Protagonist Aura

Vol 26 Chapter 31: They are scared! (Third)

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The eight-year-old girl poked a Goblin for the first time.

"Wow wow wow—"

Then she jumped away immediately. "master!"

So do n’t kill if you ’re afraid, and what is the reason for screaming again after killing.

"You have done a good job."

Night God Moon Road.

It's just that the current Goblin has infiltrated more than ten, no longer just ordinary little Goblin, but a larger Goblin that is only slightly smaller than an adult.

"I pray once." Looking at so many Goblins, the legs of Miss Saint Maiden were soft again, but she was holding the stone even more, to help Ye Shenyue once.

"no need."

But Ye Shenyue refused her help.

Instead, he directly inserted the sword bought in the weapon shop next to the guild that had three or four gaps in his hand on the ground.

Then took out the Taidao created by the owner of the weapon shop.

The material used is not particularly special.

It is also a defective product that will break off when the continuous stone is touched several times.


When he was tacitly recording at the school, Mrs. Dudao Daozi said this to him.

What a knife can cut off depends not only on the quality of the knife itself, but also on the technology of the person who uses the knife and the belief that everything should be cut off.

and so.

Sprinkle, come on!

The Goblins rushed in, and seven ran towards him, while the three small Goblins rushed toward the Sage of the Sword.

Ye Shenyue stood on the spot, waving at the three little brothers Brin.

A knife.

The air seemed to stagnate, and the falling rain had to be cut open.

The bodies of the three younger brothers stagnate suddenly. If they are zombies, they lose their sensation, so they will not feel pain or coercion, nor will they be afraid of death.

But the three little brothers Brin were stagnation. Because they feel the crisis that is sweeping over them.


There was fear in their hearts.

However, Night God Moon has already appeared in front of them.

He didn't understand how he acted, but it appeared in front of them.


Three little brothers Brin held his neck with two paws in an instant, then fell straight to the ground.


Said the brave man.

She stood with Saint Sword of the Sword, but her eyes widened wide, because in their eyes, the night **** Yue waved a knife back, and then the three little brothers Brin froze, and then their ugly faces appeared. Frightened and then fell to the ground.

"Be careful, maybe it's deception." The Saint of Sword was nervous, but she said so.


The brave girl nodded, and the scene where the younger brother Blin just lured Night God Moon was still vivid.

These goblins are too cunning.

"..." and the three Goblins remained motionless.

Because they are ... scared to death.

Ye Shenyue certainly can't wield the kind of sword energy that the top swordsman can wield. Using sword energy can hurt people, but he just got a true biography of Xianzi Xuejie.

A blow is like **** opening.

Bringing the younger brother Brin a terrible fear, so the heart stopped, he couldn't breathe and was scared to death.

"% ......% * ...... * () ...... * ...... * () ......"

The other Goblins also had IQs, and they could not help but wonder when they looked at the strange behavior of the three little ghosts.

"% ...... *% * ...... ¥% *% ...... *" However, they stared at Miss Lady and the Brave Girl for a few moments, and the ugly face suddenly burst into a more ugly smile.

They don't feel the danger of Night God Moon.

Then it is not dangerous.

Ye Shenyue's body jumped directly from the spot, and the armor he wore was heavy, which affected his actions, but also brought a loud noise when he landed, which made the surrounding Goblin surprised that this human actually dared to take the initiative. And fight them.

Fall into their encirclement.

But Night God Moon did not give them a chance.

Jumping just let yourself fly in the air and then have a clear view of the positions of the Goblins.


He held the knife handle and waved it.

A knife.

The knife was immediately stained with blood on the blade.

Goblin, who was closest to him, also turned his head.

But before he even babbled out Goblin's language, his head rolled straight down.

The body collapsed instantly.

"% ...... () * () ()% () * ......"

Goblin around almost opened his eyes to the maximum.

But another Goblin's head was cut off and fell to the ground.

"% *% ...... ()% * ()% * ..." The other Goblins finally understood that the companion was killed by Night God Moon.

And they claim to have the strongest vision at night, but they see nothing.

I saw his hand, then, and then the head of the class ... I moved!

"% * ...... () ¥ * ...... *% ......" These goblins did not appear suddenly, but migrated and merged after the Goblin was defeated from other places.

In other words, they are knowledgeable and have seen other adventurers.

Also fought, fleeing.

but now.

"...% * ¥ ...... *% ..." All the Goblins immediately dispersed.

Because they are afraid.

This is even more terrifying than directly touching their swords and even bows and arrows!



Ye Shenyue's left foot stepped out, stepped firmly on the soil, and plunged into it.

Will he let them run? ..

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