"I know that everyone here has many questions about the convening of this Jonin meeting. It is very simple. There are only three resolutions in this Jonin meeting. These three resolutions will be implemented immediately after the end of the Jonin meeting."

Lian turned around and glanced at the Daimyo envoy beside him, briefly introduced his identity, and then started to speak regardless. And the daimyo envoy also sat there very politely, and did not say anything in a pretentious manner based on his status as a daimyo envoy.

"First of all, the first thing is about the appointment of the genius of our Kirigakure Village, the 'Jiyame' in Kirigakure Village." Lian glanced at the position of the ghost lamp and crescent moon under the stage, and said these two words. When the nickname was given, the tone was even more emphatic and emphasized.

Gui Deng Xinyue was not afraid of his gaze, stood up and nodded to the surroundings.

Many Jonin present had already heard about this talented ninja from the village, but they didn't understand why this appointment was made at this Jonin Conference. Could it be another round of conflict between the Mizukage and the Oniden clan? Confrontation?

The Daimyo envoy on the side also looked at the young ninja curiously. This was the first time he met the benefactor who had been sending him money in person.

"In order to show that the village attaches great importance to talented ninjas, and taking into account the age, talent and achievements of the Oniden Jonin, we finally decided after a unanimous discussion with Master Genshi..."

Facing Lian's gaze, Gui Deng Xinyue was really a little nervous at this time. After all, whether he can successfully fire the first shot depends on this time!

"...confer upon him the office of Foreign Service Officer."


If it weren't for the seriousness of the venue, Ghost Lantern New Moon would just want to celebrate by snapping his fingers.


However, in order to temporarily paralyze the enemy, Gui Deng Xinyue still showed an indignant look in his eyes, expressing his dissatisfaction from the side.

Lian looked at the ghost light crescent moon without any expression, and immediately announced the second decision. Rather, the second and third decisions were his real purpose of convening this Jonin meeting. The first This decision was just incidental.

To use such a large force just for the sake of serving a junior member would be to underestimate him.

"The next step is the second decision. From now on, based on the Second Generation Mizukage Secrecy Law, this village will fully implement the policy of seclusion. No one is allowed to go out without permission. All outsiders are also not allowed to enter without permission. In Kirigakure Village!”


As soon as this resolution came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Although the second generation Mizukage had enacted a secrecy law before, the core idea behind the secrecy law was that Kirigakure Village was too weak and had to implement a policy to prevent the leakage of the village's information.

And the core of that secrecy law is actually to prohibit foreign ninjas from entering the country. It does not prohibit the ninjas of the village from going out. At the same time, it does not prohibit foreign business travelers from entering. After all, if the businessmen don't come, what will the many ninjas eat, drink and play?

And according to what the Third Mizukage meant, he wanted to completely isolate the country? No chance to communicate with the outside world at all?

The Kingdom of Water is surrounded by sea water. Although the materials on the island can be produced and sold on their own, they do not have to worry about the most basic life in isolation. But how can they get used to wearing linen clothes when they are used to wearing silk and satin? ?

Lian seemed to have known for a long time that there would be many objections in the audience, so she added, "This is what the Daimyo meant."

The Daimyo envoy on the side also stood up and confirmed the authenticity of this sentence.

As a daimyo of the Kingdom of Water, although he had the intention to expand the territory when he first came to the throne, after decades of war, especially after the first ninja war, he deeply realized that his family's strength was different. Speaking of expanding territory, it would be good to be able to protect one-third of an acre of land.

Therefore, driven by some "enthusiastic people" and close confidants, the policy of isolation from the country was newly introduced. The arrival of the Daimyo envoy was actually to inform about this matter, but unexpectedly, the contemporary Mizukage seemed to greatly appreciate this resolution and wanted to implement it simultaneously in Kirigakure Village.

Hearing the still-constant discussion in the audience, Lian said word by word with an expressionless face: "This is also what the Daimyo-dono meant. Moreover, this is not a discussion, but a notification."

Following his words, the air in the entire conference room suddenly became humid. At some point, the air was filled with fine water droplets, giving off a different kind of light under the sunlight.

As a disciple of the first Mizukage and a standard Mizukage, Ren is naturally best at water release ninjutsu. This subtle chakra control ability also proves from the side that his reputation as a Mizukage is not in vain.

After seeing that many jounin in the audience suddenly fell silent, and even the great ninja clans such as the Ghost Light Clan and the Snow Clan had no objections, he was satisfied and put away his own methods.

"You don't have the strength of generation-defining powerhouses like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, and you don't have a solid foundation, so you dare to be so arrogant and engage in Yiyantang? Are you really brainwashed by Madara and Zetsu?"

Seeing this scene, Gui Deng Xinyue in the audience confirmed some of his suspicions.

"The next step is the third decision, regarding the future promotion of Jonin."

"Due to the limited funds of the village and the cessation of wars in recent years, the number of ninjas has continued to increase. Taking into account the latest isolation policy, I have decided to keep the total number of ninjas unchanged from now on, and implement the promotion standard of the capable ones and the inferior ones."

"Ninja wants to be promoted? Yes! No tasks or achievements are required. You just need to defeat your opponent, and you will get your opponent's ninja level!"

"If a ninja school student wants to obtain the status of genin, then defeat the genin! If the genin wants to be promoted to chunin, then defeat the chunin. If he wants to become a jounin, then defeat the jounin! Even if someone wants to become a Mizukage, then If he can defeat me face to face, I’m willing to give in!”

When saying this, Lian's eyes lingered on the faces of Ghost Lantern Canyue, the Snow Clan leader and others, as if he meant something.

But upon hearing this resolution, the reaction of everyone in the audience was not as strong as the last time.

It is conceivable that for the middle genin, this will be a cruel and bloody elimination game.

The identity of a ninja is not only a proof of identity in Kirigakure Village, but also a proof of political status!

This is especially true for civilians. If you want to live a good life, get a ninja status! As long as you become a ninja master, you will step into another level and say goodbye to your previous hard life.

But for jounin, the impact is actually not that big.

It's very simple. The many jounin present are basically from the ninja clan. If the Mizukage's wishes can be followed, the number of jounin will be consistent with the current number.

Originally, becoming a jounin was a matter of only one in a million, and currently those from the major ninja clans who have the strength to be promoted to jounin have already been promoted. In other words, at least for ten years, the position of jounin will not change much. This is also This means that the interests of all the ninjas present will not be changed in a short time.

For them, it actually doesn't have that big of an impact.

What? You said ten years from now?

It’s hard to say whether Ren will be Mizukage or not ten years from now. For the sake of quarreling with the current Mizukage ten years from now, if someone really stands up, everyone present will really be laughing.

"Very well, if no one objects, then we will disperse..."

"Wait a moment!"

Just when the whole place was silent, the newly minted foreign affairs officer stood up.

"I have something to say, please listen carefully."

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