Prominence in Football Community

Chapter 349 Apologizing in person

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When Gao Zheng drove the car out of the training base, he was surrounded by a group of Atletico Madrid fans.

He was used to such a scene, so he pulled over the car and opened the window, ready to take the postcards, jerseys, scarves and other items handed over by the fans, and sign his name for them.

If someone wants to take a group photo, he will also cooperatively turn his face to the side, facing the camera or mobile phone in the hands of the fans, and helping them complete the selfie.

But he won't be so unrestricted to meet the demands of the fans, because in that case, he won't be able to go home for an hour.

The fans know this too, so it's the people who gather at first that get their fill.

Others can only catch up early tomorrow.

But today's situation is a bit different. No one of the fans gathered around asked Gao Zheng for his autograph.

One of them stood up and said to Gao Zheng, "Gao, I want to apologize to you."

"???" Gao Zheng was at a loss, not understanding why an Atletico Madrid fan should apologize to himself.

If the Barcelona fans apologize to him, he thinks he can imagine it.

"Please allow me to introduce myself first, my name is Daniel Herrera, I am just an ordinary Atletico Madrid fan."

Gao Zheng turned off the car and put on the handbrake. Looking at his posture, this ordinary Atlético Madrid fan might not be able to finish what he wanted to say.

"I want to apologize to you because I...uh, I actually hated you before."

Gao Zheng didn't expect that, he didn't expect that among Atletico Madrid fans, there were still people who hated him. He always thought that he should have won the love of all Atletico Madrid fans with his performance...

He didn't know what expression to make.

The fan named Herrera seemed to ignore Gao Zheng's feelings, and continued: "I hate you because you are Chinese... I am ashamed to say that I know it is wrong. But at that time I feel like the devil is on me. I blame the Chinese for the reason I lost my job and had a bad life, so I hate everything related to China, including you of course.. Therefore, I want to say hello to You apologize, now I have realized how narrow and small I was before."

Gao Zheng looked at Herrera,

It was found that the fan was sincere when speaking, and there was no erratic eyes.

He used to think that his identity might bring him some trouble. After all, things like racial discrimination are not uncommon in Europe. He saw it when he was in Italy. Although Europe has vigorously advocated the political correctness of anti-racism in recent years, it has not actually improved the situation. It has just changed from the previous overt discrimination to covert discrimination.

If you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Those who look down on the Chinese people will not discriminate against you because of political correctness. They just don’t dare to discriminate openly. Maybe they will discriminate even more in their hearts. up.

Although he knew that some people would discriminate against him because he was Chinese, he didn't take it seriously because he didn't think it was a big deal. After all, he doesn't care what other people think.

But if someone dares to express this kind of discrimination in front of him, then he is not easy to bully.

It's just that he didn't expect to hear this from an Atletico Madrid fan today.

Herrera continued: "I know, in fact, I didn't come to you, and you certainly don't know that a person like me has done such a thing. But I think I should come to you and tell you I'm sorry, I apologize to you for my prejudice against you before."

Gao Zheng felt that the Atlético Madrid fan in front of him was quite responsible. Indeed, as he said, if he hadn't come to find him, he would never have known that there was an Atlético Madrid fan named Herrera who died because he was Chinese. hate oneself.

"I just hope that before we play against Barcelona, ​​I can express my apologies to you, and I hope to let you know that because of your outstanding performance, someone has changed the view of you and even the whole Chinese people... I hope my personal Transformation can give you a little bit of strength and help you beat Barcelona and do miracles."

What Herrera said was very sincere. Gao Zheng didn't expect that there was such a story behind it. He smiled and replied: "Thank you for your frankness. Don't worry, just like I said to the reporter, we will definitely win, and we will definitely win." We'll be in the semi-finals."

"I'll be cheering you on from the stands," Herrera concluded.


The two sides leave it alone.

On the drive home, Gao Zheng was still thinking about Herrera. He didn't expect his performance on the court to convince a person so that he could get rid of his prejudice against the Chinese.

I have to say that he has scored many goals in the game, won many games, and won several championships. But at this moment his sense of accomplishment is the highest.

As a Chinese, he represents the image of China abroad.

It is really something to be proud of if you can change a person's original prejudice against China because of your own performance.


After Gao Zheng left, Herrera turned to his companions and said: "Guys, did I do what I said? I expressed my apology to Gao in person! I have corrected the mistakes I made in the past , I am a brand new me first!"

His partners opened their arms and hugged him: "Good job, Danielle! We are proud of you!"

"Let's cheer for Gao in the middle of the week, and hope he can create miracles!"

"Now, let's have a drink first! To celebrate Daniel's new life, haha!"

"Well said, to celebrate the new students!"

A group of people hooked their shoulders and left the gate of the Mahadahonda training base talking and laughing.


Gao Zheng's words quickly spread to Barcelona, ​​and Messi was also surrounded by reporters after training, wanting to hear his opinion.

"Gao is right, in fact we have not forgotten that game. After all, it is too rare to lose so badly away. Just yesterday, we were still talking about that game, reminding ourselves not to forget. Although we won three goals in the first round, I don’t think it means we can qualify ahead of schedule, those outside views are too optimistic, not our real thoughts.” Messi said with a serious expression. "We will use that 0:4 game as a lesson to prepare for the second leg against Atletico Madrid. We will forget the score of the first leg in the game and go all out."

After speaking, Messi waved goodbye to the reporters.

Looking at his back, the reporters said with emotion: "It's really Messi! It's not surprising that such words come from his mouth..."

Another reporter laughed: "Gao seems to want to use that 4:0 to boost morale, but he reminded Messi and other Barcelona players to be more vigilant. It's really a steal, ha! "

"Thank you very much Gao!"

The sidelines of the training field are full of cheerful air. Catalan journalists are more assured of Barcelona's promotion to the semi-finals.

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