Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 358: Gu Shaoshang first met Chen Ang


The air roared, and Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged on his angry back, frowning slightly.

Killing Zheng Dong with one punch was naturally nothing to Gu Shaoshang at this time. All he thought about was the great governor.

Although his cultivation base at this time is not weak, but for some reason, as long as he thinks of the great governor, he feels a little uneasy in his heart.

However, with his sincerity and spiritual cultivation, he did not show any abnormality.


With a soft cry of anger, Gu Shaoshang looked around, and a city like a mountain appeared in front of him.

That is the first good place of Dayan, where the headquarters of Yanwutang is located, the capital of Yan.


The black city wall with a height of dozens of feet spreads for unknown lengths. The huge moat seems to be surrounded by a silver dragon. In front of the huge city gate, dozens of soldiers in black armor are guarding the door.

The torrent gathered by the heavy traffic flowed in and out from the huge city gate from all directions, and the voices were full of people. It looked magnificent and prosperous to the extreme.

A dozen or so miles away, Gu Shaoshang fell from the air, fluttered his wings in anger, shrank to about a foot in size, and landed on Gu Shaoshang's shoulder.


The airflow picked up slightly, and Gu Shaoshang stepped towards Yandu.


Gu Shaoshang looked around, and all the people he saw had a calm aura, and few of them did not know the martial arts. However, along the way, he only saw two Qi Zong masters who were in a hurry, and the rest were even more determined warriors.

In his heart, Gu Shaoshang paid the entrance fee and walked through the huge city gate, and then his eyes lit up, and the style of the city was also displayed in front of his eyes.

The purpose of entering is a street that is dozens of feet wide, and all streets are paved with white stones.

There are tea houses, taverns, pawnshops and workshops on both sides of the street. The street extends to the east and west and there is no end in sight. Only the voices of people are full of people and it is very lively.

With the tall tower as the center, the houses on both sides are row upon row, there are tea houses, restaurants, and even weapons shops and auction houses, which are extremely lively.

You must know that this is only the edge of the city. What kind of prosperous scene is it in the center of the city?


Gu Shao moved slightly in sadness, his eyes wandered, and in the middle of the street, a young man with an indifferent expression and a long knife on his waist stepped forward.

The young man walked in the crowd, seemingly inconspicuous.

Gu Shaoshang felt that his whole body was imposing and masculine, like a big sun hanging high at noon, and it turned out to be a concentration-level martial artist!

And looking at its momentum, it is definitely not an ordinary concentrating martial artist, which makes Gu Shaoshang feel a little sense of crisis.

"Interesting, Dayan really hides a dragon and a crouching tiger."

Gu Shaoshang touched his shoulders with slightly vigilant anger and stopped.

Although the young man was far away from the promised land, he just had a feeling that he came here for himself.


The young man's expression was indifferent and unsmiling. Step by step, he walked more than ten meters in front of Gu Shaoshang, and stopped: "Gu Shaoshang?"

His voice was torn and hoarse, and when he opened his mouth, it was like a symphony of gold and iron.

Gu Shaoshang's eyes moved slightly. This young man looked like he had been killed for a long time and did not easily communicate with others. The distance he stopped was the best distance for him to shoot.

"You are?"

Gu Shaoshang asked, "Gao Jinyang?"

This young man's imposing manner is compelling, and Gu Shaoshang knows without asking that he is one of the four great suns recognized by Dayan today.

"The Governor, I'm waiting for you."

Gao Jinyang's voice didn't fluctuate in the slightest, he just nodded vaguely.

After all, he turned and left.

It's neat and tidy, not at all sloppy.

Gu Shaoshang looked calm, neither happy nor angry, and followed Gao Jinyang's footsteps.

In the surging crowd, the two kept a distance of more than ten meters and walked down the long street one after the other.

After walking along the long street for more than 40 miles, the people gradually dwindled, and the buildings became taller and taller, until Gao Jinyang stopped, and the two came to a huge mansion.

This house has red walls and yellow tiles. The gate tower is more than ten feet high. There are two Xuanwu statues squatting at the door, which is where the main hall of Yanwutang is located.


Gao Jinyang stepped into the house, and the four warriors guarding the door kept bowing their heads with fear on their faces.

"Great Governor!"

Gu Shaoshang took a deep breath, suppressed his thoughts, and followed.

With his current spiritual sense, before walking to the Yanwu Hall, he couldn't feel the breath of the great governor, which undoubtedly verified Gu Shaoshang's idea.

This great governor is unfathomable!


Stepping on the jade-like floor, Gu Shaoshang and the two passed through the courtyard, walked through the main hall, and came to a small courtyard.

Unlike the Yanwu branch hall, the Yanwu main hall was crowded with warriors, and along the way, Gu Shaoshang saw at least dozens of air sects, and there were also many contemplative characters.

"Commander, Gu Shaoshang brought it here."

Gao Jinyang bowed slightly in front of the door, and a hoarse voice sounded.

"Jin Yang, come in."

In the room, a gentle voice sounded.


Gao Jinyang's body trembled slightly, stretched out his hand to open the door, and walked in.

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly, and the trembling of Gao Jinyang's body showed that he was very afraid of this great governor.

This kind of fear is like the kind of rabbit in front of the giant dragon that will fall to his death at the sound of it.


Gu Shaoshang stepped into the room.

Already here, it doesn't matter how much you think about it, at least there is no sense of crisis in the spiritual sense, and there will be no danger if you think about it.

The room is not big, only about ten feet long, and the decoration is simple. In front of the desk by the window, a young man wearing a green shirt with a handsome appearance, looked at him with a smile.

It seems that he doesn't want to be the principal of Dayan's No. 1 Violent Organization, but rather is a learned scholar.

Gao Jinyang, on the other hand, stood with his hands down, his eyebrows lowered like a little daughter-in-law.

"Gu Shaoshang from the Yanwu Branch, I'm going to meet the Governor."

With a swipe, Gu Shaoshang clenched his fists and gave a salute.

"Good, good, very good, very good."

Chen Ang's deep eyes swept over Gu Shaoshang, and nodded with a smile: "Sit."

Gu Shaoshang was not polite, stepped forward and sat opposite Chen Ang.

He looked at Chen Ang generously, no matter how he observed it, the young man in green shirt in front of him was like an ordinary person, and he couldn't see anything else.

And Chen Ang looked at Gu Shaoshang, pretending not to know, just looked at him with a smile.

There was silence in the room, only Gao Jinyang's heavy breathing sounded from time to time.

His heart trembled slightly, and he admired Gu Shaoshang, who was sitting opposite Chen Ang and still remained calm.

After a while, Gu Shaoshang said, "The Governor is looking for me, but for the Pluto Sect?"

"Pluto Sect?"

Chen Ang shook his head: "I'm looking for you because I want to see you, and it has nothing to do with Hades."

"Want to see me?"

Gu Shao jumped in grief, but his face was full of doubts: "How does the Governor know that I am a nobody like me?"

A vigilance suddenly rose in his heart, and he almost thought that he had leaked something.

"Ha ha."

Chen Ang smiled and didn't answer, just looked at Gu Shaoshang with a smile.

Under Chen Ang's gaze, Gu Shaoshang felt uncomfortable all over. For some reason, there was always a strange color that couldn't be explained.

With his state of mind, he was actually a little restless.


Gu Shaoshang immediately became alert, and the light in his heart shone brightly, sweeping away all the haze, and slowly regaining his peace: "What is the reason for the governor looking for me?"


Chen Ang raised his brows slightly, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "I called you here this time, just to see you and give you something."

"Give me something?"

Gu Shaoshang asked curiously, "Why does the Governor want to give me something?"

His light brain trembled slightly in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and he quickly deduced Chen Ang's motives, but still found nothing.

It was just a faint feeling that he seemed to know something.

"As the commander-in-chief of the Yanwu Hall, what's so strange about giving your subordinates something?"

As Chen Ang said, he took a few cheats from under the desk with a smile: "Here are a few cheats that I created, I want to help you."

He handed the secret manual to Gu Shaoshang.

In the heart of Gu Shao's sadness, Mingguang let go, suppressed the sea of ​​​​heart, and slowly took over these few cheats.

Glancing at it, I saw that it was "The Brief Introduction of the Golden Chamber", "Tianhe Zhenqi", "The Infinite Tathagata True Sutra", "Chen Angyuan's Spiritual Law" and so on.

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat and he stared straight at "The Infinite Tathagata Sutra"

Is there a Buddha in the vast continent? Of course there is!

But is there a Tathagata? That is absolutely not!

Chen Ang took out this secret book, and Gu Shaoshang naturally understood that he was definitely not from this world!

In other words, its body is definitely not a person from this world!

He also let go of the fluke in his heart at this time, and also swept away all the imitations, and asked calmly: "If the governor has something to say, you may speak bluntly."

He already understands that this great governor is definitely not an ordinary master, and it is very likely that he is a transmigrator, or a powerful clone.

In the face of such an existence, he thinks that he is far from being able to fight at this time, and no matter what his plans are, he can only enter the game at this time.

As long as he doesn't hit the killer immediately, he has his own time to break the game.

"You stay in Yanwutang first. In a few days, I have something to ask for your help."

Chen Ang said.

"Just do what the Governor-General tells you to do."

In the face of such a big man who is uncertain about the depth Gu Shaoshang could only pinch his nose and agree.

In his heart, he was thinking, and then he must stay away from this dangerous person.

Chen Ang smiled in satisfaction, stood up and said, "Jin Yang, you go to arrange a place for the little injury first, and the two of us have a few words."

"Yes! Great Governor!"

Gao Jinyang felt as if he had been granted an amnesty, so he hurriedly responded and strode out of the room.

"Alas! This kid Jin Yang is good at everything, but he is too timid and can't endure hardship."

Chen Ang shook his head and sighed a little: "I can't understand my painstaking efforts."

Gu Shaoshang did not answer, but also stood up: "If the Governor has something to say, you might as well speak directly."

"The sky in the vast continent is really different!"

Chen Ang didn't answer, just looked at the sky through the window, his eyes faint.

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