Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 45: Hibi, yo, parallel to the daily routine of the giant of the waste man (5)

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& # 160; Things have been revealed.

And Umir also let go of his neck, giving him sincerity. Ye Shenyue sighed, and then talked about her crossing.

And also told her the truth.

The world of giants, the origin of giants, the cups of giants.

"Thirteen years--" Umir's mood seemed to be much lower.


She was originally a person outside the wall, and then took the religious path and was injected with spinal fluid to become a giant. Then she ate the giant of E and became a new giant by chance.

Sneak into the wall.

And then get the free life you want.


It is now told that there is only 13 years of life left.

So it's impossible to be happy.

"So Krista she ... that guy ..."

"She longed for freedom, and then regained her real name, but in the end she was reduced to a breeding tool ... her eyes seemed to be dead."

"Is it."

Umir's mood seemed to be lower than when he knew the 13-year lifespan.

"That guy is such a life ..." she said, "it's like shit."


I thought I had escaped from the fence, but I finally realized that it was just an illusion, and she never took a step.

"So ..." Ye Shenyue said so much, watching Umir's mood drop, but the lethality also dropped, so he was ready to escape.

"Slow!" However, still a step slower, Yumir grabbed his arm, and then violently, his body finally stood up and fell on the haystack again. And because they were all haystacks, they were not injured.

"Hey ... what are you doing!" It's no wonder that Night God Moon is dissatisfied, because Umier's legs spread apart and sat across him.

Put his hands straight on his chest.

There is a feeling of uncomfortable.

"Of course, experience a new life."


"13 years of life, and the blood of Herista ... Haha ... No wonder when I meet Herista, there are always some memories that are not my own, and those people are still so young. Now, it is the memories of the various hosts of the giant giant of Hubei that I inherited.


She said, "And those guys, everyone, after inheritance, refused to breed, because once they have children, it means that the children have to bear the same 13-year lifespan as theirs. Relatives. But I am different. "

"I want to be different from them!"

With that said, she suddenly opened Ye Shenyue's clothes with both hands.

and many more.

She touched and touched his muscles and skin.

and many more.


"Night God Moon ..." You Mier said, "Aren't you free to release your fish king after crossing? So I am the same, I am not the kind of person who is much better than you, so I also There will be a fish king. "

Then she took off all his coats.


What is this rhetoric?

How can Umir draw such a conclusion in the end, how can it be thought of like this!

Why did it become like this?

Ye Shenyue tried to gain a little initiative, "I gave up struggling, but, at the same time ... I don't want to be like being forced."


Umir's dark eyes stared at him, which made people feel guilty, but she nodded, "That's right. This kind of thing should be very happy."

So she took his hand and put it on her own murderous mouth.

The two spent a happy time together.

"Okay, you can deal with me."

After finishing the battlefield, Night God Moon said to Umir. His identity has been exposed, and then was forced by the other party, how to see, there are signs that the mantis will eat after mating and mating.

"Why do you want to deal with it?" However, Umir looked at him with a very strange expression, "Isn't this interesting?"

"Or tell me that I didn't believe in the existence of God in the past, but now, I believe it."

"It must be because of your appearance, and then my life has been changed, or because of your appearance, my life has been changed." Her eyes became a little bit fierce, "I would commit suicide like a giant Li goes back ... No, I really might do it ... But Christa, no, the guy in Sistalia ... "

Sure enough, the original track was angry even if it didn't change.

"So what are you going to do?" Ye Shenyue was really curious, who wondered what choices would be made by people who knew their future.

"Training, graduating with excellent trainers, and then getting the quota of the stationed troops, and then going to live a good life in the city."


There really is such an option. It is understandable that Umir refused to choose the ending of the cups he already knew, but.

"Hrista's words ..."

"Let her be pregnant!" X2

Ye Shenyue and Umir said in unison.

Both of them knew about Christa ’s life, and she knew her future ending, and she herself was in a dilemma of wanting to commit suicide for a hundred.

Let her, without thinking, go on thinking. ..

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