Promote the theory of threat to Konoha, why Kirigakure brings Hide!

Chapter 64: Fire Country Daimyo: Hiruzen, I want to learn ninjutsu!

"You two really make me feel sick!"

After going to bed, Xiaochun grabbed the book in her hand hard, her pretty face turned red with anger, her chest kept rising and falling, her long knuckles turned pale white under the strong force, and she balled up the pages of the book.

"Especially you, Danzo! I never thought you could read this kind of thing!"

Koharu turned to bed and angrily scolded Danzo Shimura.

She never imagined that one day she would be stabbed in the back in a book. Moreover, the person who stabbed her in the back was actually her close comrade-in-arms, especially this comrade-in-arms who seemed to have some other thoughts in reality.

"And you, Hiruzen!" After sleeping, Koharu turned around and stared at the embarrassed Sarutobi Hiruzen, "I will tell Biwako everything about today without leaving a single word, but I want to question her properly. On weekdays How did Li discipline you!"

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo tried to cover it up, she had already sensed something was wrong, so how could she be so easily deceived? She had long seen the book on the desk in Sarutobi Hiruzen's erratic eyes.

Hence the above scene.

"Ahem, Koharu, calm down. All of this must be a conspiracy by the evil kid from the Ghost Lantern clan. It has nothing to do with us. I was just discussing with Hiruzen how to understand the deeper meaning."

Shimura Danzo was quick to think, and in a panic, he quickly thought of a perfect excuse.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes lit up and he nodded frantically in agreement.

"Oh? Really? Then tell me, what's the deep meaning in this?"

When she went to bed, Koharu didn't believe it. Shimura Danzo's naked gaze just now was particularly strange to her. She had never seen such a look in the eyes of her old teammate.

"But... this also proves that I really still have charm!" The idea of ​​sleeping in Xiaochun flashed through his mind.

"Ahem, Hiruzen, please tell me." Danzo Shimura was speechless. What he just said was just an excuse. How could he make up any deep meaning?

It can only be said that Hiruzen Sarutobi in sage mode is really quick-thinking, and he thought of a reason in the blink of an eye.

"Ahem, we were discussing just now. First of all, it is clear that this thing was done by that kid from Guideng Xinyue, right?"

"But have you noticed a problem? The intensity of the propaganda this time is much weaker than before?"

"A lot weaker?" Koharu frowned as he went to bed, trying to keep up with Sarutobi Hiruzen's rhythm.

"Not bad." Seeing the two men nodding, Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly sorted out his thoughts and began to speak better. "Have you ever felt that this public opinion offensive is not very similar to that boy's previous style? The one that kills with one blow, like a scalpel, attacking the weak point with precision?"

After turning to bed, Xiaochun nodded. This action was indeed strange.

This method of creating pornographic rumors is actually very childish in the true sense. Apart from embarrassing Xiaochun and others, it has no effect at all.

Because in this era, the leader's lack of personal ethics is not a big deal at all for the Hokage. It was impossible for Sarutobi Hiruzen to be affected by these two simple rumors.

"Compared with the long-planned public opinion offensive before, this time's public opinion performance feels very hasty, as if it was a spur of the moment and forced to counterattack." Sarutobi Hiruzen concluded.

"You mean, this weak counterattack is more like a conscious act of revenge carried out by Ghost Light Crescent Moon against us for making the internal strife in Kirigakure Village public?" As a master of conspiracy theories, Shimura Danzo gradually followed Falling in love with Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"In this act of revenge, Kiden Xinyue probably wanted to show to the outside world that he had not been affected in any way by the internal fighting in Kirigakure Village. He still had the ability to control public opinion in the ninja world at any time. But to his surprise, This demonstrative act of revenge just exposed his weakness."

Danzo Shimura remembered a piece of information he had received before and confirmed his suspicion more and more. "Yes, Mizukage has cut the financial support of Ghost Light New Moon, so he is just bluffing now."

After turning to bed, Xiaochun nodded. She already fully understood what her two old teammates meant.

"If you put it that seems like civil strife is really imminent in this Kirigakure Village!"

"So, we really don't need to be so vigilant about Kirigakure Village." Sarutobi Hiruzen concluded again.

"Then what are you going to do about this?"

After going to bed, Koharu raised the book in his hand and asked Sarutobi Hiruzen with a cold and pretty face.

"Are you thinking of letting it go like this? Why don't you quickly order all these things to be destroyed!"

"Actually, I think it is necessary to learn the enemy's propaganda techniques... I promise to destroy them completely!" Looking at Koharu's increasingly cold eyes as he went to bed, Hiruzen Sarutobi quickly made a promise.

Soon, Uchiha Fugaku, a close disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen, received a strange order.

"Crack down on pornography and illegal activities?"

Looking at the order in his hand, Uchiha Fugaku, who didn't know the inside story, led the security team and immediately started market rectification operations.

But just as Gui Leng Xinyue thought before, ordinary people always have great enthusiasm for the sinister behavior of big figures, and this enthusiasm is often directly proportional to the strength of the prohibition.

Under such a high-profile slogan, those who have read it increasingly believe in some of the contents of this pornographic book, while those who have not read it are itching to watch it.

As a result, this banned product spread like flying through the village.

The important purpose of Ghost Light Crescent Moon and Sarutobi Hiruzen's lustful behavior were finally recognized by the villagers of Konoha.

It's not just the Leaf Village. With the help of other countries in the ninja world who are watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously, Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Hokage, can be said to be completely famous in the ninja world.

Based on Sarutobi Hiruzen's unprecedented gameplay in some fields, he was given the title of "Lawful Sage" by some good people in advance - even making sushi can have a sage, it is completely reasonable for this thing to have a sage.

When this trend spread throughout the Ninja world, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly received a notice from the daimyo sending an envoy to visit Konoha.

"Hokage-dono, please step aside. The Daimyo has important matters to discuss with Hokage-dono."

Seeing the serious look on the Daimyo envoy's face, Hiruzen Sarutobi thought that the Fire Country really wanted to discuss something important with him, so he quickly followed the request.

"Hokage-dono, the daimyo-sama would like to know if it is okay for him to practice ninja training and refine chakra now?"

Seeing the serious look on the messenger's face, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was a little confused, thought about it carefully and finally gave his own suggestion.

"At Daimyo-sama's age, it is not difficult to refine chakra. I just don't know why Daimyo-sama wants to practice ninja training?"

As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen finished his answer, he saw the envoy taking out a stack of familiar books from his arms and said seriously to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "That's great. Since the Daimyo learned about the Hokage Sir, you have some unique insights in certain fields, and after you invented some unique ninjutsu, you are very attracted to it, so I would like to ask you, Hokage-sama, how to practice the ninjutsu here, and is there any quick way?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen expressed his doubts.

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