As early as when the initial public opinion was launched, Ghost Light New Moon knew that if Konoha wanted to break the situation, there would undoubtedly be two methods that must be used.

Either treat him coldly, or fish in troubled waters, confuse the public, and draw everyone's attention away from him.

These two methods were successful because the previous threat theory to Konoha, although it seemed very serious, was not specific enough and did not involve the interests of any person or force. In fact, it did not hurt Konoha at all. At most, there are some troubles.

After all, for those who don't know, it doesn't matter to them how much strength Konoha actually has and whether it is a threat. In fact, the big and small ninja villages that Konoha would cause trouble for them all knew what was going on. In addition, the big ninja villages quickly took this opportunity to spread various rumors and annex the small country, so this confrontation For Konoha, what seemed like a serious crisis of public opinion was actually not that enthusiastic except at the beginning.

Well, for now, there is no reaction. As for whether the Second Ninja War breaks out, whether Konoha will be attacked from both sides...that needs to be verified.

So the reason for Konoha's panic at the beginning was actually that they had never seen this kind of method before, and it was a bit confusing, but they slowly came to their senses in the later stages.

But what if a sensitive thing breaks out in Konoha at this time that has a strong target and must be dealt with immediately, and everyone in the ninja world likes to hear about it?

For example... Uchiha problem?

Can Konoha remain in chaos?

Therefore, as early as the first wave of publicity, Ghost Light New Moon sent people to hide in major cities in the ninja world. When the time is right, it will bloom more and simultaneously promote the "Uchiha Human Rights Report" in the ninja world.

The same methods were adopted, such as storytellers traveling around to give lectures, mobilizing nobles to arouse public opinion, and even Ghost Light Crescent also used multimedia methods to write "Kill That Uchiha Man" as the theme song of this event, and hired people in these important cities The karaoke and the child hummed back and forth.

In addition, he also asked his film crew to shoot a movie called "Thirty Years a Slave" according to the script he gave, to portray the tragic film and television image of the Uchiha clan today.

Based on the perspective of "objectivity", "fairness" and "seeking truth from facts", the film records the rise and fall of the Uchiha clan from the establishment of Konoha to the present day as a bystander.

The entire movie strictly follows the classic Hollywood three-act structure, from Uchiha Madara's high spirits when he first founded Konoha, to the subsequent collapse of the earth when Uchiha Madara defected, and to the despair now, it can be said to be a perfect interpretation of Uchiha. The situation of the Bo clan.

The key point is to highlight the contrast between before and after.

I even thought about the reasons why Hollywood popcorn movies were so popular in the first place. Ghost Light New Moon also specially added special effects scenes of beautiful women and exploding funds.

Beauty... The most famous beauty in Madara Uchiha's era was Uzumaki Mito. However, in order to further stimulate you old perverts, the Ghost Light New Moon is based on Uzumaki Mito's face + Tsunade's breasts + the Fourth Tsuchikage's legs, combined to form a brand new "Uzumaki Mito".

No one will be confused by this thing!

Anyway, when Uzumaki Mito walked out wearing a high-slit ninja costume with trembling buttons, long black stocking legs, and slender high heels, the cinema heard a slurping sound.

I won’t say who it is, just to save someone from looking in the mirror.

As for high-effects scenes, with the support of genuine ninjas from the Ghost Lantern clan, it is no problem.

Even Ghost Lantern New Moon recreated the Battle of the Valley of the End that year one to one.

Well, of course, there is no part before flying the Gundam. After the two of them drive the Gundam, even if they want to look similar, it is not that easy.

It is worth mentioning that Uchiha Madara in this part was played by Kito Shingetsu, and he finally paid tribute to the classics and said that famous saying on the screen as Uchiha Madara.

"Do you want to dance too?"

Then he was severely beaten by Senju Hashirama, played by Kito Zangetsu.

Well, a father spanks his son in every sense of the word.

However, even so, everyone watching in the cinema still exclaimed, have they ever seen such a passionate battle before?

It can be called a real-life version that makes men's blood boil and makes women unable to close their legs.

Although this movie is too childish for a time traveler like Ghost Lantern Crescent Moon. Due to the short shooting period and lack of experience, the shooting techniques are too rough, and the shooting equipment is even more disastrous, in the eyes of Ghost Lantern Crescent Moon, this movie has more than just special effects. Although it is not worth mentioning on the outside, it has caused an explosive response in the ninja world. It can be called an important turning point in the development of ninja movies.

With the advent of peace in the ninja world, technology has developed to a certain extent, but as a new form of entertainment, movies appeared too late after all, and there are too few movies to choose from. At this time, "Thirty Years a Slave" As soon as it comes out, it feels like an invincible opponent in the ninja world.

Coupled with the one-to-one restoration of the transformation brought by the Ninja Transformation Technique, as well as the special effects blessings of ninjas starring, it is simply not comparable to those fifty-cent special effects, so it can be said to be a completely dimensionally reduced attack.

The long-awaited layout, the publicity network all over the ninja world, the all-round three-dimensional publicity of reports + songs + movies, instantly eliminated the backward publicity methods of other major ninja villages.

In what age are you still doing traditional propaganda?

Do you know what is the propaganda method that people in the ninja world love to hear in the new era?

Since the goals this time were more specific, the methods of publicity were more abundant, and the name of Uchiha, a thousand-year-old ninja clan, was too loud, the effect of this publicity was particularly outstanding.


You think the reincarnation of the Immortal of Six Paths isn't exciting?

Sorry, for ordinary people, it is not known whether the Six Paths Sage who saved the world thousands of years ago is real or fake, but the Uchiha really existed!

Although movies are a new thing, the number of movie theaters in various cities is relatively rare, but because of this, people who can watch this movie are often rich or expensive.

For people with a certain status, especially the nobles and wealthy businessmen of the Fire Country, there is a high possibility that they have come into contact with Uchiha ninjas in the process of releasing tasks. Their proud temperament of putting their eyes above their heads is simply unbelievable. It’s very impressive. Nowadays, you can “see” with your eyes and “hear” with your ears. Their misfortune...

It’s so cool!

After all, it is far less comfortable to watch a stranger suffer misfortune than to watch an acquaintance who is unhappy with himself suffer misfortune, so if you publicize it, you must publicize it to me!

When those theater owners and song and dance studio owners saw this situation, of course they would spontaneously promote these things.

As for people from other countries... do they need an explanation for having fun?

This place is (×) fun (√) and I have to help to the end!

So under the joint promotion of this kind of work by the entire class of the ninja world...

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