Projection Upgrade Tour

Chapter 87: projection

The sun was shining brightly outside, and the breeze was blowing gently, and it seemed like a good day.

Chen An held Bai Zhilan's hand and walked on the street.

Walking along the road, the footsteps are in a hurry, and there are people walking everywhere.

But generally speaking, the whole market is more prosperous than before.

"Recently, there seem to be more people in Shangyuan County..."

Chen An held Bai Zhilan's hand and walked on the street, looking at the surrounding scenery, and said softly.


Holding hands by Chen An and walking head-on on the road, Bai Zhilan had a smile on her face and looked very excited.

Some time ago, they were already married, and now they are considered official husband and wife, and they live together naturally.

After becoming a husband and wife, some things naturally do not need to be avoided, and you can travel publicly and visit everywhere.

"I heard that in the future, there will be a Highness who will come here. It may be because of the changes caused by this incident."

Bai Zhilan thought for a moment, then said.

"Your Highness?"

Chen An was a little surprised.

This is not a word that everyone can use. In this Liang Kingdom, the only people who can be called His Royal Highness are the princes of Emperor Liang.

However, he didn't care.

In this world, the warriors are respected. The so-called Emperor Liang seems to be the lord of a country, but in fact, it has long been overridden.

When Emperor Liang's order came out of the imperial city, it was another way.

Even Emperor Liang is like this, not to mention the children of Emperor Liang.

After all, in this world, all princesses and princes are worthless, and what is truly valuable is strength.

However, in the case of Liang Guo, it is a rare thing for a prince to come to Shangyuan.

"Miss Qing doesn't know what to do."

Chen An looked at the surrounding streets, and then said, "She seems to have been away for a long time."

"Yeah, it's been almost three months."

Bai Zhilan nodded and sighed: "It only took about half a month, and I don't know what was delayed..."

About three months ago, a ruin was discovered outside Shangyuan County. It is said that there are many tombs left by ancient warriors.

Some people dug in it, and obtained a lot of treasures from it, and even many magical weapons and martial arts, which attracted the attention of many people.

The site was not far from Shangyuan County, so the Bai family also sent a lot of people there.

In addition to Bai Qing, Bai Zhilan's grandfather, Bai Mingli, also followed.

It was originally scheduled to come back in half a month, but now nearly three months have passed, and there is still no news.

If there is no bad news coming from there, I am afraid that Chen An will think that something has happened to Bai Qing and the others.

Chen An was worried about Bai Qing's situation, and Bai Zhilan was also worried about Bai Mingli.

But mere worry is of no use.

Instead of thinking about it there, do something.

Therefore, Chen An brought Bai Zhilan out to relax, and then saw the scene in front of him.

On the streets along the side, there are merchants hawking everywhere, and there are people patrolling everywhere, which is a lively and prosperous scene.

However, under this bustling and prosperous scene, there are also many violations.

Chen An watched with his own eyes, and many beggars were driven out in the distance, and they were driven away directly.

If you go out of this street, there is more outside.

So it's not that there are no problems, but the problems have been driven away.

"It's been another disaster year recently..."

Walking on the street, silently listening to the news everywhere, Chen An Xin sighed.

Natural and man-made disasters are unavoidable at any time.

Compared with previous years, this year's year does not seem to be very good.

Maybe it's not obvious to be in a prosperous place like Shangyuan County, but if you go out, you can see a lot of embarrassing scenes.

On the way to send Huang Yuexuan away before, Chen An saw many victims begging along the road, and many people fell into trouble because of this, but they still could not make a living.

In the year of the catastrophe, even the business trips in the past have been reduced a lot. Even if the mountains fall and the grass falls, who can be grabbed?

It can be seen that no matter when, the life of the bottom people is always difficult.

At this moment, Chen An thought of Fengcheng County.

There, he still has work to do.

In the past, Song Ziyang had entrusted Liu Ziqin to him and asked him to send Liu Ziqin to a place for resettlement.

Previously, because he followed Bai Qing to Shangyuan County, Chen An had to temporarily place Liu Ziqin in Fengcheng County, and he didn't know what happened now.

Speaking of Song Ziyang, after the last meeting, Chen An never saw Song Ziyang again, and he doesn't know how he is now.

Chen Anxin pondered, thinking a little divergent.

"When are you going to leave?"

On the side, Bai Zhilan spoke softly and said so.

"In a few days."

Chen An said with a smile: "Get things done early, so as to get rid of a worry."

He originally wanted to wait for Bai Qing to come back before going to do this.

But now nearly three months have passed, and there is still no news of Bai Qing's return.

Continue to wait like this, I'm afraid it's a long way off.

Just do it now.

"Fengcheng County is not too far from Shangyuan County, you go early and return early."

Holding Chen An's hand, Bai Zhilan said softly.

In all fairness, she and Chen An had just gotten married, but she was actually reluctant to leave Chen An in her heart.

But she didn't say much, just asked Chen An to come back early.

"it is good."

Chen An smiled and nodded with a smile: "At least half a month, I should be back."

"Actually, Chang Ren also has free time during this time. If it is possible, you should have him run for you, and there should be no problem."

Bai Zhilan continued to speak and said softly.


Chen An thought for a moment, then looked up at Bai Zhilan, feeling the expectation hidden in her heart, and finally smiled: "Alright."

He naturally knew that his wife was reluctant to leave and wanted him to stay by his side, so he agreed.

Fengcheng County is not too far from Shangyuan County, and the road is also safe. Let Bai Changren run instead of Chen An and take Liu Ziqin over, there should be no problem.

So just like that, Bai Changren was clearly arranged by Chen An and the two, and inexplicably there was an extra errand.

But even so, it should be him or his.

no way.

Who made him a mutual friend of Chen An and Bai Zhilan? In this kind of occasion, who else would he go on if he didn't?

And his identity is also quite appropriate.

The Sanhe Gang itself is the property of the Bai family, but it belongs to Bai Qing's subordinates.

Under this circumstance, Bai Changren's identity as the young master of the Bai family should be very popular with the Sanhe Gang, and it will be a lot more convenient to do things.

Maybe when he goes there and enjoys the warm hospitality of Song Wang and others, he will not wish to stay longer.

Fengcheng County is a small one, but there are quite a few authentic special services.

Chen Anxin secretly flashed this thought.

After strolling around outside, Chen An brought Bai Zhilan back to the yard as it approached noon.

Their residence is naturally the yard given by Bai Qing before, with a peach tree planted outside, and now is the season when the peach blossoms are in full bloom.

Standing in the middle of the garden, looking at the peach blossoms in front of you, is also a good scenery.

Chen Jing watched this scene quietly, and returned to the house after a long time.

Name: An Chen

Attributes: Strength (7.0), Body (6.9), God (2.6)

Source Power: 81

Inheritance: Yin Body Art (fifth layer), Mingshen Jue (fifth layer), Qingsong Jin (third layer), Gale Force (Dacheng), Wind Chasing Saber (Dacheng)... .

Projection: Available

The familiar upgrade template is displayed again.

For nearly three months, Chen An didn't do anything except get married.

In addition to collecting eerie things to further increase his source power, he also went to the Bai family's arsenal to find a martial art.

The gust of wind and strength, this is a movement technique, and it can be regarded as a very delicate technique in the Bai family's arsenal.

If it wasn't for Chen An marrying Bai Zhilan and having Bai Mingli's endorsement, he would not even be qualified for this body technique.

After completing this movement technique, the effect is really good, whether it is used for fighting or rushing on the road at ordinary times, it is a good improvement.

"Do you want to project?"

In front of him, the familiar subtitles appeared again.

Chen An was already very familiar with this scene, and even had instinctive actions.

He subconsciously clicked to confirm, and was ready to jump out of the simulation column on the interface.

But something unexpected happened.

After confirming, the familiar selection interface of appears.

However, this time, in addition to the simulation column, the projection column was also presented, and the subtitles above were colored, not as dull as before.

Chen An abruptly stopped the instinctive reaction he chose to simulate, and looked at this scene with some reaction.

what's going on?

Is the sun coming out west?

He was surprised and didn't know what to say at this time.

Since he awakened this upgrade template, the projection function has never been used, and every time it is used, it is directly popped up.

Before this, Chen An always thought that he did not meet the conditions for using this function.

But now it suddenly works.

It's really...a pleasant surprise.

Of course surprised.

Now that the projection function can be used, it means that Chen An has one more choice, and the template can be enriched.

Isn't it worth rejoicing that your own hanging is bigger?

Of course it's something to be happy about.

However, Chen An was not happy and started to project directly.

Standing in the same place, he thought for a moment, then returned to the room and explained a few words to Bai Zhilan, telling them that he was about to retreat and practice for a while.

Then he walked to his exclusive practice room, tightened the door, and walked in just like that.

All kinds of protective measures were in place, and Chen An was relieved.

Looking at the interface in the column of projection, Chen An's heart was inexplicably nervous.

Different from the well-established simulation function, it was the first time he used the projection function.

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