Protect Our Patriarch

Vol 7 Chapter 116: Shock! Master Ziyun is such a person

Here Wang Baoguang and Yibing Saintess are confronting each other.


Cai Youdao shouted in surprise from the side: "I won!"

Wang Baoguang glanced over subconsciously, and saw Cai Youdao excitedly twitched his fishing rod, and threw up a three-foot-long spirit fish like an amethyst.

Under the sunlight, the scales on the surface of the spirit fish were radiant and translucent, and through the scales, it seemed as if one could see the crystal texture of the fish under the scales.

"It's actually an amethyst fairy fish, it looks like Xiao Longnu is quite lucky today." Cai Youdao looked very happy.

Ice and Snow Dragon Girl Yibingnia leaned forward, took a look, and immediately frowned her slender eyebrows, and said in a disgusted tone, "It's just such a small fish, it's not enough for me to swallow in one gulp."

"You little girl doesn't know how to eat movies~" Cai Youdao rolled his eyes and said, "Don't look at the insignificant spring water here, it is actually connected with the great spiritual vein of Ziyun Peak At the core position, this amethyst fairyfish is a product of the great spiritual vein, its growth rate is extremely slow, it can only grow one centimeter in ten years, one inch in a hundred years, and one foot in a thousand years."

"Such a 'little' amethyst fish with a length of three feet, at least three thousand years old, is worth at least one fairy stone! Yuling, Yuling, hurry up and deal with the amethyst fairyfish. Let's all try it out."

With Cai Youdao's shout, a fairy dressed in white and snowy, with a temperament like a flower of the high mountain, appeared at the door of the hut.

However, at this moment, the expression on Fairy's exquisite jade-like face was quite impatient: "Master, you called me all the way to Beijiao Shenzhou, didn't you mean to revive the Qixia Cave and let me inherit the cave?" Master? Feelings, you let me be the cook to serve you~"

This beautiful fairy is naturally Jiang Yuling from the world of martial arts.

Now she is already the famous Jade Spirit Immortal Monarch, and at the same time, she has inherited the Qixia Sacred Map. The current her, whether it is strength or status, is no longer the same as before.

If it weren't for the fact that Qixia Dongtian is not what it used to be, she should be called "the saint of Qixia" now.

"Hmph~ you little heartless~" Cai Youdao groaned, with a resentful expression on his face, "in your last life, you loved eating amethyst fairy fish the most. Every time I come to Ziyun Daozong for a meeting, I will Live at the foot of this mountain for a while, and catch some purple crystal fairy fish for you to go back to replenish your body. Every time you see the purple crystal fairy fish, you will smile and say, Master, you are so kind."

"But the master at that time was really handsome, with a magnificent appearance, and he was not much different from the head of the Shouzhe family." Jiang Yuling muttered, and there was no lack of disgust in his tone, "But the current master... oh~ ~~”

But if she disliked it, she disliked it, and she honestly went to clean up the spirit fish.

After a while, Jiang Yuling cleaned up, cooked a plate of steamed spirit fish, and cooked a pot of Qipinxian rice and some side dishes.

A group of people just sat around in front of the thatched hut and started eating.

Eating and eating, probably because of the spirit of drinking, Cai Youdao couldn't help but start boasting: "When I was young, I really wasn't bragging. No matter where I go, there are my confidante... Baoguang, just your family Wang Shouzhe... tsk tsk, compared to when I was young, it doesn't count as a fart!"

"After my revenge is avenged and Qixia Cave is revived, I will write a memoir of the world of mortals. At that time, the copyright will be handed over to Baoguang to operate, and I will make a lot of money."

"Old Cai, can we take a break? Last time you were bragging that Ziyun Daozong also has your confidante. We have been here at the foot of the mountain for half a year, and we haven't seen each other." Wang Baoguang listlessly pawed at the rice.

For some reason, this Linglong Passion Rice, which usually tastes very sweet, tastes a little tasteless today.

He took two mouthfuls of rice, and couldn't help but look up at the ice and snow little dragon girl who was happily eating the spirit fish.

I always feel that women are too troublesome creatures and affect his career too much.

"I have secretly written a letter to Hongye, and she will definitely come to see me." Cai Youdao said with a stiff neck, "Maybe I am in seclusion, and I haven't received the letter for a while."

The voice fell.

Suddenly, a bright red cloud appeared in the sky.

The red cloud was as bright as clouds, curling like red smoke, and its speed was as fast as lightning. It flew across a long distance in the blink of an eye, and arrived in this remote canyon.

Among the red clouds, two female figures can be seen indistinctly.

"It's Hongye's Chiyun Holy Mist!" Cai Youdao's eyes sparkled, "I'll just say, Hongye will never forget me."

Immediately, he waved to the sky: "Hongye, I'm here."

As soon as the words fell, the red cloud in the sky quickly swept down, and two beauties in fairy clothes appeared from it.

The one at the head is a middle-aged woman who still looks charming.

She doesn't look too young, some wrinkles can already be seen at the corners of her eyes, but her eyebrows and eyes are still fresh, and her figure is still exquisite. The red gauze on her body doesn't look awkward at all, but rather blurred Young and charming.

Beside her is a fairy in a green dress.

This green dress fairy looks younger than her, and her figure is also thinner. She wears a bamboo leaf blue long dress, which makes her already beautiful temperament more vivid, like a green mist in the forest, and like a moon Under the clear bamboo, the fairy posture is beautiful, and it is outstanding.

Seeing the group of people below from a distance, the red-clothed fairy's face suddenly showed surprise: "Brother Wudao, is it really you? You, you, you, you are still alive..."

"Master!" The fairy in the green skirt was also so excited that she couldn't restrain herself, she choked up while flying, "Master, you still..."

However, when they flew in front of the crowd and saw Cai Youdao and the others clearly, their emotions and voices stopped abruptly, their faces were full of astonishment and doubt, and then they looked around... as if they were looking for wearing something.

"Ahem!" Cai Youdao said with a slightly embarrassed face, "Hongye, Qingxia, what are you looking for?"

"You, you, you..." Ruby Holy Venerable, one of the elders of the famous Ziyun Dao Sect, stared at Cai Youdao in disbelief, widening his starry eyes, "Don't tell me, you are Nangong Wudao! !"

Then she subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Master...?" Fairy Qingxia was also full of doubts, "Impossible, my master doesn't look like this."

Cai Youdao's face turned red again.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Wang Baoguang coughed, and saluted, "The two seniors must be Hongyu Shengzun and Qingxia Fairy, right? Junior Wang Baoguang, I have met the two seniors."

Wang Baoguang?

As soon as the name came out, the eyes of Hongyu Shengzun and Qingxia Fairy suddenly became surprised and pleasantly surprised: "You are the founder of "Truth" magazine? The famous Mr. Baoguang? You are indeed handsome and handsome, with extraordinary temperament. "

Now Wang Baoguang's reputation in Beijinshenzhou is very famous, especially many young people regard him as an idol.

Although the two of them are no longer young people, they still admire Wang Baoguang very much, and they also have a good impression of this legendary young man.

"Senior Wudao has suffered catastrophe over the years, and his appearance and temperament have undergone many changes, which is naturally quite different from that of the past. But I can testify for him, he is the original holy master of Qixia Cave [Nangong Wudao], but now it is renamed as [Cai Youdao]." Wang Baoguang said seriously.

The two women were shocked again.

But with Wang Baoguang's endorsement, they still believed a little after all, and couldn't help but take a closer look at Cai Youdao.

It is also rare for Cai Youdao to become serious, and he regained the momentum and demeanor of the generation of cave masters of the past.

Only then were the two women convinced that it was him, and tears fell uncontrollably.

Fairy Qingxia even choked up and threw herself into his arms: "Master, what happened to you all these years? How did you become like this..."

"Brother Wudao..." Hongyu Shengzun also had distressed eyes.

Cai Youdao also calmed down after being sad for a while, and said: "You also know a part of what happened back then. We Qixia Dongtian received the order of Ziyun Daoist to go to the border to rescue some refugees, but unfortunately we were met by two demon lords. Ambush, the casualties are extremely heavy."

With his eloquence, everyone understood the situation back then.

At the beginning, Cai Youdao dragged down the two demon masters desperately, and let his personal disciples Qingxia Fairy and Zixia Fairy flee with the remaining disciples.

Then Zixia took the initiative to stay behind in order to stop the pursuers, and when Cai Youdao desperately got rid of the two demon lords and rushed back, Fairy Zixia had already died in battle, and he only had time to take back her relics.

It was also at that time that he forcibly interfered with the long river of reincarnation, but suffered serious backlash.

Hongyu Shengzun recalled the situation back then, and he was also a little suspicious: "When I received your distress signal, I hurried there with all my might, but I only managed to save Qingxia and those remaining disciples in time."

"Later, I searched along the way, and indeed found the aftermath of the energy tide that was disturbed by the long river of reincarnation. It's just that after you were backlashed, why did you disappear?"

"This matter... firstly, Zixia's death hit me hard, and secondly, I suspect that the catastrophe was not as simple as it appeared on the surface." Cai Youdao recalled what happened at the beginning, his face became extremely dignified, and his eyes revealed With a look of grief and indignation, "So after I packed up Zixia's relics, I pretended that I was swallowed back by the long river of reincarnation and died, and went into the dark to investigate by feigning death, and pursued all the way, trying to find Zixia's reincarnation. people."

"It's not simple?" The red jade saint's eyes flashed, as if he had thought of something, and his eyes were shocked, "Do you think that the catastrophe in Qixia Cave was caused by someone behind the scenes? And Zixia's reincarnation... Did you find it?"

"That's right, sister Zixia..." Fairy Qingxia was also very worried.

"Yu Ling, come here and meet Senior Hongye and Senior Sister Qingxia." Cai Youdao waved to the side.

Jiang Yuling was extremely well-behaved at this time.

She went up to meet Hongye and Fairy Qingxia, and also briefly talked about her situation in the past few years and the years since she met her master.

When it comes to Cai Youdao dragging on injuries and illnesses, and after searching for more than two thousand years to find her, it is natural to cry again.

"Brother Wudao, it turns out that you have had such a difficult time these years." Hongyu Shengzun did have a deep affection for Cai Youdao, his eyes were full of distress, "It's a pity that I blamed you just now."

"Sister Hongye, don't cry. You cry like this, which makes me feel bad." Cai Youdao was also very moved, "Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, so I met Patriarch Shouzhe, who healed me Injured. And these years, I have visited many places, and finally let me investigate some results, confirming my guess."

"Who is it? Brother Wudao, tell me, I will avenge you and Qixia Dongtian!" A flash of anger flashed in the eyes of the Red Jade Lord, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Cai Youdao took a deep breath, and his tone became heavy: "It's Taoist Ziyun!"

"What? This...that's impossible!" The Red Jade Lord turned pale with shock, "How could our suzerain be behind the scenes? He has no enmity with you and Qixia Dongtian, there is no reason to do such a thing..."

No wonder she reacted so badly. As the elder of Ziyun Daozong, Ziyun Daoist is like the patriarch of the family to her, she naturally trusts Ziyun Daoist very much.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to understand this kind of trust, but Taoist elders like her often joined the Taoist sect at a very young age.

When she joined the Dao Sect, the Taoist of the Ziyun Dao Sect was the Ziyun Taoist. She almost grew up under Taoist Ziyun's nose. To her, Taoist Ziyun may not be as close as her own master, but he is also an extremely authoritative elder.

Now Brother Wudao said that the mastermind Ziyun was the mastermind behind the scenes he suspected, how could she accept it for a while?

But she also knew that with Nangong Wudao's character, she would never make fun of such a big matter. If he dared to say that, he probably already had some things in his hands.

"Based on the information I have collected so far, I still can't figure out what his reason for doing this is." Cai Youdao showed a strong hatred on his face, "But I already had some guesses back then, but I just couldn't figure it out. The evidence, I dare not show it, and I am unable to investigate and take revenge, so I can only pretend to be crazy and foolish all day long, focusing on finding Zixia to numb my inner pain. But these years, I have found many clues again, The clue points directly to Master Ziyun!"

Hearing this, Hongyu Shengzun gradually calmed down.

She frowned slightly, and after thinking for a long time, she said: "Brother Wudao, no matter how outrageous this matter is, I can believe you, and Qingxia will definitely believe you too. However, if there is no substantive evidence, others will definitely not be able to do anything about it." I believe you."

"Hongyu, you are the elder of the Ziyun Dao Sect, and now Qingxia is also serving as a deacon with you. With your assistance, it will be easier to obtain evidence." Cai Youdao said with a flicker of eyes, "Whether it is for Zixia , or for those disciples who died innocently in Qixia Dongtian, no matter what, I have to get conclusive evidence. Of course, if you don’t want to, just pretend you haven’t seen me today.”

"Brother Wudao, what do you mean by saying that?" Hongyu Shengzun's face darkened, and his tone was filled with anger, "Is that why Qingxia and I are so unbearable in your mind?"

"If I didn't believe you, I wouldn't have looked for you." Cai Youdao shook his head and sighed, "It's just that this matter is too dangerous, if we make any mistakes and get caught in advance, you can only follow me Desperate to Dongxia God Dynasty."

"In fact, there is no need to be too nervous." Wang Baoguang said, "We have the truth magazine in hand, even if we are exposed, we can still have the capital to negotiate with the old thief Ziyun. Of course, if we can get decisive evidence without disturbing him, It is the best solution to completely hold the initiative in our hands.”

"Actually, I'm also very curious. Master Ziyun is also considered a famous patriarch. What is the reason for doing this? It's very strange, I can't figure it out!"

"Okay, let's try." The Red Jade Lord said solemnly, "In any case, this matter must be investigated. If it is not the Taoist, he must be innocent."

"Since that's the case, Hongyu will arrange for Baoguang and I to sneak into Ziyun Daozong in a low-key manner, and then we will look for good opportunities to find evidence." Cai Youdao was excited, and immediately made arrangements, "Yu Ling and Qingxia will stay here Outside, ready to meet us at any time."


At this time, Yibinia, the Ice Dragon Girl who had been silently watching and listening to the lecture, suddenly interrupted him.

She blinked her eyes, which were as clear as ice crystals, and her eyes seemed to be eager to try: "I want to participate in such an interesting thing."

"What are you going to do? It will only get in the way." Wang Baoguang disagreed.

"I don't think your plan is very good." Bingxuelongnu said, "It's better to be in the same group as Senior Cai and Hongyu, waiting for the opportunity in the dark, while Baoguang and I are in the same group, and visit the mountain gate openly, in the open. That's it. First, we can make more noises in the open to attract attention, and cooperate with Senior Cai, so that Senior Cai will be safer in collecting evidence in secret."

Wang Baoguang just wanted to veto it.

Cai Youdao's eyes brightened when he heard it, and he immediately made a decision without hesitation: "This idea is good, and the chance of success will be higher. Baoguang, it's such a happy decision. Don't forget, these years How much have I helped you?"

"All right!"

Wang Baoguang was also helpless for a while, so he had to agree to Lao Cai's promise of repaying his kindness.


The plan was determined, and then, they acted according to the plan.

Although Ice and Snow Dragon Girl Yibingnia has no Taoist scriptures to inherit, she is also half of the young master of the Ice and Fire Dao Palace. She has a good reputation and seldom shows up outside. Now her sudden visit naturally caused a sensation.

And Wang Baoguang is a rising star with a great reputation. A few years ago, as Dongxia's envoy, he successfully persuaded the four major forces to join forces to support Dongxia.

The two of them came to Ziyun Daozong to worship the mountain together, which naturally attracted considerable attention, even the Ziyun Taoist who was "retreating" was alarmed.

Although Taoist Master Ziyun is unable to go out to receive him for the time being, he specially ordered the most proud personal disciple under his command [Sacred Son of Yunlan] to come forward to entertain him, making sure that the distinguished guests feel at home.

The identities of the two were already eye-catching enough, but after the first contact, everyone in Ziyun Daozong immediately felt that the relationship between the two was unusual.

Some small gestures of intimacy between them, such as looking at each other affectionately, furtively ticking little fingers, etc., immediately caused a sensation and attracted countless attentions.

At the same time, it naturally caused chaos within Ziyun Daozong.

One must know that Saintess Yi Bing is very popular among the young people of Beijiao Shenzhou. In addition, she seldom shows up, and she has become the goddess in the hearts of many young people. She is cold and beautiful, and cannot be desecrated.

My own goddess, actually being raped by a kid like Wang Baoguang?

How can this be tolerated?

Many young disciples jumped out to challenge Wang Baoguang one after another, but were knocked down one by one by Wang Baoguang.

at the same time.

Under the polite hospitality of [Holy Son of Yunlan], they visited various scenic spots in Ziyun Taoist Sect like gods and couples, attracting a lot of attention.

At the same time, Cai Youdao also sneaked into Ziyun Daozong under the arrangement of Hongyu Shengzun, and quietly investigated under the cover of Baoguang and Yi Binglongnv.

After a period of time, Cai Youdao still failed to find substantive evidence, but he found some clues.

In the latest private communication, Cai Youdao told Wang Baoguang that it seemed a little weird that a forbidden place named [Bingxi Yugu] in Ziyun Daozong.

the reason is simple. Ziyun Daozong didn't have any ice-type sacred veins, but Ziyun Daoist spent huge sums of money to obtain a ninth-grade ice-type spiritual vein, and painstakingly built an ice stream jade valley.

Most importantly, he also set Bingxi Yugu as a forbidden area, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

At the beginning, some elders questioned this matter, but with the passage of time, Ziyun Daozong has gradually become accustomed to it.

Therefore, when Wang Baoguang and Ice and Snow Dragon Girl were touring around, Xiao Longnu used the excuse that she had sensed the Ice Element Dao Yun in the Ice Stream Jade Valley, and she wanted to go in and verify her ice and snow Dao.

Naturally, this proposal was sternly rejected by Shengzi Yunlan, saying that it was a forbidden place set up by the master himself, and no one was allowed to enter, but after questioning, he couldn't explain why, he only knew It is a holy place with a long history.

That night.

Bingxue Xiaolongnv and Wang Baoguang secretly sneaked into the Bingxi Yugu.

Even if this move is discovered, it is not a big problem. After all, the Ice and Snow Dragon Girl is "just" happy to see Liexin for a while, and is very interested in the ice and snow Dao Yun in the Bingxi Yugu, and just wants to prove it.

Ice and Snow Little Dragon Girl is not very good at sneaking in, but Wang Baoguang is an expert at it. With his assistance, the infiltration process of the two went quite smoothly, and no one was alarmed during the whole process.

Under the nourishment of the ninth-grade ice-type spiritual veins, the entire Bingxi Yugu Valley is like a huge ice and snow world, and the rich ice aura fills every inch of the valley.

But there is an empty space in the huge Bingxi Yugu, only in the center of the Ice Valley,

A small courtyard like ice crystals was built.

Different from the loneliness and desolation outside the courtyard, the small courtyard is decorated very elegantly and has a breath of life. The courtyard is full of various ice-type spiritual flowers and flowers, as if it is another world.

Both Wang Baoguang and Xiao Longnv were extremely surprised, but their movements were unambiguous, and soon they touched the ice crystal building little by little.


Not long after they stepped into Xiaozhu, a strange female voice suddenly came from the depths of Xiaozhu: "Huh? Girl, why is your ice-type Daoyun..."

The scalps of Wang Baoguang and the two suddenly went numb, and they froze from fright.

Before they came in, they obviously used their spiritual sense to investigate secretly, and there was no one in the small ice and snow building.

Where the **** is this sound coming from?

They won't be exposed, will they?

Drops of cold sweat broke out uncontrollably on Wang Baoguang's forehead, and his mind was tense to the extreme.

But even he still forced himself to calm down, coughed lightly and wanted to say something.

Yet he hadn't had time to speak.

The tone of the voice just now changed suddenly, and the tone suddenly became extremely urgent: "No! He is here, you two quickly hide under the bed, and I will protect you. Hurry up, it's too late!"

Wang Baoguang was shocked, and almost instinctively pulled the Bingxuelongnv, leading her to flee under the bed.

At the same time, a cold divine sense enveloped them, protecting them.

And this time.

Outside the door, there was the sound of a person stepping on the ice crystal.

Then, a gentle and magnetic man's voice came from outside the door: "Lady, I'm back for my husband."

Wang Baoguang at the bottom of the bed trembled all over, covering his mouth with his hands almost reflexively, for fear that he would not be able to control his exclamation.

And his eyes were also widened at this moment, and the scorching light that caught the shocking gossip burst out from the bottom of his eyes.

This voice was actually the voice of Taoist Ziyun!

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