It’s finally finished!

When I wrote these words, I really felt a lot of emotion in my heart. After all, it was my first completed book. Although it was unfinished in the end, it was finished after all.

First of all, I would like to thank some brothers for their support, which allowed this book to have its glory and be recommended by Sanjiang.

If I were to rate this book myself, I would give it a perfect score out of 10. I would give it 8 points for the content before it was put on the shelves, 6 points for the content before the Third Ninja War, and 4 points for the content after the Third Ninja War.

Looking back at the entire book now, the most important factor in the collapse of the plot is actually the failure to save the manuscript.

Before starting the book, I actually prepared a manuscript of 70,000 words, but I didn't expect that some subsequent events made me stop writing for ten days, and I wiped out all my manuscripts.

And I myself felt bored in the subsequent writing day after day, and no longer had the same passion as when I first started writing, so the quality continued to decline.

This book was originally planned to be one million words, but now it has been completed with less than 900,000 words. It can be considered that I have written everything that should be written. Although it is indeed not as good as the one million words, but in my current situation, If I write any more, it will be pure water.

So after thinking about it carefully, I decided to finish it as soon as possible, which would be good for everyone.

Although I'm sorry that it didn't end well, it is still better than Eunuch and Outline Escape.

To be honest, I did think about eunuchs many times during the writing process, because when interest turns into a career, it really hurts the enthusiasm for novels.

Fortunately, he survived in the end and saved his second brother.

Now get ready to rest!

As for the next book, I may write it, or I may not write it from now on, I haven’t decided yet.

But the only thing that is certain is that if I decide to continue writing, I will definitely learn the lesson for the next book and will definitely have to save 300,000 words before publishing it.

Well, there’s not much else to say. See you all soon!

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