Prominence in Football Community

Chapter 365 Don't be afraid of 10,000, be afraid of 10,000

The 4:3 reversal of Barcelona is indeed a crazy thing, and it has a strong impact on everyone.

But no matter how big the shock is, it will pass, and no matter how happy you are, you can't eat it as a meal.

If you can't extricate yourself from the emotions of this game, it will be detrimental to the next game.

So when the players resumed training, the first thing coach Simeone did was to make everyone forget about the game and focus on the long-term and the front.

Barcelona have been eliminated by them, there is no need to spend energy on them.

But in the league, Barcelona is still a threat to them. If you are not careful, you may be successfully avenged by Barcelona in the league...

Now that Barcelona have been eliminated from the Champions League, they can only compete for the championship in domestic games.

This will force them to put all their energy into the league.

A Barcelona that can go all out in the league will definitely pose a huge threat to Atletico Madrid.

In order to avoid this from happening, Atletico Madrid must do their own thing.

So even though news about Atletico Madrid's shocking comeback was all over the Internet and the media in the next few days, Gao Zheng was blown into the sky, but Gao Zheng himself was very calm, and Atletico Madrid was also relatively calm.

These years they have often played against Barcelona and Real Madrid, whether it is the league or the Champions League, they are used to it.

Beating Barcelona is not so incredible. Although it is really remarkable to be able to reverse and eliminate the opponent in the second round after losing three goals in the first round, it will not make them restless for a few days.

In the thirty-third round of the weekend's league, Atletico Madrid will face Granada at home.

Although Granada is currently ranked fourth from the bottom, it is only one step away from the relegation zone. At present, they have 30 points, ranking 17th, only 2 points away from Getafe, which is 18th,

Therefore, Granada can also be regarded as a relegation team, and they must fight for relegation. Otherwise, with only six rounds left in the league, they are very likely to be relegated to the second division.

As we all know, every time it comes to the end of the league, the relegation team is the worst team to play, even worse than the championship team.

After all, the championship is just about honor, while relegation is about life and death.

Life and death are greater than honor.

Atlético de Madrid just had a 90-minute smack with Barcelona in the Champions League, so this game will definitely be rotated. With the rotation and fatigue, facing the relegation team that is about to smack, this game is not easy to play. starter

The only advantage of Atlético de Madrid is that this is their home court. First of all, they don’t have to go to the away game, and secondly, they don’t have to worry about the home court advantage of the relegation team, which will bring them more trouble.

But even so, Atletico Madrid did not dare to take it lightly.

After the 4:0 counterattack against Barcelona, ​​everyone has to be more careful. In football, anything can happen. Since they can reverse Barcelona 4:0, the opponent can also beat them.

In this round, Barcelona is also playing at home, and their opponent is Valencia.

There should be no suspense for Barcelona to beat their opponents.

So Atletico Madrid can't afford to lose.


April 17,

At 5:15 in the afternoon, Atletico Madrid's home game against Granada began.

This is the penultimate game of this round of the league.

The last game was Barcelona vs. Valencia at home.

After the Champions League, everyone turned their interest into the league.

Because Barcelona's Champions League game is over, they will definitely fight Atletico Madrid in the league. In this way, the competition in the league will be more intense, and the suspense will always be maintained, so it will naturally be better.

Simeone did rotate the squad for Atletico Madrid and Granada.

Players including Griezmann and Cork sat on the bench.

But no matter how the rotation was done, Gao Zheng still appeared in the starting lineup.

The meaning of this adjustment is obvious-rotation returns to rotation, and Simeone still wants to win this game.

Just fifteen minutes into the game, Gao Zheng opened the scoring for Atletico Madrid!

"High!!! Great goal! He scored the 31st league goal of the season! Helping Atletico Madrid lead Granada 1-0 at home!"

The first half ended with a score of 1:0.

After the start of the second half, in the fifty-ninth minute, Gao Zheng assisted Fernandez Torres to score and rewritten the score to 2:0.

By this time, the game has basically no suspense.

It is difficult for Atletico Madrid, which leads by two goals, to make Granada overturn at their home court.

Gao Zheng was also replaced by Griezmann in the 71st minute.

He was greeted with a standing ovation from the Atletico Madrid fans when he stepped off the field.

Atletico Madrid fans actually seemed to have done this in the UEFA Champions League match in midweek, but Gao Zheng played the whole game and was not replaced in advance, so they couldn't give Gao Zheng a single applause and homage.

Now they are making up for Gao Zheng in the league.

After Gao Zheng left the field, Atletico Madrid did not stop attacking.

In the 83rd minute, Griezmann, who came off the bench, added the icing on the cake, extending the lead to three goals.

In the end, Atletico Madrid beat Granada 3-0 at home.

Continue to maintain a winning streak, so that no matter what the next game between Barcelona and Valencia looks like, Atletico Madrid will be the first in the league.

The pressure is on Barcelona, ​​and if they want to retain their hopes of winning the title, they have to beat Valencia at home.

This should have been a matter of no suspense...

But the actual game was far beyond everyone's expectations.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

In the opening 26 minutes, Barcelona midfielder Rakitic scored an own goal to help Valencia lead 1:0!

Then at the end of the first half, Valencia player Santi Mina expanded the lead for Valencia again!

"2:0!! 2:0!! Barcelona was at home and trailed by two goals in the first half! Three days ago, we said in the quarter-finals of the Champions League that Barcelona has never played this season. They didn't allow their opponents to lead by two goals, and they failed in that Champions League game. They were led by two goals by Atletico Madrid and finally lost that crucial game. Now in the league, Valencia has also done it, They were two goals ahead of Barcelona at half-time!!"

"I feel like the Barcelona players haven't recovered from the Champions League in midweek. They seem to be in the psychological quagmire of being eliminated and can't extricate themselves. Look at their performance on the field, it's no different from sleepwalking. Lackey What was Ticci thinking when he scored an own goal, did he think he had a nightmare?" The commentator of Catalan TV unceremoniously criticized the team's performance.

Of course he is a supporter of Barcelona, ​​but a supporter does not mean that he has to support without brains. No matter what Barcelona's performance is, he can only praise and not criticize. On the contrary, a qualified supporter must dare to pay attention to the problems of his team, because without knowing the problems, there is no way to improve.

How disappointed he has been with Barcelona between midweek and now...

Manuel Blanco in the media seat had a bad thought in his mind-won't we lose the league after losing the Champions League? !

The idea was absurd, but he couldn't help thinking about it.

Things can't be this bad, can they?

But... what if?

This idea is like a devil, once it settles in his mind, it can never be driven away.

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