Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 22: Different roads! (For subscription)

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& # 160; Make her pregnant with my child.

"..." Mikasa.

"..." Almin.

"..." Allen.

"..." Mikasa.

"!!!" Almin.

"[○ ` Д ○]" Allen.

"No!" Allen objected loudly.

"Oh." Ye Shenyue knew they were like this, so now their response did not exceed his expectations, "So, Alan, do you like Mikasa?"

Do you like Sanli?

"Like Mikasa?" Allen didn't understand because of such a strong question from Ye Shenyue.

I don't understand the emotions I like.

In other words, he never thought that he would like Mikasa.

So his face reflected everything.


Mikasa immediately lost two points.

"That won't work either, Mikasa is my important family!"

Allen shouted directly.

But what has been rejected is not the emotion of love, how can it be passed to Mikasa now.

"We will seek other methods." Mikasa said the same.

This is even to reject the night **** moon.

But they also got usable information here.

If the Night God Moon is correct, then they can also become giants and then humans.

"Really? Then it depends on whether you are too late."

Rejected, but Ye Shenyue was not discouraged, or, to put forward such a proposal, he had already considered the rejection, "After two days, then the Wang Zheng government will choose to choose 200,000 people out of the wall to die , For the current food crisis. "

"Why ... aren't we already opening up wasteland in the Pioneer Zone?" Allen's voice was quite loud, and his tone was quite impulsive.

He may be a partner who practices his own justice.

"Because it can't hold on." Ye Shenyue said, "You are now opening up wasteland, even putting the seeds of potatoes down, but it will take six months or six months to grow from it to become food. Time, half a year, there are 300,000 people inflowing food, do you think the people in the wall can afford it? And even if it can afford it, those who are used to a comfortable life are unwilling, you I'm afraid I don't know. The composition of the food you get now is the ration of ordinary people, and a little ration from Wang Zheng. The rich don't accept food. So it won't last long. "

"And Almin." Ye Shenyue suddenly looked at Almin with a terrified look. "Your grandfather will be chosen in this death. Because he is already old.

In order to reduce the pressure on food, it is inevitable for the elderly to die, and then there are young and middle-aged men, and women are very few. The elderly leave no benefit to the people in the wall, because they ca n’t do anything, and men May cause riots, so it ’s most correct to leave women and children. On the one hand, they eat less, on the other hand, they are less likely to riot, and when children grow up, they can become a new force, and women, It can be distributed to people in need, like goods. "

"So, you are not surviving, but going to a bigger abyss."




The three children were stunned.

Even Mikasa's expression couldn't be so calm.

"So, what do you think, Alan!" Ye Shenyue looked at him straight. "Don't you want to avenge? Do you want to get rid of all the giants? Yes, get rid of the giants, then the survivors can return to the original area. Although they lost 100,000 people, at least they can still Retain 300,000 people, so how would you choose?

Alan! "

Ye Shenyue kept talking about righteousness.

Great righteousness.

It is equivalent to handing over 300,000 lives to Allen.


Allen put one hand on his chest, "I ..."

He became supportive.

Ye Shenyue already laughed in his heart. He seemed to give Alan the choice of the life of 300,000 people and gave him a heavy burden, but in fact?

The children have been bluffed, and they haven't even thought about it now. Can Allen have this ability?

Ye Shenyue painted the cake for him that Allen could become a giant.

But what can a giant Allen do?

Therefore, the current rhetoric is only to let Alan willingly give Mikasa to him.

Mikasa now has a good opinion of Alan, so if you want Mikasa to be willing, you must first get Alan's promise.

Anyway, a straight steel man like Allen could not guess that Mikasa would like him.

Ye Shenyue is not ready to continue to debunk.

Moreover, how can they understand now that they are just children?

Because he heard that his grandfather was involved, Almin had grasped his pockets tightly with both hands. He was very smart, so he did not deny the true degree of Ye Shenyue's speech.


Allen hadn't decided yet, and Night God Moon urged again.

It should be almost the same.

Allen like this.

"I ... I don't know ..."

Allen was talking and talking.

Is it.

This is really a narrow answer.

But this is also Allen.

"It takes a while to become familiar with the power of giantization, so Alan, you better get used to it quickly. Mikasa, come here."

Ye Shenyue grabbed Mikasa's wrist.


This time, Mikasa was very unexpected and did not open violently.

She was just looking at Allen.

"It's very simple, Allen, you must have a lot of things you want to do, so go for it, not sacrifice Mikasa, because I will bring her happiness, so this is actually no sacrifice."

Being hugged by a man who does n’t like it, then this woman ca n’t feel happiness, but Ye Shenyue does n’t think Mikasa will dislike herself forever.

& # 160;

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