Protect Our Patriarch

Vol 3 Chapter 39: 7-tailed Firefox Fury

  Chapter 280 The Fury of the Seven-tailed Firefox



Hearing this, Qian’s Patriarch’s majestic face showed a sneer: “Able to complete all deployments in such a short time, without even trial and error, he came up with a complete set of marketing plans, this’ 'Air cold chain transportation' must be Wang's plan early on."

"It's just that if there is no such little beast acting blindly, how can the Wang family dare to leave us alone? This matter has a great impact, and it can even be said that it has shaken the foundation of the family industry. Many elders in the family have raised objections. Uncle loyal, don't you. I need to persuade the little beast to commit such a big mistake. If he is not severely punished, how can he calm the anger?"

  The housekeeper Qian Zhong's lips moved slightly, but after all, he said nothing.

   may be at this time.

   Outside the main hall, an angry shout suddenly came: "Qian Qinhong, dare you!"

  As soon as the cry fell, a woman dressed in brocade clothes and a group of maids and servants walked in mightily from the door.

  This is a glamorous beauty.

Eichhornia, Qiong nose, cherry lips, snowy skin, graceful figure... Every part of her body seems to be long according to the standards of a beauty, but the whole body is domineering and aggressive, with a kind of condescending arrogant.

  This woman is the present-day Qian's wife-Cao Lina.

   is Qian Xuerui’s biological mother.

  She was born in Liaoyuan County, the fifth-tier Zifu family family of Liaoyuan Cao family, and her identity is very prominent. Now that she is in her early forties, she is also strong in the early stage of the Lingtai Stage. Even if she has given birth to a child, she still looks as radiant as a young woman in her early twenties.

   "Nana, why are you here?" As soon as Qian Qinhong saw her, his brows jumped insignificantly, "This matter is very important, so don't make a fool of yourself."

"How am I messing around?" Cao Lina raised her eyebrows and said angrily, "I marry you Qian Qinhong as a continuation string, and the son who gave birth will not have the turn of the eldest son, and the future of development is limited. But Ruier has been fighting since childhood. He studied hard and cultivated hard, and even his ancestors liked him quite a bit."

"This time Ruier went south, all he did was for the development of the family, even if he made mistakes, he was just young and reckless, and he was not cautious enough. Now, you actually want to punish him for this small mistake! You still think he is. Is your biological son?! Could it be that only you and Qian Xuehan, who was born to your deceased wife, are your own sons. Is Qian Xuerui the wild species I stole?"

   "Making a fool!"

  Qian Qinhong, Patriarch of the Qian family, has an angry expression on his face.

"Nana, don't talk nonsense. Of course Xuerui is my son. It's just that he acted recklessly and ruined my Qian's great opportunity. I'm afraid you don't know it. There are already several families who have made friends with me. I came to complain, saying that the high-quality grains have now been cut off, and the income of the family industry has plummeted. The elders of the family also have great opinions on Xuerui. If they are not severely punished, how can they win the anger?"

"All anger? What kind of anger?!" Cao Lina sneered and angrily said, "This is clearly Wang's fault! A small seventh-grade family, relying on some relationship with the Academy, thinks that they can ride on us. I think back then, Wang The poor people can’t even eat food, and it’s not just by my side that the Qian clan has today. Now that the wings are hardened, I dare to turn my face with the Qian clan for the sake of mere benefit. If they wait for them to reach the sixth rank, or even the fifth rank family, Where is the place for my Qian family?"

at the same time.

The housekeeper Qian Zhong also persuaded: "The owner of the Patriarch is kind and wants to take this opportunity to rehabilitate the Wangs. But if he is easy to show his favor, the Wangs may think that we are weak and will only become more mad in the future. Even if the Patriarch has the heart to win over the King. Clan, we have to show the strength of our Qian Clan first, so as not to teach Wang Clan to look down upon."

  Qian Zhong is the elder of the Qian family. He has served the Qian family conscientiously for more than three hundred years. He has served three Patriarchs, and his insights and eyesight are very comparable. His advice and opinions, even today's Patriarch Qian Qinhong, must be carefully considered.

   "Uncle Zhong is absolutely right." Qian Qinhong, the head of the Qian family, pondered it for a while, and found it reasonable, "If this is the case, then show me the Qian family's methods, lest he really thinks that our Qian family is weak and can be deceived."

What's more, Qian Xuerui is his son after all, supported by his biological mother Cao Lina. This matter, after all, has to get some face back for him.

   Seeing him say this, Cao Lina immediately turned her anger into joy, and said softly with Qian Qinhong's arm.

As a concubine from the Zifu family, she is arrogant, but she also knows how to hold people's hearts. She knows that blindly arrogant and domineering will only arouse the disgust of Qian Qinhong. Timely softening will make a man obedient to herself. .


  A few days later.

  Longzuo County Town, Shouda Commercial Bank.

  Flying coach Hui Qisi is focusing on wiping the telescope and heaven pan in his hand, his movements are extremely meticulous and careful.

  These two are what he eats. Among them, the Tianji Pan is a low-grade spiritual tool rationed by the Xuegong, which is specially used to judge the direction, and the telescope is given by the Wang Clan of Changning, which can be used for long-distance observation.

  Navigating a flying flywheel in the vast sky is a technical job. Only by relying on these two “babies” can he not lose his way.

  Hui Qisi is over ninety years old this year, and was once an ordinary disciple of the Zifu Academy.

  According to the rules, ordinary disciples of the Academy need to serve the Academy for 50 years after completing their studies, as a reward for the Academy’s cultivation of themselves. After the 50-year service period expires, you can choose to return to your family and take care of your life, or you can choose to stay in the school and earn more.

  Last year, his 50-year service period was actually full, but he wanted to earn more, so he chose to continue to stay in the Academy as a driver.

  Academy’s flying coach drivers are actually very leisurely, because academics’ disciples really need very few opportunities to use flying coaches, and generally only personal biography and important core disciples are willing to spend credits to hire flying coaches. On weekdays, he only needs to take care of his own flying car and the crested crane on that end.

  Because of this, the driver does not earn much, but he can finally provide his own life and practice needs. It is better than to let the family squeeze out the few remaining money to support himself after returning to the family.

  However, even he himself did not expect that one day, the flying coachman could become a popular job.

During the time he came to Shouda Commercial Bank, he earned almost ten times more dry money than before. Not only was he more than enough to support himself, but he could also feed back his family.

  Furthermore, as Wang's generous salary spreads in the academy, many ordinary students from the academy who are about to finish school are already focusing on this one. In just a few days, he had already rejected several ordinary disciples who wanted to follow him to learn how to control flying flies.

  Joke~ Feijin only has so many. What should he do after teaching his apprentice?

  After wiping the secret disk and properly fixing it on the flying wheel, Hui Qisi saw a familiar old man as soon as he looked up.

  He couldn’t help being happy: "Oh~ isn’t this Chunyu brother? You are back from the game?"

  It is Chunyu Andong who has had a fate.

After playing Izumo, Hyakushima, Changning, and Zhenzewei for a while, Chunyu Andong was obviously in a good mood. At this moment, there was a satisfied smile on his face: "Hahaha~ Brother Hui, you guys This fly is so convenient~ I don’t have to worry about the route at all on this road. I can play freely when I get to the place. When the time is up, I will sit in the business and take the fly to the next stop. It’s so worry-free. I came up with this. The person with the idea is really a genius~"

  He is full of praise for his experience along the way.

  The firm even thought of his accommodation in advance. When he arrives at the inn, he can move in directly with the receipt issued by Shouda Commercial Bank.

  Lived this whole life, he hasn’t played so happy and worry-free yet~

"That's not it." Hui Qisi smiled. "The president of our firm is the patriarch of the Changning Wang clan, Shouzhe, who is famous for his foresight and wisdom. This travel package plan was proposed by him, not just for you. , There’s nothing else I’ve experienced that I’m not exaggerated.”

  He was in charge of the route from Longzuo County to the Northwest Acropolis. Every morning, he flew from Longzuo County to the Northwest Acropolis, and then flew back from the Northwest Acropolis.

  At this moment, the sun hadn't set, and there was still a little time before the sailing. He was not in a hurry, so he chatted with Chunyu Andong at will.

   "Brother Chunyu, didn't you say that you are going to Izumowei to find someone? How about it, did you find it?"

"Thank you for remembering." Chunyu Andong sat down beside Hui Qisi, feeling full of emotions in his heart, "I thought that after so many years, she was afraid that she had forgotten me a long time ago. Unexpectedly, she kept going. He did not marry, but became the ancestor of Lingtai, a family member."

   "In this life, I can see her again in this way. I have no regrets in this life for Chunyu An Dong."

   Hearing what he said, Hui Qisi was also embarrassed.

  Who hasn't had a spring heart yet? I think back then, when he was young, he had an admiration for him, but things are impermanent, and after all, it was a vain regret~

  He naturally understood this feeling very well.

However, before he was moved by himself, Chunyu Andong suddenly changed his conversation: "That's right~ I heard that what kind of membership you can do, what kind of monthly subscription, what can I do? I can go to Izumo in the future to be cheaper. How many?"

  Hui Qisi's face was stagnant, and the expression looking at Chunyu An Dong was very strange. Didn’t you just say that you have no regrets in this life? Why are you getting ready for even the annual package now?

Chunyu Andong was blushing when he saw him, and he was a little uncomfortable: "Hey hey~ Anyway, now that there is a flying fly, it is convenient to go back and forth. I am thinking about becoming a member, and I will come and go frequently in the future and save a little money ."

  Okay~Okay~You just have to be happy.

  Hui Qisi was speechless, and put away the half-wiped telescope, turned around and took him to the firm: "Members are not in my control, I will take you to the firm’s steward."

  Chunyu Andong immediately followed happily, unconsciously remembering the happy scene of meeting with her old lover under the moon from time to time in her mind.

  And similar things are happening frequently in various places in Nanliuwei, Longzuo County.

To some extent, the opening of flying routes and the emergence of flying cold chain transportation can be regarded as an epoch-making initiative. It directly changed people's concept of distance, and with it, the consumption habits, consumption ideas, and pace of life of the people in the Southern Six Guardians' family were also changed. As a result, many new industries and lifestyles were extended.

  And such a change is just the beginning.



  Yuwen's home.

  Because the six-tailed spirit fox of the town clan spirit beast has successfully promoted to the seventh rank, the Yuwen clan's momentum has skyrocketed during this period, and the major families who come to visit the Yuwen clan have also increased day by day.

  However, today, Yuwen has welcomed a special guest.

  A distinguished guest from the Qian family in Longzuo.

  Yuwen, a serious-faced old man in a cyan brocade robe is sitting at the wine table drinking in the main courtyard where guests are served.

   This old man looks very old, his hair is gray, his face has a lot of wrinkles, but his body is exposed to the invisible coercion that a strong man can only have, and he is a strong man in the celestial realm.

  This Celestial and Human Realm elder is one of the most respected elders of the Qian Clan in Zifu at present, and Qian Jinghuan, a strong man in the late Heaven and Human Realm.

  Ms. Bi Lian, who does not have the name of the family leader, but has the real family leader, is now taking two more prestigious elders to personally receive him.

"Cockle~ Old Qian, how close your relationship is with my Yuwen." Mrs. Bilian giggled and said beautifully, "When I was at the worst of Yuwen, Qian always helped me. . Come on, the younger one will toast you again."

  Yuwen and Qian have been in contact for many years, and the relationship is not good, but not bad.

   is a family dominated by business, the two inevitably have to cooperate with each other, but it is also unavoidable that they will compete with each other and create rifts.

  In the days when the ancestors of Yuwen’s Purple Mansion were dying, if the two sides competed, Yuwen would probably suffer.

  After all these years, it is absolutely impossible for Mrs. Bi Lian to have no grievance in her heart.

  Moreover, she is not a broad-minded person herself. This time she and Shouda Trading Company hit it off right away, and she may not have the intention of disgusting the Qian family.

  She knows that this time the Qian’s must be that the good ones will not come, and the ones who come are not.

   However, on the bright side, she did not show the slightest strangeness, she still looked like Yan Yan with a smile.

  After a round of staggering, after three rounds of wine.

Elder Qian Jinghuan finally couldn't hold back: "Mrs. Bilian, you are a wise man. I believe you have guessed our intentions a long time ago, so I won't go around with you anymore. After the decision of our Qian's elders, For all the projects that we cooperate with Yuwen, we Qian's are willing to make a profit."

   Let's make profit?

  The two Yuwen clan elders suddenly narrowed their eyes, as if they were very interested.

  However, Mrs. Bilian was not so foolish.

  Her eyes flashed slightly, and her smile became more and more charming: "The prerequisite, I am afraid that we must draw a clear line with Shouda firm?"

"It's really a madam, it's really clear." Qian Jinghuan, the elder of the Qian family, smiled, "It is a matter of mutual benefit for you and me." According to the Qian family's understanding, Madam Bi Lian has always been carrying it. The master of clear form.

  The 10% profit is definitely beneficial to Yuwen's. On the contrary, if he refuses and offends Qian, Yuwen will become very sounds very sincere. "Ms. Bi Lian said seriously, "It's just that it's not my idea to cooperate with Shouda Firm. "

  "It's not the madam's idea?" Qian Jinghuan said in a slightly wrong way, "Could it be that which elder Yuwen meant? It's no problem, I can communicate."

   "No, it's what our Firefox ancestor meant." Mrs. Bi Lian replied indifferently.

  "The ancestor of Firefox?" Qian Jinghuan's expression suddenly changed. He didn't expect that this matter could even involve the ancestor of Firefox?

   is at this moment.

  An arrogant girl's voice blew up in the banquet hall: "Yes, that's what the ancestor meant. You bad old man, do you have an opinion on this ancestor?"

  In the banquet hall, the fire is overflowing.

A small and exquisite seven-tailed spirit fox suddenly appeared out of thin air. Before Qian Jinghuan could answer, his body swelled up and transformed into a fierce flame and surging monster. Without hesitation, he patted it with a paw: "Old man, you actually Dare to provoke my relationship with Brother Shouzhe and see if this girl will not kill you."


  (End of this chapter)

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