The dead have passed away, but the living still need to survive.

A week has passed since the civil strife that affected the whole village. The villagers of Kirigakure Village are gradually getting over the pain and running for their future lives.

When the civil strife ended, the first order given by Ghost Light Xinyue was not to clean up the mess or to count the losses, but to send ninjas to spread the word about Lian's actions.

If the villagers had only learned the truth from word of mouth from others, Gui Deng Xinyue's move was to seal the coffin of this behavior from the official level.

All guilt stems from the third generation of Mizukage, and all glory belongs to Ghost Lantern Crescent Moon.

For Ghost Lantern Crescent, this awareness must be quickly implemented into the minds of all villagers. And in this scenario where relatives have passed away and property has been severely damaged, this kind of ideological brainwashing is the most sad and fragile key node of the human soul, which is more effective with half the effort.

Not only anger can block people's perception, but also when people are emotionally excited, they are often the most likely to follow the crowd and the easiest to guide.

Moreover, from a side perspective, throwing lotus out at this time is also an outlet for people to vent their sadness.

At this time, if someone is provoked, it is easy to expand the target of hatred from a single person to the village, which will be troublesome.

And under a series of operations by Gui Deng Xinyue, the hatred in the hearts of the villagers was completely anchored to Lian. In this situation, the villagers' hatred for Lian became deeper and deeper, and their love for Gui Deng Xinyue became more and more serious. Next, news suddenly came that Lian had died of serious injuries. So what would the villagers do at this time?

The object of hatred is gone, and the hatred will naturally disappear. Of course, all that is left is respect for Gui Leng Xinyue who saved them!

The subsequent reality fully proved Guideng Xinyue's idea.

After this was completed, it was time to organize manpower to count casualties in a step-by-step manner, clean the battlefield, collect the bodies, and organize post-war reconstruction work.

The next step was to report the details of the rebellion in detail to the extremely loyal Daimyo of Kirigakure Village.

After all, it took a lot of effort to get Shui Jingtai's favorability level up. Gui Deng Xinyue would definitely not be confused at this time, and would definitely make his adoptive father feel the loyalty from afar.

The report described in an emotional manner how frantic Lian was, how powerful the enemy was, how dangerous our situation was at that time, how collapsed the situation was, and so on.

Then, under this situation, Lian made arrogant words, saying, "The great names will take turns, and they will come to my house tomorrow." This made the loyal minister Gui Deng Xinyue extremely angry.

With infinite loyalty and respect for the daimyo, Ghost Light New Moon Bakuzo defeated Ren Yunyun.

Of course, the purpose of writing these is not only to maintain the relationship with the daimyo and show one's loyalty to the daimyo, but the main purpose is... to ask for money!

After the Blood Mist Rebellion, Kirigakure Village suffered numerous casualties and property losses, and a lot of funds were needed for post-disaster reconstruction work such as appeasing people, cleaning up the ruins, and rebuilding houses. Naturally, Mizuki Kageta, the financial backer of Kirigakure Village, needed to contribute!

After all, they are all loyal ministers in Kirigakure Village, and it is not Mingjun’s fault to make loyal ministers feel cold!

Finally, there is the liquidation of those rebel ninjas.

The first is the Kaguya clan.

Ever since Ghost Lantern Xinyue made an agreement with Kaguya Yoshio that day, the Kaguya clan has stayed behind closed doors, researching how to solve their own blood stain problem based on the stone tablet day and night.

But it is obvious that this is a useless effort. After all, that thing was made by Hei Zetsu to stir up civil strife in Kirigakure. How could it be effective?

The Kaguya clan naturally refused to believe this result, but the reality was there, and they had to accept this situation after being incompetent and furious for a while.

In the end, in order to repay the crime of aiding the tyrants and provoking civil strife, Yoshio Kaguya, as the leader of the Kaguya clan, accepted the order issued by Kiden Xinyue to reduce the corresponding power of the Kaguya clan, committed seppuku in front of everyone, and died to thank the world.

Then there are the seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Except for Tachibana Higashihiko, who had always been interested in the controller of the twin swords and the ghost lamp, the other six people basically completed the high-risk tasks in the next five years - this is because they are only loyal to the Mizukage and have not yet caused any harm. For the sake of too much killing.

After these two big ones are dealt with, there is nothing more to say about the rest. Just punish them step by step and reward them accordingly.

For those defeated ninjas, unless there were too many killings, Ghost Light Crescent Moon still tried its best to ensure their lives.

After all, a scrap can can be sold for money, let alone a ninja?

If it really doesn't work, wouldn't it be better to let them farm than to kill them casually?

It is worth mentioning that, perhaps hoping that Yuanshi would cooperate with him as an elder to stabilize the situation after the war, Lian did not kill Yuanshi, but simply imprisoned him in a secret room.

He was rescued after the war.

Regarding Lian's death, Master Yuan did not express any opinion. After all, after doing such a thing, death is considered a good thing.

He also obediently expressed his support for the fact that the Ghost Light Crescent became the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki, defeated Ren, and the Ghost Light clan became the biggest winner in this civil strife.

However, when Ghost Light Crescent came to the door, hoping to use his prestige to appease people, he had some special ideas about the appointment time of the fourth generation Mizukage.

"The council of elders will control the village before I come of age, and then I will become the fourth Mizukage after I come of age?"

Looking at Gui Deng Xinyue who was calm and listening to his words quietly, Master Yuan nodded and explained the reason why he did this.

After realizing spiritual communication with Vulpix and perfectly controlling Vulpix's chakra, Ghost Light Crescent Moon's own strength has been completely stabilized at the shadow level.

Coupled with the record of defeating Ren and the many contributions he has made to the village, it can be said that the current Kito Shingetsu has become the fourth generation Mizukage, and there is no problem.

But there is only one thing, his age.

He is thirteen years old this year, no matter from any angle, he looks too young.

For ninjas, of course, the younger the better. But for the leader of a force, this is not the case.

As the saying goes, nothing can be done without words, especially for a violent organization. The leader is a thirteen-year-old child. What do others think? What do the businessmen who come to entrust the task think?

How do others view the entire Kirigakure Village?

Even if it is explained that Ghost Light Crescent is the strongest in Kirigakure Village, it will only make others think that Kirigakure Village is not strong enough so that a child can become the number one in Ninja Village.

Especially when the Kirigakure Village has suffered heavy losses and is in urgent need of material support from all parties, if someone wears this hat, the development of Kirigakure Village will also be greatly hindered.

Yuanshi explained a lot piecemeal. In a word, in order to prevent others from looking down on Kirigakure, he hoped that Ghost Light Crescent Moon could become Mizukage again after he became an adult.

Prior to this, all power in the village was ostensibly controlled by the Elders Council. The elders could be appointed by Kiden Crescent Moon, or he could propose that Kiden Zanzue be appointed as Mizukage's assistant. The power of Kirigakure Village was actually still in the hands of the Kiden clan.

This is not just his suggestion, but also the suggestion of those small and medium-sized ninja clans. After all, their interests have long been closely related to Kirigakure Village.

Besides, the fourth Mizukage of Kirigakure Village is only thirteen years's a bit weird to say the least.

Ghost Light Crescent Moon didn't care about this. He believed that after this battle, no ninja in the village would dare to stab him.

Now that the power is still in hand, it is not impossible to delay his rise to power.

After all, once you become a Mizukage, you may not have freedom of movement, so it's not impossible to be a behind-the-scenes figure.

However, it was not Gui Deng Xinyue's character to agree so casually, so he also put forward his own conditions accordingly.

"Principal of the Ninja School? The reconstruction of the Ninja School after the disaster is the first priority and no one is allowed to stop it?"

Although I don’t know why Guideng Xinyue wants this position, as long as they agree to the proposal, there is naturally no problem with this request.

Seeing Master Yuan's cheerful look, Gui Deng Xinyue couldn't help but smile.


"How about it? As I sit here, my appearance is no worse than that of Lian, right?"

In Mizukage's office, Kiden Zangetsu sat in the chair and showed off to his son.

If we start counting from the death of the second generation Mizukage Kito Genzuki, this Mizukage office can be regarded as lost from his hands. Now that it is back in the hands of the Kito clan, how can he not be so excited?

In response, Gui Deng Xinyue just raised his head and showed an awkward but polite smile, and then lowered his head to check the data list in his hand again.

"Are you still studying the Ninja School's historical data?"

Gui Deng Cangyue got in front of Gui Deng Xinyue and looked at the data.

"I really don't know why you insist on taking up the position of principal of this ninja school. If you want to train your own team, you just need to find some elite people like before? Why spend so much effort on these cannon fodder?"


Gui Deng Xinyue shook his head slightly and put down the data in his hand.

"The Ninja School is the foundation of the village's prosperity and cannot be ignored."

After reading through the records about the ninja school kept by Kirigakure Village, Kiden Xinyue finally had a clear understanding of the impression of the ninja school at this time.

The first thing to make clear is that the current Ninja School is far from being called a Ninja Military Academy.

Cannon fodder school, this is its correct name.

Today's ninja school students basically come from various civilian families. The enrollment age is between six and nine years old. The schooling lasts for three years. There are about a hundred graduates in each class. They can master the throwing skills of kunai and three body. Basic usage of the technique.

In terms of graduation conditions alone, they are very different from Uzumaki Naruto's class. But times are different, and there will always be some differences.

This difference is mainly reflected in survival rates.

According to records, the three-month survival rate of each graduating class is 60%, the three-year survival rate is 30%, and the five-year survival rate is 5%.

In the fifteen years since the Kirigakure Ninja School was established, the number of survivors of the first class of graduates was...0.

This is the true status quo of ninja schools in these war years. This is also the fundamental reason why the major ninja clans acquiesce in the opening of ninja schools and the outflow of ninja qualifications.

Without him, who wouldn’t like this kind of cannon fodder?

But for Kito Shinetsu, who is determined to dominate the ninja world, the current situation in the ninja school is not good.

"So, the first step is to change the training goals of the Ninja School."

If you want to truly make Ninja School graduates your base, have them respect you the same way those who were promoted to high school respected their teachers in previous lives, and make them proud to be "Mizukage disciples", you must make changes from here.

After all, no one is a fool. Even if you are pretending, you have to show your sincerity, right?

“Then there’s the teaching method.”

He recalled his previous school life and the descriptions of sects and colleges in the novels he had read, and then wrote down words such as monthly exams, final exams, rankings, ladder battles, and secret realms on paper.

"And the most important thing is the issue of ninjutsu resources and treatment."

Gui Deng Xinyue drew a big circle on it.

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