Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 49: Hibi, yo, parallel to the daily routine of the male waste of the world! (9)

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& # 160; The giant of fifty meters is very strong.

The armor giant is very stone.

And what Ani can change is the giantess, and her combat effectiveness is also explosive.

1Vs1 cannot be said to win or lose.

And 3Vs1, then it must have lost.

"If there are tall bushes, then my changed giant is more advantageous. This kind of ordinary hills, as well as flat land, are simply not said to be killed." Yumir made a ╮ ( ╯ ▽ ╰) ╭ expression.

"It turned out that I was too impulsive and told Mikasa directly." Umir made self-blame.

"But it doesn't make sense to blame Mikasa now. You have to find a solution. Get rid of your hometown trio ... or draw them in."

Ye Shenyue shook her head.

But after saying that, Yumir crossed his shoulders, "Look, so I'm assured to say this to Mikasa, because I know that you have thought about it. It's worthy of me Those who have children. "

Please go to Christa.

Who is the cause of such trouble?


If he does not want to make progress, then it may not be a good thing to stay in the training corps, so Mikasa poke out now, but give them the opportunity to prepare first.

Total ratio.

It is better for the hometown trio to launch a sneak attack first.

In the hometown trio, there is Ma Lai behind, as well as beast giants, car giants and so on. It's not easy to deal with, and the outside world is hostile to the Erdia, so in general.


This situation is very dangerous.


If you can get enough power, then ... you can escape from here, go to other worlds, and then use the information that Night God Moon is not the people of this era to gain wealth.

Then settle.

This is their vision.

It ’s not that they want to stay in the wall all the time. It ’s too dangerous, and they are always broken, so going to other countries is their goal.

And now.

Would you like to pull a wave of giantess Ani?

Can only try.

If she wins, she will die!

"His--" Mikasa was slightly injured.

But Ani didn't.

Ani had no one to help her take care of the wound.

This is a matter of course.

She is a giant, and will automatically respond if there is a wound, but if it is found, it will be troublesome, so kill the found person, or go to contact Lena. They are all options that Anne may choose.

And to stimulate her, then I am afraid that it is not just Ani, I am afraid that the other two people, Lena and Bertot, will also come.

Therefore, the plans of Umir and Night God Moon are to lead Ani out alone.

"It was really miserable ..." Umir did not participate.

But at that time she went to pull Ani.

Krista and Shaxia went to hold Mikasa.

That is to say.

From this point of view, Umier and Mikasa are not a group, and naturally, Ani is also closer to her.

"But this is for you." Umir handed a letter to Ani.

"what is this?"

Ani didn't understand the reason why Mikasa was suddenly hostile to herself, but she could feel the feeling that Mikasa wanted to kill her.

Is it because of Allen? Just because Allen learned martial arts from her?

She is not very clear.

She didn't want to endure that woman Mikasa.

"The boy's love letter to you." Umir said directly, "He will wait for you in the grove. He wants to confess to you. He said, he will not leave without you coming."

"This is what you promised, you go!" Ani didn't mean to take the love letter, or for her, such a thing ... boring.

"Well ... then this guy, there will be tonight until dawn and then I haven't fallen asleep all night, and then shivering, and I was sick and finally kicked out of the training regiment ..."


Ani immediately turned her head and looked at Umir with a rather indifferent look.

Eyes are like needles.

"Wow ... What a terrible look ... Still Krista is cute ... Where is my Krista-"

Umir immediately withdrew.

But the corners of her raised lips fell into Ani's eyes.

Ani didn't like Umir very much.

Because this guy is easy to have a good relationship with others.

Her character must have been penetrated by this kind of guy.

and so.

For Ani, Xiao Lin's confession, she ... will go.

Ye Shenyue stayed in the woods.


What happened today is really enough, so tired of training during the day, and then met Mikasa at night, and the purchase with Mikasa, etc., but now, I have to come to face Ani again.

He felt his peach and flower luck had burst.

But it is really easy to burst.

Mikasa said that she was still human.

But Ani, Rainer, and Bertot could break the wall, and then let the giants come in to eat people, and then sneak in with their conscience to hide their identities, disguised as soldiers.

these people.

Not a person anymore.


This is the beast he has to face.

Ani Reinhardt!

& # 160;

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