Protagonist Aura

Vol 26 Chapter 51: Replace! Finish! (For subscription)

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Open the door.

Her spirit was shocked.

Because she saw a man with a bowed head tied to a chair.

Bare upper body.

But this must be what she was looking for ... She was always looking for ... Ye ... She remembered his name and remembered things with him since childhood.

He who protected her.

and so.

Ye and Ye Shenyue were really bound here.

"Yes, is it Yachiyo ..."

Ye Shenyue looked very tired, even had a wound on her face, and then no longer had much energy.

"Ah, Night God Moon, wait a minute, I will untie the rope right now." She untied his rope and hugged him, "Come on, let's escape, let's escape first and then weigh Vibrate. "

"Although now I can no longer use magic, even defenseless, as long as I can escape with Night God Moon, then there must be a way."

"And if you are lucky, you can still find a knight and a magician ..."

Ye Shenyue held with her.

But when she was thinking so briskly, she suddenly approached her ear, "There is no need for that."

! !

The witch's expression instantly solidified, and even the beauty moles around her eyes solidified.

Because she heard, "I am the owner of this ruin, and it is still yours!"


The witch's body instantly froze, something in her mind exploded directly.

Her eyes and her eyes fell on Ye Shenyue's face.

Fell on his face.


Something has recovered.

It was a memory deeply implanted in her heart and implanted in her mind.


She remembered.

"Ahhh ..." she remembered.

"Night, also an energy lord ..."

She hides her identity and enters the border town, then performs the task of sneaking into the guild.

"You have done very well, Yachiyo." Ye Shenyue gently stroked the other's hair.

Then the witch seemed to be completely relaxed, "Master Ye Shenyue-"

Ye Shenyue hugged her.

And she has fainted.

A few minutes passed.

A white cat walking upright came over.

This is Dilu Beast, it has witnessed the whole substitution experiment.

"... is it over?"

"Ah ... well, it's over."

Ye Shenyue put the witch on a chair, and then turned to look at the dilu beast coming over.

"Master." Dilu Beast didn't stand naturally with his claws. "I don't quite understand. As a result, the witch is a subordinate of the master's original chess piece?"

These days, she witnessed Ye Shenyue's move.

Let evil warcraft use illusion, and then let the witch think he is a spearman. Then slap with the witch, then slap with the witch and slap with the witch.

Have been slapping with the witch.

As a result, the witch's cognition has undergone great changes, from remembering the name of the spearman at the beginning to only remembering the name of the night **** moon.

In the end, even the enemy's name was forgotten, all replaced by the owner's name.

This is really weird.

Just a few days.

"Ha ..." Night God Moon smiled, "Of course not."

"Evil Warcraft refers to a suggestion. A strong psychological suggestion experiment. You do n’t have illusion, of course, I do n’t know. When I go to touch the witch every day, I will restore my appearance a little bit, so it was already yesterday. My own look. What made her feel abnormal was that I deliberately showed her the look of the gunmen. "

"So her perception has deviated and treated me as a pillar, and then I gave her a psychological hint. Now that her heart, which has been completely worn away by the shell, is hinted by me, it will become the pillar of me."

"And this is the replacement."

"Not too well." Dilu beast shook his head.

"Well, you don't need to understand, just understand that I deliberately picked out her inner gap, then let it be filled, and then put in what I want to put in. This is a means of manipulating the mind. "He is very familiar, because the GESS he had before is about the same.

It is all people who are completely hypnotized and then infused with a certain idea to become your slave.

"But she asked me before and asked me where I went after every sip, I almost couldn't help telling her. And it's the same today. Come on, Dilu."

Ye Shenyue suddenly opened her hands to Di Lu Beast.

"I am ashamed of my body."

it says.

However, the little white figure of the little cat-shaped Digimon appeared with silver light on it.

As warm as an angel.

And she is also an angel.

Dilu Beast evolved, Celestial Beast.

Have a beautiful female posture.

In such a room, what appeared was blonde hair, and the streamer of clothes was swaying with the wind. The perfect figure was arguably the most beautiful Digimon.

White feathers are soft, soft and warm.

This is a real angel.

She plunged into the darkness, but her body was still light.

So she always felt ashamed.

"No, no, only people with degenerate hearts but still beautiful bodies, don't you think such women are more attractive?"

Ye Shenyue gently took her hand and let her fall from the air.

"No, it's just that you are purely perverted." The Celestial Beast said coldly.

She is like this. When he was a Dilu beast, he was abused by the blood-sucking Warcraft, but the night **** Moon Digging had thought that he had obtained a new owner, but as a result, this treatment was worse than in the past.

At least, Vampire World of Warcraft will not estrange her.

Ye Shenyue could not care about her complaints, he always could n’t help tarnishing the celestial body of the Celestial Beast, so he first looked at her, and then looked at the witch ’s second most beautiful witch, two women Their looks are beautiful and unparalleled. Sure enough, the opportunity is inevitable. Take the opportunity to fly.

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