Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 865: Daluo 3 numbers

"Eternal trouble?"

Gu Shaoshang glanced at Xiao Hulu, shook his head slightly, but did not speak. bookmark our website

"Da Luo is divided into, the number of days, the number of mysterious, the number of days of gold, the immortal and free body, equal to the sky, the essence is equal to the heaven and the earth, and itself is equivalent to a big universe, even if the essence is not as good as this world, it is similar, compared to the world. In terms of the existence under Daluo, it seems to be everywhere, jumping out of the long river of time, it is difficult to estimate.

Xuanshu practitioners go a step further, touching the essence of the infinite multiverse.

Even if he fights against the same rank, or is suppressed and destroyed by the stronger, and disappears in all time and space, as long as there is a trace of a person similar to him in the infinite multiverse, he can reappear , the real immortality. "

Xiao Hulu stretched out his body and said, "This is roughly the case for the innate gods and demons. Most of the congenital gods and demons born in the chaos are days, but only a few are mysterious, and those who are born are golden. There is no one in hundreds of millions."

"I see"

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly, he had already realized this.

The innate gods and demons that are born will inevitably have strengths and weaknesses. It is impossible for all congenital gods and demons to be born in the same realm, and they will be immortal.

"Daluo is an initial promotion, and its essence is no longer the same as the next life. No matter how amazing and talented, no matter how tyrannical his strength is, if you don't get promoted to Daluo, you can only compete at most, and you can't really defeat Daluo. Counting because, this is already a life at a different level."

When Xiao Hulu said this, he glanced at Gu Shaoshang: "Your practice method is quite special, and your strength accumulation is already close to the number of days in Daluo, but even if your strength is ten times stronger, you can only compete with Daluo. , can't really defeat any existence of Daluo series."


Gu Shaoshang smiled and said, "What if it is a million times stronger?"

He now has particles all over his body, and there is endless potential to tap, which is far from the limit. If every particle reaches the acquired limit, it may not be impossible to defeat Daluo.

"How can it be!"

Xiao Hulu sneered and said, "Your power is already approaching Daluo at this moment, how can you be tens of millions of times stronger? Besides, if you are really tens of millions of times stronger, even if you don't break through the suppression, you will naturally be promoted to Daluo. What you said, it can't exist."

"Indeed, it's not necessary."

Gu Shaoshang nodded.

Cultivation is for promotion, and it is impossible for him to test whether he can cross Xiantian and not promote Xiantian.

You know, in theory, the particles in his body can be promoted to the innate number, but the resources and time that need to be consumed will be an unimaginable number.

"The birth of the innate gods and demons, and the promotion of the acquired gods and demons to the congenital, there will be disasters to come. The ancestors advise you to think carefully. When you are promoted, you may be calm, or you may encounter an irresistible crisis."

After a slight hesitation, Xiao Hulu still said this sentence.

In fact, this point, he did not want to tell Gu Shaoshang before, after all, when Gu Shaoshang died, he could be free,

But in the dark, he always felt that doing so would be beneficial to himself.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, he still informed Gu Shaoshang of this.


Gu Shaoshang frowned and said, "Is it a calamity from the multiverse itself, or a human calamity?"

With his current state, most of the disasters in the world may not be able to hurt him, the only possibility is from the multiverse itself or the human calamity!

"How did the ancestor know?"

Xiao Hulu rolled his eyes: "The ancestor is still young, how do you know so much? However, the predecessors said so, it should be. After all, the seven brothers were only one of the ancestors."

Speaking of the end, the little gourd baby sighed, a little disinterested: "According to legend, in the chaos before the endless distant years, the existence of the innate golden number was faintly revealed as soon as a statue was born, and it ushered in three thousand ancestors. The ambush of the gods and demons, sadly fall, be careful, there is no big mistake."

Xiao Hulu didn't know what to think, and suddenly lost the nature of speaking, waved his hand, and returned to the warehouse of the heavens.


Gu Shaoshang frowned, his eyes moved slightly, and he deduced the calamity that might be encountered when he broke through.


All the twelve trillion particles in his body shook, and everything else stopped. While Gu Shao's thoughts flashed, he began to deduce the crisis that he would encounter after his breakthrough.

This deduction, Gu Shaoshang's brows are wrinkled.

With his power that is close to the innate number, he can't get anything useful. He just feels that all possibilities are empty, and there is no ordinary!

It was as if an unimaginable force blocked his deduction.

"The multiverse itself? Or some other power? If so, who?"

Gu Shao pondered sadly, and dispelled the idea of ​​​​trying to break through.

The unseen unknown is the most dangerous.

His fingertips lit up with a hint of purple light, and a drop of source power slowly floated up, against which his complexion was somewhat uncertain.

No matter whether there is danger or not, he will be promoted to Xiantian. After the Xianxian Gourd reminded him, Gu Shaoshang decided to make some preparations before breaking through again.


On the ship of doomsday, the light golden light shines brightly, like golden lotuses blooming.

The ship of doom was wrapped in endless nothingness, squeezed by terrifying contractions, and there were bursts of terrifying sounds that made everyone tremble with fear.

At this moment, many visions between heaven and earth disappeared. Meng Qi, wearing a black robe, walked out of the long river of time step by step, and he was already on the other side!

The traces of Overlord, Demon Buddha, Thor, and Haotian have disappeared in endless time, and not even a trace will exist.

Now, only the other side, Meng Qi!

"The Primordial One, Intangible Matter"

Meng Qi whispered softly, his eyes were deep, as if the universe was ups and downs in it.

One step on the other side, he digested all the accumulations of the Demon Buddha's many epochs, and truly became a strong man on the other side. Even if he did not undertake the cause and effect of the Three Purities, he also became one of the strongest people in this world!

"The other side, the other side"

"In a short period of time, a mortal has landed on the other side, and the next era is expected to prove the supreme existence!"

"Really, unbelievable."

In the boat of doom, I don't know how many people feel emotional.

Among them, there are many who have cultivated the Dao ten times and a hundred times longer than Meng Qi, and there are even those who have followed the other shore for one or two epochs and are ten million times older than Meng Qi.

Seeing Meng Qi's achievements in the other side, it was too big for them to touch!

The Dao Fruit is elusive, for the vast majority of existences, the other side is already their elusive but unattainable goal.

Naturally, they didn't know that Meng Qi's achievement of the other side was only achieved by a statue of the other side like the Demon Buddha as a stepping stone.

"Congratulations, husband, for achieving the other side."

Gu Xiaosang smiled lightly, with a hint of joy on his face.

Meng Qi cut off the cause and effect of Yuanshi Tianzun, and he could still achieve the other side, which made her very happy.

"Little Sang"

Meng Qi held the hand of the beautiful woman with peace and joy in his heart, and said softly, "Now, I'm finally not afraid of a few uncles and my father-in-law!"

"Aren't you afraid?"

Xiao Sang covered her mouth with a chuckle, and said, "You made the other shore, a few brothers, but haven't you been idle yet?"

Meng Qi was dumbfounded.

Time is meaningless at this time, and I don't know how long it took, even when the ship of doom was already scarred, and finally resisted the end of the era!

The "nothingness" that cannot be peeped by the outside world is slowly changing, turning into an incomparably calm, incomparably deep, boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Finally, it's time to open up the world"

On the boat of doom, Meng Qi sighed slightly.

After achieving the other side, he already knew too much, and he understood everything that was born in the past, and everything that could be born.

He knew that in the original trajectory, he would be the pioneer of this era, opening the world with a thunder knife!

In this space and time, the one who opens a new era should also be me!


At this time, at the top of the doomsday boat, Gu Shaoshang's figure appeared.

He opened his mouth lightly, slapped Meng Qi on the shoulder, and pushed him out of the ship of doom.


Meng Qi only felt a slight heat on his shoulders, and an incomparably majestic force poured into his body, causing him to roar uncontrollably:

"Break up the world!!"

In the roaring sound, the domineering sword shrouded in purple electricity suddenly slashed out!

With a knife, the darkness is separated, the chaos is scattered, and the era has finally opened!

A new era has begun!

In the new era opened up, Meng Qi became the oldest person in this era, occupying the upper reaches of the long river of time and space.

However, if you really want to get out of this world and achieve true eternal freedom, you still have to fight for the fruit!

In this era, the demons and the human races came together. The most dominant ones were Sanqing, the demon emperor Nuwa, the rest of the Qing Emperor, Amitabha Buddha, Bodhi Ancient Buddha, etc., as well as the other shores who were born in this era. Will compete for the fruit together.

Achieving the other side is just the beginning, and truly getting rid of it is the most important thing.

At this step, Meng Qi wanted to take the lead, but it was naturally difficult, and the time required might be unexpectedly long.

However, this is only the beginning of the era, there are endless years to plan the layout slowly, and there is no rush.

Therefore, under the auspices of Gu Shaoshang, Xiao Sang and Meng Qi got married.

On the day of the wedding, Gu Shaoshang drank three thousand jars of fine wine and called Meng Qi, who was already the oldest person in the world the great power of the other shore, into chaos.

The next day, Gu Shaoshang left.

However, Xiao Meng came back from Chaos with a blue nose and a swollen face, looking at the sky with an angry expression.

On the night of the big wedding, he called himself into Chaos and beat him violently. This old man was unprecedented.

In the endless chaos, Gu Shaoshang stood with his hands behind his back, and between his eyes opened and closed, there was a faintly glamorous girl in red, looking at him with tears.

"It's up to you."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head slightly, and in a flash of purple light, he escaped from this world.


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