang's imagination. .

Such a powerful main temple, what it left behind is called the main system, one can imagine how valuable it is.

What's more, unless Gu Shaoshang gave up the All-Heaven Mirror and Yuan Li, he would be discovered by the main temple sooner or later because of Yuan Li.

It is called "subsystem", which may contain what Gu Shaoshang needs.

"Yes, manifest, erase!"

With a move in his heart, the light brain deduced countless times, and finally decided to realize this "subsystem".


The mirrors of the heavens suddenly shook, and they let go, and the purple air in the space suddenly retracted, covering the mirrors of the heavens like a tide.



Among them, the sound of source power consumption is like a rising tide in the sea.

Rao is Gu Shaoshang's big business at this time, and his eyelids can't help jumping.


After a while, the purple qi dissipated, and the mirrors of the heavens fell.


Gu Shaoshang took it, and the next moment, his hand shook violently, almost throwing away the Mirror of Heaven.

With his current cultivation base, he almost cried out.

[Realize the special five-star secret treasure main temple consumes 1.2 million source power]

"How can it be five stars?!"

Gu Shaoshang's chest heaved slightly, and he frowned: "The value of a five-star secret treasure is several times greater than that of Emperor Xuantian!"

He was full of doubts in his heart. In his calculations, this subsystem should not be too precious, and its value should not exceed that of the Evil Emperor Xuantian.

I didn't expect it to be five stars!

Shen Wuxia's treasure of poor heaven, among the four-star magic treasures, is considered precious, but it only has four stars.

And five-star, the value is more than ten times more than the treasure of the sky, even if the main temple family has a great career, there is no need to give a five-star secret treasure to a four-star peak of Xuantian Evil Emperor in hand.

"Unless I still underestimate the main temple, the five-star secret treasure is nothing in the main temple..."

Gu Shao sank in sadness and took the jade pendant in his hand.

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