Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 1: Ancient accident! (For subscription)

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& # 160; The sky is as clear as blue.

Lying on a lawn that grows arbitrarily, Ye Shenyue opened her eyes and looked at the sky, but the difference is that the air here will be better.

It's just that the risk is also high.

In the open plains, there are behemoths, wandering aimlessly.

Those are giant creatures with human appearances, giants.

Or call them brainless giants better. It is an absolute biological and chemical weapon and loves cannibalism.

Ye Shenyue had just dug a path out of the mud and crawled out.

This is no longer the Goblin world, not the game-controlled place of God.

It is the attacking giant.


You can see his delicate expression. He once used magic to create a giant of 50 meters, but now the structure of this world is different, and the magic value is scary.

Unable to use magic.

But the indigenous people here all have the blood of giants and are called the people of Umir.

It is said that the ancestors of the past race signed a contract with the demon, and then all the people have the ability to become a giant body and become a guarantee for their prosperity and domination. The number of people changed from one hundred thousand to several million. Even tens of millions.

But as long as people are in trouble, everyone wants to be in power, so the 145th generation of the king's regime failed and took a part of the clan to the island to build a new kingdom, turning fellow giants into a tall wall, giving The tribes in the city were in peace.

But the people who did not come with them were all taken in the country of ordinary people, Marais, and lived in a fierce life. They were enslaved and enslaved by ordinary human beings who could not change anything.

Marley found a way to control it, and it was known that as long as the giant spinal fluid was injected, it would become a giant. Therefore, it is regarded as a biological and chemical weapon in combat.

If you resist, you will be injected directly with spinal fluid to become a giant without IQ.

Ye Shenyue is now close to the island land. Here, there are many abandoned giants without IQ.

Specially looking for living people to eat. Only the instinct to eat is left.

Living people can hardly survive.

But he is not the same.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was in the dirt, ten meters from the ground where he was, and there was a faint smell of weathered bones.

That is his body.

Giant body.

Ye Shenyue had talked with his only **** Yunai in the brother-killing world. Although he received a lot of help, he still wanted to gain strength.

So there is now this scene.

Fusion of the unique physique of the parallel world here, and then run away with the feedback obtained here.

The parallel world he merged here is a very delicate identity.

A giant.

The weathered body was his giant wreckage. A giant of eight meters in height.

The double jaws are extremely developed and the bite force is extremely strong.

But according to the concept of a person eating 60 tons of food and dying after eating, it is inferred that a person who has inherited the power of a giant and turned into a giant has a life span of only 13 years. Does this mean that excessive cell proliferation after giantization , And then the resulting reduction in lifespan?

So when I merged the ontology here, Ye Shenyue had some regrets.

Because according to this calculation, he must at least regain the bloodline of a vampire to break this age limit.

It's almost ready to go.

In the human posture, Night God Moon will become the hunting target of those brainless giants, and even if it changes into a giant form, it will still be the prey of the brainless hunting.

They are numerous and stupid.

Of all the people, all people can inject spinal fluid and then change into giants, but nine of them are different. They have wisdom and can change themselves into giants at any time. But it does not produce energy, it can only be passed down from generation to generation.

The way to pass on is to eat the last person who has inherited this power.

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but drink a sip of tea, because the power of his current giant of the jaws was originally wonderful, the original deity was injected with spinal fluid to become a brainless giant, and swayed in this open space for decades.

Until two years ago, hiding underneath, he suddenly found someone coming, and then jumped out and ate a child.

The child happened to be the successor of the giant E in the trio of the hometown of Marais, so if he ate the other party, he would have the characteristics of the giant E and could change into a human.

But even so, this deity still likes to sleep in the mud, which is why Night God Moon came here and found himself buried.

I want to take a shower first.

Ye Shenyue thought of drinking the black tea in her cup at the same time, and was ready to summon the book of truth to leave.

Go to a shower room.

Because there is no need to stay here.

"It should be here--" However, in this gap, three children came towards us.

"Are we really going to dive into this place-"

Both are around ten years old, two boys and one girl.

They have blonde hair and black hair.

One is Liner, the other is Berthold, and the other is Ani.

"..." Ye Shenyue looked at them.

"..." They looked at him nervously.


Ye Shenyue didn't speak, but the three of them became ready for battle.

The predecessor of Night God Moon had eaten one of his hometown trio, that is, Liner ’s good friend before he could become a human. And now, the meeting is actually this embarrassing and terrible time.

Will ... such a coincidence? ..

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