Promote the theory of threat to Konoha, why Kirigakure brings Hide!

Chapter 27 Danzo: Uchiha is frivolous and cannot influence Konoha

Sarutobi Hiruzen tried his best to catch up, but in the end he still couldn't catch up. He could only watch helplessly as Uchiha and his party climbed to the top of Hokage Rock.

"I am Uchiha Homura, the current leader of the Uchiha clan."

With the support of some meager audio equipment from the Land of Water, Uchiha Homura's voice echoed in the most prosperous area of ​​Konoha Village.

Originally, the Uchiha clan had attracted much attention because of their swagger. At this time, the bottom of the Hokage Rock was even more densely packed with people because of the noise. Everyone looked up curiously, wanting to hear what the leader of the Uchiha clan would do. say something.

Seen from a distance, this scene looks like the scene of the Hokage's speech conference after taking office.

"Maybe some people are curious about what we are doing with so many people gathered today, and maybe some people have heard some rumors about the Uchiha clan and the village. Here, I officially declare that those rumors are not completely correct!"

As soon as Uchiha Homura said this, the public opinion was in an uproar.

As a qualified melon-eater, everyone has a very strong ability to focus on key points. It's not completely correct, does it mean it's partially correct?

So, which part of those words is correct? In other words, which part is misinformed?

But then Uchiha Homura changed the subject, and ignored this topic for the time being, and turned around to talk about the contributions made by his family since the establishment of Konoha Village: "...Since the establishment of Konoha Village, every inch of land has been They are all splattered with the blood of my Uchiha clan. When Konoha was founded, the Uchiha clan had a population of more than a thousand, but now, there are only 513 left!"

Uchiha Homura looked around, with a hint of sadness in his calm tone.

"Have no new people been born in Uchiha in the past thirty years? But one has increased and the other has decreased. Why is there such a big difference?"

When he heard this, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had just arrived at the scene, also fell silent.


That's not easy, just die. How did you die? Of course he died fighting for the village.

Especially during the First Ninja War, the Second Hokage died in battle, and Sarutobi Hiruzen lacked prestige when he first took over. If the Uchiha clan leader had been thoughtful at that time, the outcome of the First Ninja War might have been completely different.

At that time, Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Third Hokage, actually did not obtain the consent of all the jonins in the jounin class, which meant that the procedures were completely illegal. It's just that thanks to Senju Tobirama's last will before his death, the prestige of the Senju clan, and Sarutobi Hiruzen himself being good enough at the time, no one jumped out.

If the head of the Uchiha clan at the time insisted on making this point, although it would not have much impact on the outcome of Hokage due to the poor popularity of the Uchiha clan, it would still disgust Hiruzen Sarutobi.

However, the Uchiha clan leader at the time did not say a word, and directly gave up the dispute over the position of Hokage. He led his clan to face the military peak of Iwagakure Village, and withstood the attack of a village with the strength of his clan, until Sarutobi Hiruzen was replaced only after he came to support after winning victories on other battlefields.

This battle alone destroyed half of the Uchiha clan's legacy from the Warring States Period. It can be said that the Uchiha clan really regards Konoha as their home, and they really have nothing to say about Konoha.

However, they are so supportive and so many Uchiha clan members died in the war. How can the village give back to the Uchiha clan?

No power except a hated vigilante.

Core layer? Don’t even think about it!

"Since the establishment of Konoha Village, no Uchiha has ever held any position other than the security force, and no Uchiha has ever been trusted by the Hokage to hold an important position. The only Uchiha who has served as the Hokage's guard Mirror, during the First Ninja War, also died due to an undisclosed mission..."

Many villagers under the Hokage Rock fell into silence.

In fact, everyone is well aware of what happened to the Uchiha clan.

After all, living in Konoha Village, even ordinary villagers are vaguely aware of the situation of the Uchiha clan, but because they are not part of the same circle, they do not know the specific situation. But it is precisely because of this that I am so interested in the previous rumors.

This kind of plausibility, which happens to be an extension of the information you have, is the most convincing.

"Hokage-sama, can you tell me, what is our Uchiha clan for? And how does the village give back to us?"

Uchiha Homura turned his head and looked in the direction of Sarutobi Hiruzen, with a trace of unsuppressible anger in his calm tone.

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth, wanting to say something but couldn't.

At this time, no matter what he said, it was wrong.

After all, the reality of the Uchiha clan is there, and he can't refute it; but if he admits it, doesn't it mean that he admits that the village has been silently suppressing the Uchiha clan for so many years?

So, what he is thinking now is... "Damn Danzo, why don't you come here now?"

"What the village does will naturally depend on the village's consideration. It's not your turn, Uchiha, to speak arrogantly here!"

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao may have heard the inner call of Hiruzen Sarutobi, and Danzo Shimura made a brilliant appearance.

"Danzo, what are you talking about! The Uchiha clan is the founding family of Konoha, why don't they have the right to speak?"

"And if there is a problem, we must solve it. If there is any problem, we just sit down and talk about it. Is this the attitude of solving problems?"

Before Uchiha Homura could counterattack, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura settled the topic in unison. Hiruzen Sarutobi even quickly used Earth Release to create several tables and chairs, and pulled Homura Uchiha away from Hokage Rock. .

No matter what, even if the talks fall apart, we can't stand on the Hokage Rock and talk about the collapse.

Not to mention that if the talks break down and the Hokage Rock is broken in a fight, even if the villagers below see it, it will also ruin his reputation as Sarutobi Hiruzen, right?

At the same time, just as Sarutobi Hiruzen pulled Uchiha Homura and Shimura Danzo away from the Hokage Rock, a group of Anbu appeared and began to evacuate the villagers under the Hokage Rock.

Who wants to leave before the melon is finished?

But these ANBU ninjas don't buy into the villagers' fault, and no one likes their masks. So under the persuasion of ANBU ninjas, the villagers left "voluntarily" one after another.

At the same time, a group of ninjas came to the rest of the Uchiha clan and tried to persuade them to return, but of course they failed. How could these Uchiha people be willing to go back without the clan leader's order, or without a suitable result?

At this time, the heads of the major ninja clans also arrived one after another, ready to watch the result of the Uchiha clan's all-out attack. But before they could stand still, they heard Shimura Danzo standing up excitedly under the tree over there and slamming the table:

"No way!"

"Uchiha is frivolous and must not shadow Konoha!"

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