Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 360: 7 Star Cheats

Gu Shaoshang's hand trembled slightly.


His face was as usual, but his heart shrank.

Knowing that the young man in green shirt in front of him was a clone of a nine-star powerhouse, it was difficult for Gu Shaoshang to calm down.

This has nothing to do with state of mind, it is the instinctive reaction of all beings after being faced with beings that are too much higher than themselves.


Chen Ang seemed to be fine, nodded slightly and said, "Do you understand something?"


Gu Shaoshang nodded and said slowly, "The Great Governor is mighty."

This booklet is only a few pages thin, but there are a lot of things recorded. Correspondingly, Gu Shaoshang finally corresponds to the martial arts above the vast continent and the star of the Mirror of the Sky.

One Star for Liming, Two Stars for Qi Zong, Three Stars for Concentration, Four Stars for Qigong, Five Stars for Illusory Realm and Manifestation, Six Stars for Kongming and Demons, and Seven Stars are to reverse the chaos and return to the innate realm of innate gods and demons.

As for the eight-star and nine-star, Chen Ang's booklet did not record it, and with Gu Shaoshang's cultivation at this time, he could not imagine that kind of power.

The gap between each star is actually extremely terrifying. Nine stars is not what Gu Shaoshang can imagine at the moment.

"Go, I gave you a few cheats, you can practice it."

Chen Ang waved his hand and didn't say much.

"Thank you, Governor."

Gu Shaoshang nodded and stepped out of the room.

At this moment, he finally understood Gao Jinyang's previous state of mind.

Staying in front of such an existence all the time, how could you not tremble.

The gap between the ants and the dragon is not enough to explain the level gap between Chen Ang and them.

A nine-star power clone, even if it is suppressed by the vast continent, its essence is absolutely amazing, and the means are not comparable to ordinary people.

Gu Shaoshang even suspected that on the vast continent at the moment, there is no one who can suppress this great governor!


Walking out of Chen Ang's study, it was already evening, the breeze was gentle, Gu Shaoshang felt cool on his body, and his back was wet.


Gu Shaoshang let out a long breath.

With his cultivation level, he couldn't control the sweating. It is conceivable how oppressed he was before.

He shook his body gently, and the cold sweat evaporated, and his heart suddenly brightened, as if he had been washed again, his mood became more determined, and the thoughts around him were lively.

For a time, the heart of seeking the Tao became stronger.

Gu Shaoshang glanced at the room behind him, his eyes more firm: "I am not as good as you at this time, and you may not be stronger than me in the future."


He turned around and walked towards the house in front of him.

da da da

Chen Ang tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, with a smile on his face, his eyes flickered slightly, and a massive flow of information circulated in the corner of his eye mask.

He glanced slightly at the dim sky outside the window, and muttered, "The world is too calm, not very good, and it is not good for me..."

His face was calm, but in the depths of his eyes, there was only a touch of indifference as deep as the sea of ​​stars.



Gu Shaoshang stepped into the house, and Gu Shaoshang met Gao Jinyang, who looked solemn, standing in the middle of the courtyard with his hands down.


His body did not move, and strands of strange force slowly drifted on his body, and the air around him scorched by the infinite heat was wrinkled.

Invisible to the naked eye, the turbulent aura of Haoyang like the sea spreads out with the wisps of different forces on his body, and frantically instills into his body.

"Huh? This kind of cultivation technique!"

Gu Shao was heartbroken and a little surprised.

In his spiritual sense, the ubiquitous Haoyang Qi, after entering his body, undergoes a strange and violent change.

The already violent Haoyang Qi has become even more terrifying and violent!


He stood still, but the space around him trembled slightly, and his muscles and bones were as strong as Gu Shaoshang at this time.

Just the involuntary vibration of the muscles and bones all over the body can shake the space.

It wasn't until the sun completely fell and the sky and the earth fell into darkness that Gao Jinyang slowly put away the power in his body.


He gently exhaled a long breath, and the violent infuriating qi rippled out to a distance of more than ten meters in the space. From a distance, it seemed that there was a red horse training in the sky.

"Brother Gao cultivated, but the Infinite Tathagata Sutra?"

Gu Shaoshang asked.

Chen Ang gave Gu Shaoshang a few cheats. Although he had never practiced, he glanced at it briefly.

This performance of Gao Jinyang is obviously the scene of cultivating the Infinite Tathagata True Sutra.


Gao Jinyang's voice was still as harsh as a knife.

Perhaps because Gu Shaoshang's previous performance shocked him, he said slowly: "It is indeed the Infinite Tathagata Sutra."

"Captain, also passed on your magic formula?"

Gao Jinyang said with a strange look in his eyes: "Well, congratulations."

Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly, and the gloating in Gao Jinyang's tone should not be too serious.

"The Governor has given me the outline of the Golden Chamber, the Infinite Tathagata Sutra, the True Qi of the Tianhe River, and the Primordial Spirit Art."

Gu Shao moved slightly in sadness and said, "But what's wrong?"


Gao Jinyang's face twitched violently, and after a long while he breathed heavily: "That's really, your luck."

He stopped talking, waved his hand and led Gu Shaoshang to a room.

Float away by himself.

"Is there a fraud?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned.

When Gao Jinyang was about to leave, his eyes were like looking at a dead person, making him frown in secret.

With his current cultivation level, if the Grand Governor insisted on doing it, he would not even have the chance to escape, and it was absolutely impossible to frame him with fake secrets.

But Gao Jinyang's expression was too weird.


Gu Shao thought sadly and pushed the room away.

The room is fully furnished, and the tables, chairs, beds, and beds are all exquisite.

The incense burner was still lit on the table, and wisps of musk slowly drifted away.


Gu Shaoshang closed the door, slowly sat on the bed, and slowly closed his eyes.

Today's mind is under great oppression, and it is not the time to practice martial arts. Therefore, it is extremely rare for him to let go of his state of mind and visualize "Nu Wa".


In the middle of the night, the big trees in the courtyard where the night wind was blowing made a rustling sound.


Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes.

After several hours of visualization, all the shocks suffered during the day have been erased, leaving no trace.

It is very normal for people to be oppressed, but if he is like Gao Jinyang, his courage has almost been broken.

"Let me see what's so weird about these secrets."

He flipped his wrist slightly and took out the secret book of "The Infinite Tathagata True Sutra".


He sat cross-legged and slowly opened it.


In an instant, Gu Shaoshang's eyes lit up, as if boundless brilliance bloomed in his heart.

"Nanwu Boundless Chen Angfo!"

As soon as he declared, the sea of ​​​​heart had its own sound, and immediately there was a "Buddha" with a light wheel behind his head, and a glorious body appeared in the sea of ​​​​heart.

Gu Shaoshang's face twitched, this great governor is really bad taste.

"Immeasurable light, limitless lifespan, limitless Buddha, limitless Chen Ang... After a thousand sufferings, a thousand trials and tribulations, I have been released to the limitless great way."

The light and shadow flowed, the "Buddha" slowly recited the scriptures, and countless golden lotuses surged, blooming in the sea of ​​Gu Shaoshang's heart, infinite essence, flowing slowly, absorbed by Gu Shaoshang, and transformed into the golden seal of the beginning middle.


The light and shadow disappeared, Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes, and the secret book that recorded the "Boundless Tathagata Sutra" in his hand had disappeared.

"The Grand Governor..."

Gu Shaoshang's face was shocked.

Although this great governor is wicked, this secret book is indeed true, and it directly points to the realm of the seven-star innate gods and demons!

It is the most profound secret book that Gu Shaoshang has earned. Although the essence of it is obscure and difficult to understand, Gu Shaoshang can feel the tyranny and vastness of it.

This volume of the Infinite Tathagata True Sutra focuses on cultivating the power of the great sun. The initial practice requires Qi Zong to practice a ray of light through the acupoints. On the day of completion, it can reach seven stars, with 129,600 large The power of the sun!

Invincible, immeasurable!

"Amazing, amazing!"

Gu Shao's thoughts turned around, slowly closed his mind, deduced this secret book word by word, and gradually gained something in his heart.

Although this magical art is terrifying and abnormal, it can even be practiced to the realm of seven-star innate gods and demons.

You must know that the seven-star secret book is almost the strongest practice in the heavens and the world. There is no way to practice above the seven-star, and it is even more impossible to have the so-called eight-star secret book.

Even if Jiuzhuan Xuangong, the peerless practice handed down by the legendary Taoist ancestors and revered in the heavens and the world, is only a seven-star!

What is even more terrifying is that this cheat book and Gu Shaoshang's cultivation path are indeed very appropriate, as if they were tailor-made for him.

Simply tell him plainly that as long as you can endure the boundless suffering, you can cultivate this magical power!

But it is difficult to get started, difficult to practice, and more difficult as you go on.

After the practice of the sky, he needs to swallow a sun!

What a terrifying body is needed to accommodate the power of the sun in a human body, and what a huge pain it needs to endure!

Although Gu Shaoshang was shocked, he had no intention of blindly modifying it, so he could only slowly capture the essence of it with the golden stamp of the early days.

"This Grand Governor is indeed a nine-star power!"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes turned his palm and turned out several other secret books: "If they are all exercises that can directly point to the seven stars, it will be too terrifying!"

"The Golden Chamber is brief, Tianhe is infuriating, and Chen Angyuan's magic."

Gu Shaoshang casually opened a secret book.


In an instant, the starlight shines, and an infinite vision emerges in the sea of ​​​​heart.

A figure wearing a Taoist robe stepped into the starry sky, and with a flick of his hand, a silver horse streaked across the void.

That silver horse training, looks like a roll of Tianhe!

It seems to accommodate the starry sky, the vast and endless Tianhe!

In the huge Tianhe, every drop of jumping water is a huge planet!

Even on the planet, in the endless ocean, you can see the huge monsters struggling to roar!

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