Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 711: , high-precision 3-view

The history of the high elves can be divided into several stages, roughly the ancient period, the glorious period, the civil war period and the new period. The dividing point between the medieval period and the glorious period is that the first Phoenix King Alario died in battle but successfully expelled the Chaos Demon. The Maelstrom was established. The glorious period was when the second-generation Phoenix King Beo-Channar was in power. The elf empire and the dwarves allied and dominated the world. At that time, the colonies of elves spread all over the world.

The dividing point between the glory period and the civil war period was the split of the elves. The elves empire was divided into high-level, dark and wood-elf successively. The story in this was mentioned earlier and will not be repeated here.

The dividing point between the civil war period and the new period is that after the current Phoenix King, One Piece, Finuba, came to the old world to travel around, he adjusted his national policy, and chose to re-establish diplomatic relations with humans and trade with the old world.

"The story of the reckless king Morville begins with the poet king Isis, and the story of the poet king Isis begins with the brave king Caledor II." Tigris said calmly: "You must know this history, The King of Brave Caledor II was beheaded by the dwarf King Gotrek-Splinter Star because of his stupidity and recklessness, and the Phoenix King's crown has been stored in the Eternal Peak."

"Next, let me tell you a piece of history. When Caledor II died in battle, all the elven princes in the Phoenix Royal Court knew that Ulthuan was facing a huge crisis at this time, and they needed a powerful Phoenix King. Therefore, Tesiris from the Kingdom of Caledor was selected as the Phoenix King. He established a standing army system. With the help of an unprecedentedly large army and the help of the Caledor dragon, Tesiris spent hundreds of years annihilating all remaining The dark elves of Ulthuan, he is cruel and decisive, and every time he conquers a dark elf city, he must order the massacre of the city, which makes Asul feel too cruel, so he is nicknamed, The Butcher King."

"..." Ryan hadn't spoken yet, and Olika, who was standing behind him, snorted disdainfully, but rarely did not refute.

"Tesiris finally wiped out the main force of the dark elves in the Blighted Isles. This was a great opportunity to attack Nagaroth and completely destroy the dark elves, but Tesiris ordered the army to come to the Kane sword altar, and he dug out the The Dragon Armor of Elario, the first Phoenix King, was returned to his descendants, and then he ordered the army to disperse, and he wanted to be alone in the Kane sword altar."

"Tesiris is dead, there are two theories about how he died, one is that he dismissed all the White Lion guards and wanted to see the sword of Kane up close but was killed by the dark elf assassins, the other is that he Tried to draw Kane's sword, but the White Lion guards couldn't tolerate this behavior and killed him. In short, he died. With the death of Tesiris, the army chose to return after losing its leader, and the dark elves escaped. robbery."

"After the death of Tesiris, the king-selection meeting chose the archmage Bel-Cohadris from the Kingdom of Safri. At this time, the entire Ulthuan had been devastated due to the years of war, and the population was greatly reduced. Bel-Cohadris He chose to give up attacking Nagaroth, and the dark elves were temporarily unable to attack Ulthuan, so he focused his energy on maintaining law and order and rebuilding the city. After hundreds of years of hard work, Asul's population was restored and the economy was restored. After becoming prosperous again, Cohadris did not relax his military equipment. He regularly held monster hunting and contests to ensure the fighting power of the elf nobles. At the same time, his greatest contribution was to exhaust all his energy and wealth and create Hesbai. He passed away peacefully when the Hosbai Tower was completed, hence the name Scholar King."

Tigris finished the stories of the previous Phoenix Kings in a tone of infinite nostalgia and sadness, and then his tone gradually turned to contempt and disdain: "Then, the poet King Isis."

"Isis is also the prince of Safrui. Rarely, he took over a peaceful and prosperous Ulthuan. Isis is not a monarch who likes war and expansion. On the contrary, the Phoenix King has a lot of love for poetry, Paintings, sculptures, and operas are very fond of. During this time, the Phoenix Royal Court gradually became a large-scale art gathering place. Centuries ago, an Asur nobleman might need to use his sword, wisdom or magic to prove himself, but Now they only need to use sweet words or just the right amount of flattery that will make the Phoenix King happy to get their place in the court."

"As hedonism prevailed, Isis believed that Assur didn't need so many troops, so he ordered a massive reduction in the size of the army and navy, and diverted military funds to build more courtyards, theaters, and supplies. More artisans, poets, painters, and the sect of pleasure began to spread among the nobility again, and Assur gradually became lazy and addicted to enjoyment, losing his enterprising spirit and motivation."

"...Pfft~" Ryan couldn't help laughing. It seems that the history of elves, like humans, is a cyclical process: "I can understand that in a comfortable environment, people gradually relax."

"That's right." Tigris nodded: "What's worse, from this period, due to extreme autism and self-blocking, after nearly a thousand years of prosperity, the social vitality of Othuan's economy began to gradually decline. Fertility rates continued to decline, many towns and manors began to fall into disrepair, and even the densely populated cities of the past no longer had their former glory and began to become empty. After repeated investigations, the magic swordsmen finally discovered that the prime minister of the Phoenix King was actually an undercover agent of the dark elves, and at the moment when the lie and truth were exposed, the prime minister used a poisonous dagger to pierce the heart of Isis."

"Hmph~ How's it going? The Supreme Archmage of the White Tower, is it a surprise or surprise for you from Duluzi's gift?" Olika said, and the dark elf wanted to lean against her comfortably when she heard this passage. The owner's arms: "Do you like it?"

Tigris's dead fish eyes glanced at the dark elf, and he remained expressionless: "Next, it is the reckless king Morville, who lost the Sunfire Talisman in his hands."

"The arrogant king Morville was chosen as the next Phoenix King in the chaos, and the reason he was chosen as the Phoenix King was not because of his excellent internal affairs and commanding ability, but because he was the one who discovered the dark elf undercover. Swordsman, in the chaotic political situation at the time and the corruption of the Joyous Sect spreading everywhere, Morville was considered to be one of the very few who could prove his purity, so the King Selection Committee finally chose him."

"As soon as Morville took office, in order to consolidate his authority, he immediately decided to launch a war against the dark elves. An Asul fleet sailed to Nagaroth, and then was slaughtered under the siege of the dark elves. After more than a thousand years The dark elves are now more powerful than ever."

"And under the previous rule of the poet king, the military strength of the high elves was at the lowest point in history, the armament was slack, and the war had not been heard for a long time. The dark elves seized this opportunity and attacked Ulthuan in a big way. Asul was continuously defeated, The Dark Elves' offensive was barely contained until Griffin Gate, at which time Ulthuan was in great danger."

"Morville is not a good commander. His wars with the dark elves kept failing, until the Griffin Gate was in jeopardy under the attack of the dark elves, and he himself was constantly the nightmare of defeat, the curse of Asuryan. Constantly tormented with tense nerves, Morville used the authority of the Phoenix King to force a new policy - the compulsory military service system, and he required every elves on the entire Ulthuan Island to be in one place. Take a small part of the year for military service and bring your own weapons."

"Relying on compulsory military service, Asul finally organized a huge army, and finally defeated the dark elf army under the leadership of Morville's most trusted friend and advisor, Prince Mentheus of Caledor, but the door Hughes died in battle. The unfortunate death of his most trusted friend and advisor finally completely defeated Morville's will. The reckless king, who was already extremely world-weary, depressed and depressed, finally lost his strength to live. He walked into the flame of Asuryan. into ashes."

Lane nodded silently.

The decline of high-precision is actually not surprising. The butcher king Tesiris focused on wars and consumed a large number of people in the war. The scholar king Bel-Cohadris focused on restoring production, rebuilding cities, and revitalizing the economy. Plenty of jobs.

When the poet king came to the throne, in fact the whole society had fallen into involution, there was nothing to do, so many people were not needed to work, and the number of jobs was naturally greatly reduced. The poet king Isis concentrated all the national resources in the field of art and construction. , resulting in far fewer jobs than the employed population, which has led to structural unemployment, high-quality social welfare and comfortable living. Against this background, the fertility rate naturally plummeted.

According to many practices that Lane has seen, in order to prevent social regression at this time, the rulers will introduce large-scale population and external expansion to ensure that the society will not decline, but that is high-level, arrogant and high-level, they would rather They slowly decline or even go down the road of extinction, and they will not let other lowly races join them.

Now, the revival and re-prosperity of high-precision is due to the opening of the trade of the whole old world by the nautical king Finnuba. Now the prosperity and economic and population recovery of Osuan are mostly maintained by trade. Naturally, humans were fascinated by sophisticated luxury, power and elegance, and Ulthuan flourished again, and Lothern became the world's number one trading port.

"The Amulet of Sunfire was lost in Morville, who gave it to his son Aravel, but Aravel was shipwrecked after leaving Lothern by boat...or something else, Buried at the bottom of the sea."

After the long history was over, Tigris paused for a moment, and then continued: "That's all I can tell you, due to Morville's earlier experience as a spy of the Hossman swordsman, he was depressed and suffering from nightmares. He didn't tell anyone where Aravel was going, and after his second entry into the Asuryan Fire and burnt to ashes, maybe no one knows where the Sunfire Amulet went."

"Can't it be through divination or prophecy?" Ryan frowned, and he tried to ask.

"If divination and prophecy were useful, we wouldn't have lost the Yang Fire Talisman for thousands of years." Tigris remained calm: "But if this is what Lilith means, I mean, if you must get the Yang Fire anyway Fire Talisman, then there is another way."

"What else can I do?" Ryan leaned himself on the back chair, and Angron told Ryan about the Sunfire Amulet, he had to get that, but now he could only tell Tigris that it was Lilith's mean.

In the final analysis, Ryan's strength is not strong enough, and now the entire energy of Brittany has been concentrated on the expedition of Eight Peaks. A large amount of materials are being assembled in Boldero, and the knights of the whole country are gearing up and waiting to participate in this event. A great expedition of the Knights Road, Ryan will be leaving soon to go to Poldero, he has no energy to think about the Sunfire Talisman now.

"If Lilith insists, we can try prophecy again, but we need a lot of prophecy stones." Tigris nodded: "The Prophecy Stone of the Old Sage."

"Then how to get it?" Ryan asked.

"There is basically no Old Sage's Prophecy Stone on Ulthuan. Even if there is, it is still in the Dragon Volcano or Vaal Anvil in Caledor, and Prince Imric of Caledor will not let me touch it. , there are only two places where it is possible to find a large number of prophecy stones, namely Obian Island, or Lustria." Tigris said his plan: "Although this does not necessarily guarantee that we will find the sun Fire Amulet, but at least there is a silver lining, and if necessary, slaughtering all creatures on Obien Island, if Lilith needs it, or if you can find the Prophecy Stone elsewhere in the Old World, and you If you can’t do it because of the shackles of chivalry, then it’s totally fine to leave it to me, and a big spell can solve the problem.”

"Hehehe, the world of your Asul is really beautiful, playing the flute all day, enjoying the warm and comfortable climate, beautiful scenery, and those exquisitely carved towers, and then as long as necessary, you can feel no guilt Destroy any target, how did you do it?" Tigris' bland reaction made Ryan feel a little unhappy, compared to the emotional wood elves or the really brutal and brutal dark elves, the high elves are aloof and seemingly civilized And the paragon of order is actually just as ruthless.

"What's the difference? When you humans slaughter beasts, destroy forests, and exterminate beastmen and will you feel guilty? Are there still few civil wars in your own history?" Looking at Ryan: "It's basically the same, it's all the same, everyone thinks that their race and their civilization are the best, and everything else is garbage, that's all, the difference is whether they can communicate. For those who can communicate, such as Asul and you humans, we can at least seek common ground while reserving differences, and for those that cannot communicate, such as greenskin and chaos, there is only eternal war."

"At least we and the dwarves are firm allies." Ryan retorted.

"From a certain point of view, yes, humans and dwarves are very close in terms of body structure and organ distribution." Tigris said calmly: "But that doesn't mean that dwarves will always stand with you. Together, the sacred covenant between the empire and the dwarves seems more like an accident, but you are lucky, that's all, because the covenant between the elves and the dwarves was also broken through a misunderstanding."

"I understand. As for the Sunfire Talisman, don't worry for now." Ryan nodded: "Wait for my news first, Your Excellency Tigris, do you have any action plans in the old world?"

"I originally came to be a witness for you and Lilith." Tigris' tone was a little weird: "So, can I leave tomorrow?"

Ryan could hear Olika whispering "Bichi" behind him.

"Okay, then please stay for a few more days to guide my two female courtiers' magic." Ryan could only say a little embarrassedly: "As for the expedition to the Eight Peaks, what task do you want to give me? "

"Of course there is." Tigris's dead fish eyes finally fluctuated: "There is one thing that is very important to the high elves, and it has been buried under the Eight Peaks Mountain."

"I need you, get it back."

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