Promote the theory of threat to Konoha, why Kirigakure brings Hide!

Chapter 58 One word can cause chaos in the world!

"What a white font... no, what a long cover... no, what a strength."

The passerby who was shocked by the cover of Uzumaki Mito looked at it reluctantly for a few times, then turned over the cover of the Tianbang and found that the front page was marked in eye-catching bold letters: This book only contains the 100 most powerful people in the ninja world. Jonin.

Then the second page is a detailed introduction, and the one who ranks first among the many powerful people in the ninja world is not the leader of the five great ninja villages, nor the "demigod" Sansho Hanzo, but an extremely beautiful woman, Uzumaki Uzumaki. household!

"The wife of the 'God of Ninja' Senju Hashirama, the first Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki in the ninja world. Under her exquisite sealing technique, even the Nine-Tails must bow her head and surrender!"

"The proud battlefield rose, the flower of Konoha that never fades!"

In this page, the editor gave the ultimate praise to Uzumaki Mito, calling him Konoha's sea-fixing needle, the ultimate powerhouse who has suppressed the ninja world for twenty years, and the core competitiveness of Konoha's hegemony.

Then there is the detailed record of Uzumaki Mito, which is accurate enough to the year, month and day, which is enough to prove that the editor is not indulging in Uzumaki Mito's beauty and talking nonsense, but actually relies on the record to speak - anyway, there is Mizukage His life guarantees credibility. Of course, Ghost Lantern New Moon must make slight modifications under generally reasonable circumstances.

Followed closely by "Ninja Hero" Hiruzen Sarutobi, "Dark Ninja" Shimura Danzo, until the fourth place is "Two Scales" Onoki, the third generation Raikage, the second generation Kazekage, the third generation Mizukage, Sanshou Uo Hanzo and other strong men.

Then there were the heads of the major ninja villages, some leaders of the smaller ninja villages, and other figures, a scattered list of hundreds of people.

For each Tianbang ninja, Ghost Light Crescent also thoughtfully designed a nickname. Of course, if there is already a nickname, then use the original nickname. The focus is on naming some Jonin who do not have nicknames.

For example, he replaced Sansho Hanzo, named the combination of Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru "Konoha Sannin", and named Hatake Sakumo "Konoha White Fang", etc.

He even followed the ancient Konoha fan fiction and came up with the "Eight Colors of Konoha" based on the bad taste of the Ghost Lantern Crescent Moon.

Finally, a data is thoughtfully given at the end of this volume. Jounin Konoha accounts for nearly 40%, the four major ninja villages account for nearly 60%, and the remaining portion is divided among the other small ninja villages.

The rest of the Earth Ranking and Human Ranking are similar, except that the Earth Ranking includes the one hundred most powerful Chuunin in the Ninja World, and the Human Ranking includes the one hundred most powerful Genin in the Ninja World.

Anyway, under the design of Ghost Light Crescent, no matter which list it is on, the number of Konoha ninjas is cleverly higher than the sum of any two countries, but less than the sum of three countries.

In a word, Konoha has completed the crushing of the other ninja villages among the three generations of old, middle and young people.

And this unabashed malice towards Konoha was immediately noticed by Konoha.

"His heart is so cruel!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at these three simple books. He was not happy that there were the largest number of Konoha ninjas in this book. He felt a deep malice from the Kirigakure Village from this simple ranking list. .

"This is flattery!" Danzo Shimura could see what Ghost Light Crescent Moon meant at a glance.

"It can be expected that since the release of this list, the ninjas from other ninja villages, as well as some wandering ninjas, will spare no effort to challenge us Konoha ninjas. From now on, various tasks will probably cause a lot of troubles out of thin air."

As the saying goes, Wen Mu is the first and Wu Mu is the second. Except for those who are powerful like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara who can really intimidate all ninjas, ninjas basically will not admit that anyone is stronger than themselves, let alone Not to mention a ninja from another village.

Those top ninjas, such as the Kage Shang of each ninja village, can keep themselves awake and disdain this list, but those middle and lower-level ninjas are not so calm-minded, especially those who have not gone to school for a few days. , a wandering ninja who has learned ninjutsu since he was a child and desires to become famous, will never give up this great opportunity.

It can be expected that when Konoha ninjas go out in the future, they will inevitably be provoked by other ninjas.

No, not only Konoha ninjas, but all ninjas on the list will encounter this situation in the future. Whether it's for fame or profit, in short, once this list comes out, the ninja world will definitely become more turbulent.

"This ghost lamp crescent moon is really the source of trouble in the ninja world today!" Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a moment and said to Shimura Danzo next to him.

"Can we also publish a list and sanction Kirigakure Village? We do not want to completely eliminate the impact of this list, but at least minimize the negative effects."

At a time when the situation in the ninja world is becoming increasingly chaotic, and when Uzumaki Mito may die at any time, Sarutobi Hiruzen just wants to survive this stormy period peacefully and does not want to cause trouble.

"It doesn't mean much. It can be seen that Kirigakure Village has made great efforts to promote this matter behind the scenes, and people seem to believe Kirigakure Village more in this kind of news."

Yes, after Ghost Light Crescent has continued to create a sense of presence in the field of public opinion, today's Kirigakure Village can be said to have basically mastered the high ground of public opinion propaganda.

Whether it is the means of publicity or the content of the publicity, Kirigakure Village is more interesting, so why do people want to support your Konoha things?

"However... for us, I think this is more likely to be an opportunity than the risks involved."

In fact, after this list was released, nobles and wealthy businessmen were more likely to choose those on the list when they issued tasks to select ninjas. Without knowing the specific strength of the ninjas, the list released by Kirigakure Village undoubtedly gave them a guidance.

In this case, the Konoha ninja with the largest number of people on the list is undoubtedly the biggest winner.

Of course Ghost Light Crescent also knows this, but compared to this benefit, he values ​​the influence behind this list more, the power to control public opinion in the ninja world through a simple increase in the number of ninjas on the list.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, how could he not know this? But compared to this benefit, he hopes that the ninja world can be calm at this time. It is best to wait until the new generation of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki grows up before the ninja world is in turmoil.

"Don't you understand that the bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish, Hiruzen?" Danzo Shimura looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi, looking like he hated iron, why don't you dare to give it a try?

"Fight? What to fight for?" Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his eyebrows and looked at Shimura Danzo.

"The Hokage of Konoha is me, not you!"

"For the survival and development of the 600,000 people in Konoha, this responsibility rests on my shoulders! Danzo, not you!"

"I am not stable and do not seek stability. How can I casually risk the lives of these 600,000 people?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's words were like a knife, and they were deeply imprinted in Shimura Danzo's heart. Is this any different from pointing at his nose and saying that he is not qualified to discuss the development direction of Konoha?

Danzo Shimura was speechless. He once again felt the deep gap between him and his old teammate. At the same time, the ambition quietly sprouted in his heart again.

"If I were Hokage..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at his old teammate with disappointment and turned around.

"Go down, Danzo. Think of a way to restrain the ghost light Xinyue, and we can't let him continue to do it so unscrupulously."

The setting sun shines in through the window, dividing the office into two spaces: one light and one dark. Hiruzen Sarutobi standing in the sunset is in sharp contrast to Danzo Shimura standing in the shadows.

As the sun sets in the west, the afterglow of the setting sun gradually dissipates, and the darkness in the room quietly takes over.

Standing in the darkness, Shimura Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen under the sunset and made a decision.

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

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