Promote the theory of threat to Konoha, why Kirigakure brings Hide!

Chapter 21 Sarutobi Hiruzen: Apart from spitting on my face, what else can they do?

As for Kirigakure, although it has been in a de facto state of seclusion, its active diplomacy often makes people forget this.

Not to mention that as the mastermind behind this Konoha diplomatic crisis, Kiden Crescent resolutely carried forward the spirit of adding insult to injury, kicked the cripple's good leg, and soon launched the Kirigakure version of the manifesto.

"Lord Hokage..."

"What's up?"

Sarutobi Hi, who was exhausted by the recent twists and turns of public opinion, opened his eyes.

"It turns out to be Lu Han, sit down, what's going on?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's number one thinker, Ino Shika Butterfly Deer, the current leader of the Nara clan, Nara Shikamaru, glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had not slept for three days, and after hesitating for a moment, he told the Hokage the information he had obtained. .

"The Kirigakure Village has also issued a corresponding declaration. Do you want to take a look?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and opened the file handed to him by Nara Shikamaru.

As expected, the article is another classic scene of using one's own advantages to pull Konoha into trouble.

"... If the noise of chickens and dogs between countries is heard and they never interact with each other until death, there will be no war in the world. In order to show the determination of Kirigakure Village to maintain the peace of ninjas, Kirigakure Village will start to seclusion from now on. I hope that other countries will In particular, the Leaf Village is following up, hoping that mothers will no longer lose their sons, wives will no longer lose their husbands, and children will no longer lose their fathers, and that wars can stop in our generation."

Good guy, you have to have enough fun in Kirigakure!

This shot not only hit Konoha, but also opened the whole map AOE, launching a full-screen bombardment against the other ninja villages.

This is directly standing on the moral high ground and shooting wildly at other countries!

In today's ninja world, which country doesn't know the reason why your Kirigakure is in seclusion?

Isn't it because you are not strong enough, you can't beat others, but you are afraid of being beaten and forced to block yourself?

Now you, the sixth child, are here to help your brothers all of a sudden?

Except for you who do not have the strength to compete, other countries are capable of getting what they want from the war. Even if we don't mention Konoha, even Sunagakure Village, because the land of the Country of Wind is too barren, there is a reason why we have to fight and rob it.

With the exception of Kirigakure, other countries cannot and will not implement a closed-door policy.

Fortunately, there is no sixth ninja village, otherwise you would be able to secure your position as the sixth ninja every minute.

"Haha, you are really a formidable person!"

When Hiruzen Sarutobi talked about the Ghost Light Crescent Moon again at this time, he still said the same thing, but it was obvious that it was no longer consistent with the feelings contained in the previous evaluation.

"Hokage-sama, I suggest that we stay put for now and not respond to this matter head-on. After the turmoil of this matter dissipates, no one will mention it again, and even if it is brought up, there are so many turmoils in the ninja world at present. Under all kinds of rumors, public opinion in the ninja world will not only point at our Konoha family."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent for a long time. Although he didn't want to admit it, there was no doubt that in this war without gunpowder, he, the Leaf Village, lost.

Ever since Sarutobi Hiruzen was born, where has he ever fought such a humiliating battle?

Konoha Village was established not long after he was born. Under the leadership of the two great gods Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, Konoha Village cannot be said to be unrivaled, it can only be said to be a god blocking the killing god.

The most dangerous thing was when the Second Hokage died in battle, but in the end he successfully turned the tide under his wise leadership.

It's not like now, when you obviously have sharp skills but nowhere to put them to use.

"... Lu Han, how is the current sound in Konoha?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly realized that he had been preoccupied with talking to each other on diplomatic occasions these days, forgetting whether his hometown was stable.

"Don't worry, Hokage-sama. Perhaps in the early days, some people in the village did not know the truth and were deceived. However, under the command of Danzo-sama, the public opinion crisis within Konoha Village has now been successfully transformed into a hostile force against the village. The villagers also expressed their support for all the village’s decisions.”

"...Danzo is a capable person."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very pleased to hear that his old friend could help him find and fill in the gaps at this time.

Although Danzo is cunning, likes to make his own decisions, and always wants to make big news, he is still a very reliable comrade!

Next time when we have a fight, don't use Naruto as a quarrel!

Anyway, he has no chance to be Hokage in this life.

"So what do the ninjas in the village think of this?"

"At present, the major ninja clans in the village still trust the village very much, and basically no one talks about this matter. As far as I know, the clan leaders of each clan have even issued a silence order in private, strictly prohibiting the clan members from speaking out about this matter. view."

"It seems that the village is still very harmonious!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction. There were no disturbances among the villagers and the ninja clan. So as long as the internal unity was united, what obstacles would there be that could not be overcome?

Nara Luhan hesitated for a moment, and finally, considering the close relationship between himself and the Hokage, he told the truth: "The rest of the ninja clan are fine, that is, the Uchiha clan..."

"Uchiha clan? What happened to Uchiha clan?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi opened his eyes with a headache and looked at his think tank. He didn't understand why the Uchiha clan was related to this again.

"Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with Danzo-sama... Didn't the declaration say that there was a Sharingan member who did not want to be named? Then Danzo-sama seemed to have sent someone to warn Ichiha Uchiha in private. The Uchiha clan warned them to be careful in their words and deeds, and then the Uchiha clan had some opinions on this..."

Nara Shikamaru's words were a little euphemistic, but he still basically conveyed his meaning.

Danzo's warning?

I'm afraid it won't be directly close to the face and open up!

Uchiha's opinion?

Is that the Sharingan warning?

Hiruzen Sarutobi closed his eyes with a headache, and the trust he had just raised in Danzo disappeared in an instant.

Danzo and Uchiha, it would be strange if these two powder kegs didn't explode together.

"Mirror, it would be nice if you didn't die so early..."

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen missed his former teammate very much. If he were here, the relationship between the village and Uchiha would definitely ease a lot, right?

"Forget it, don't worry about it. Just pretend that the village doesn't know about it and deal with it coldly! The Uchiha themselves will calm down after a while."

"At the same time, send someone to warn Danzo and punish him with a one-week grounding at the root base."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was helpless. Regarding the conflict between Uchiha and Danzo, he could only choose to solve the problem through reconciliation.

What's more, he actually tends to hit the Uchiha from time to time.

Nara Luhan was not surprised at all when he saw this scene. Similar things have happened countless times in the past years. Although the causes of things are different, the endings are often the same.

But is there really no future trouble in continuing to push the envelope?

"Lord Hokage, Kirigakure Village's latest diplomatic announcement."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the Hokage's office, and an ANBU walked in and handed the latest declaration of Kirigakure Village to Nara Shikhan.

"Why is there so much going on in Kirigakure Village? What's the difference between being closed off and not locked up!"

"Lu Han, I won't read it anymore. You can decide how to reply!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got, Sarutobi Hiruzen made a rare complaint, and directly signaled Nara Shikhan on the side to solve it on his own.

"Hokage-sama, I think it's best for you to see it yourself."

Nara Shikakhan glanced at it casually, but he was startled just by reading the title. After reading it carefully, his expression became more and more serious, and finally glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was resting with his eyes closed. , or decided to let him see it in person.

"Before you review it, I think you'd better be mentally prepared."

"Mental preparation? Besides spitting on my face, what else can they do?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen casually took the document. Everything was normal at first, but soon his face began to turn red. In the end, he threw the document on the table with a wave of his hand and roared angrily.

"Bastard, bastard! I'm going to kill this Ghost Lantern Xinyue!"

Nara Shikhan, who was on the side, did not dare to express his anger, and quietly watched Sarutobi Hiruzen's rare lapse.

Sunlight shines through the window and shines on the document. On the header of the document is an eye-catching title composed of bold red text:

"Uchiha Human Rights Report."

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