Prominence in Football Community

Chapter 361 Anger is real

In the eyes of Barcelona fans, before Gao Zheng scored, the sky over the Calderon Stadium was already overcast, with lightning and thunder in the clouds, a scene of doomsday punishment.

And now that thick lightning finally fell from the sky and struck them.

The situation I was worried about still appeared!

"Pique seemed to be distracted when he was defending...he was thrown away by Gao..." the Catalan commentator said weakly. This game made him mentally exhausted as a commentator. It stands to reason that he only needs to sit on the commentary seat, and there is nothing that requires physical exertion, but now he just wants to sit on the chair and do not want to move. , I couldn’t even stand up, and I seemed to have lost the strength to even open my mouth to speak.

Heart tired.

In the case of winning three goals in the first round, Atletico Madrid was able to play 0:4. We had almost one game, but we couldn't even score a goal!

Barcelona has scored 87 goals in La Liga this season, second only to Real Madrid who scored 93 goals, and is the second most scored team in La Liga.

As a result, such a powerful offensive firepower failed collectively in Calderon!

Manuel Blanco stood in the media booth, watching what happened in front of him, his body swayed, and then he couldn't maintain his balance, and sat down on the chair in the media booth.

He really didn't expect that Barcelona was actually beaten 0:4 by Atletico Madrid in the away game.

He couldn't figure out why this happened.

Didn't Gao Zheng remind them all before the game? Atletico Madrid have scored four of their goals in this stadium, and they also vowed that they will remember that game, learn the lesson, and never let history repeat itself.

Everyone seemed confident.

This confidence is also passed on to every Barcelona fan.

Let them also be full of confidence in the promotion.

For them, this game is simply a formality, and it will not bring any change to the final result.

How could I have thought of...

How could I think of it!

Blanco's mind was in such a mess that he couldn't think.

Beside him are the journalists from Madrid and China who are cheering heartily.


The atmosphere in Chen Xing's home was a bit weird, everyone was called by him to watch the Barcelona match. Chen Xing Isn't it obvious what this means?

In the situation where the flying dragon is riding on the face in Barcelona and it is absolutely impossible to lose, I call everyone to witness Barcelona's elimination of Atletico Madrid, advance to the semi-finals, and have a party for Barcelona fans.

As a result, now, Barcelona, ​​who is riding a dragon on the face, is about to overturn.

Everyone came with the mentality of congratulating Chen Xing, a Barcelona fan, but now they don't know how to put their feelings on it.

Is the party still on?

In the silence, Chen Xing laughed dryly: "It's okay, it's okay, we just need to score one more goal and we can eliminate Atletico Madrid..."

A beautiful woman in the crowd couldn't help asking: "Isn't it still a loss if you score a goal? How can you eliminate your opponent?"

At first glance, this beautiful woman doesn't know much about football and doesn't pay attention to the Champions League, so she asks such a question.

If she asked this question in normal times, coupled with her cute expression and pretty face, Chen Xing would enthusiastically explain to her what is called away goal advantage.

But now Chen Xingli, who was in an extremely bad mood, ignored him,

Just staring at the TV and taking a breath.

Although he said that he only needs one goal to eliminate Atletico Madrid, but he knows in his heart how difficult it is.

Judging from Barcelona's current state and Atletico Madrid's performance, in the last few minutes, it was as difficult for Barcelona to score goals.

It can even be said that Barcelona has been eliminated.

Yes, with a three-goal lead in the first leg, knocked out.

It's such a disgraceful way to get out...

What made Chen Xing even more ashamed was that when he thought about how many people would laugh at him on the Internet at this time and in the future, he couldn't help it.

At this time, he wished he could turn into an Internet keyboard warrior, go to those netizens who laughed at him through the Internet, and slap them hard.

Instead of just sitting here and sulking.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the whole world was against him.

Finally he cursed "fuck", and then turned off the TV with the remote control, not wanting to hear the elated cheers of He Ping, the CCTV commentator inside.

Naturally, the party is out of the question.

Someone was already fidgeting and wanted to say goodbye, but worried that making such a request at this juncture would anger Chen Xing instead.

Although Chen Xing's personality on the Internet is a temperamental person, as his friend, everyone knows that Chen Xing's temper is not very good... First post

At this moment, Chen Xing had no idea what his friends were thinking.

He is really angry now.

But after his anger reached a certain level, his mind suddenly calmed down.

He's still angry, but his mind is starting to figure out what to do with it.

Barcelona was able to beat Atletico Madrid 0:4 in the away game. This result is unique. The high degree of attention of this game is probably unique on the Chinese Internet.

Now that Barcelona has been eliminated, this cannot be changed. So is there any way to make up for being a Barcelona fan? The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/

He thought he might as well use this incident, use his anger...

So he suddenly turned on the TV again, and said to his friend, "Come on, help me take a video with my mobile phone."

Then he stood up, faced the TV, and turned to his friend, "Are you ready?"

The friend didn't know what he was going to do, but he cooperated with him and made an "OK" gesture.

Afterwards, Chen Xing turned around, looked at the TV that had been turned on again, and cursed angrily, "Fuck!"

Then he smashed the mobile phone in his hand at the TV, and the TV screen was smashed into a hole.

There were screams from the crowd who were unprepared for his move, and this video was accompanied by the best BGM.

Then Chen Xing seemed to be still puzzled, took a step forward, raised his foot and kicked hard on the screen, completely ruining the picture on the TV screen.

He kicked a few steps in succession, and then he turned and left as if he had finished venting. What remained in the camera was the big Sony TV whose screen was broken into pieces.

After Chen Xing saw the video from his friend's mobile phone, he nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad! Send me WeChat, I want to use it."

Although this video is staged, so what? At least my anger is real, the broken TV is real, and the iPhone I smashed is real too!

Isn't all this true?

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