Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 18: Isn't this super convenient? ! Finish! (For subscription)

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"I just watched it just now." Ye Shenyue successfully raised his sister Mai Mai. "I didn't see the students of our school on this level, and the other people you said basically can't see you. So, that is to say. "

"Now no matter what I do to you here, as long as you can't escape, then whether you shout or yell, no one else can see."


Mai Sakurajima shrank suddenly, as if feeling a chill. "It hurts—"

She said so.

But her eyes could no longer keep calm.

Because she realized that it would become so dangerous.


If you can't see him where anyone else is, and then be seen by her people and trailing or even want to do something, if she can't struggle, then she simply shouts.

I'm afraid the throat is broken, and no one else can hear her voice.

So ... isn't everything late?

"So you have to pay attention to safety outside."

Ye Shenyue suddenly released her wrist after saying this.


Mai Sakurajima quickly turned around the stuck wrist. Fortunately, there was no red mark.

I ’m afraid it ’s because she knew that, so she did n’t mention between his legs. Because she has been a star since she was a child, she has also learned anti-wolf art.

And the number of segments is not low.

"In short, even after two years of inactivity, you are still a celebrity.

Yesterday I saw your TV show on TV, so it ’s not surprising that you might have sick fans. Then, what I said about Li-fan's plot— "

"Don't talk about those." Sister Maige immediately prevented her from continuing her divergent thinking.

It's just that she can't deny that there may be such a pervert.

"It's good not to be seen, but it's bad if it's only partially invisible. If it's me, then I think all people can't see me." Ye Shenyue said this side, and then directly placed The mackerel on the shelf of the freezer was placed in the shopping cart.

Then I found **** again.

Yesterday it was full of refrigerators, but when you go to the supermarket, people just can't help shopping.

"Everyone can't see you, then what do you want to do?" Sakurajima Mai also continued shopping, and she continued to pick carrots while asking Ye Shenyue.

at least.

In his rhetoric and the move she just released, she has confirmed that Ye Shenyue is not a bad person.

"Of course it's the world's harem." Ye Shenyue's first sentence made Sister Mai sneer.

"So what?"

"You think, I woke up and found that no one could see me. They took care of their own lives, even if I took off and stood in front of them, they didn't know."

"All young boys are like this-full of unrealistic fantasies." Sister Mai was immediately despised.

"It can't be said that you have happened to such a thing, and then this kind of thing happened to me, so it's not very strange."

"... I can't deny this, but I can be sure that you haven't happened such a thing now. It's really good, so good to the world and everyone else."


Otherwise, a perverted off-light and then go to school, then it may not be so simple to take off-light in the girls locker room.

Go to the toilet and steal all the toilet paper.

Then she also touched the girl's mobile phone in the toilet, so she could only stay in it until she cried.

Or, in the swimming pool, they suddenly touched who and who made them panic.

Then a bold girl came to check, and then suddenly gave her a wave of enema.

It is really turbulent.

Furthermore, at the press conference of the female star, she pretended to be a chair, and when she sat down, she was instantly beeped-but people around her could not notice.

This scene is terrifying.

"Yes, this superpower that others can't see is too powerful."

Ye Shenyue nodded, "but it will be better now."


"Because if that's the case, then Mai Xue Xue is an ordinary female star, not like this can still talk to me."

"..." Although she knew every word that Ye Shenyue said, but he finished, it made her feel incomprehensible.

So this guy should n’t say that if he can really be seen by others, then this guy will definitely trick or even do excessive things, such as bullying girls at will, then her Sakurajima Mai is just being bullied One of them, so there is no bright spot at all?

No no no.

If you really care about it, then she is really a fool.

"Right, Saki Taijun."

Mai Sakurajima suddenly said.

"Well, why?"

"Have you held hands with the girl?"

"Hey? Sister Maige, do you mean, do you want to hold hands with me?" This time I changed to Ye Shenyue and blinked.

"No, no. I just asked at random, and I didn't plan to put it into practice."

"... Aren't you exceeding the score?" Night God Yue suddenly left her two steps.

But sister Mai was completely relieved.

Sure enough, although terrible things were said, this younger brother was not a bad guy. ..

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