Protect Our Patriarch

Vol 3 Chapter 92: Offend Shouzhe! Worrisome end

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Longzuo County Town.

It is the political, economic, and military center of the entire Longzuo County.

Any powerful family will plan an industry in the county city, sell some local souvenirs, and at the same time have a stronghold in the county city for the family.

In this way, you can purchase some needed materials for the family at any time, and you can also get access to the latest news.

"Changning Wang's Firm"

It was the sole proprietorship of the "Seven-Class Family" Changning Wang Clan opened in Longzuo County. Although the scale is small, some exclusive high-end "foreign glass" products, silk handicrafts, and [Ice Muscle Jade Skin Moisturizing Cream], [Red Luan Purple Phoenix Pills], [ Ying Xian Bao Jian] [Run Rou Si Qing] [Random Butterfly Fragrance] and other series of products.

[Bingjiufu moisturizing cream] is made from deep-sea golden clam spirit beads, a variety of "precious" spiritual herbs, and "spiritual beast fat". Long-term use can make the skin moist and delicate like ice and snow.

The rest of the products are also for women, and the effect is very good. It is said that even the master Binglan of the Zifu Academy and the princess concubine of the prefectural palace are using these treasures.

It's just that this type of product has two major flaws, one is expensive, and the other is less. Therefore, these goods often need to be booked, and often reservations are not available.

Therefore, the threshold of Changning Wang's commercial firm was pierced by the noble ladies of the county and city.

The old three kings who are in charge of this place, Shou Nuo, will be surrounded by noble ladies of all families and races all day long, all means are used in order to obtain a stable supply of skin care products.

The noble ladies in this world are not like those noble ladies in ancient China. When the maidservants were not good enough, they would often go to battle against Wang Shounuo in person.

"Poor" Wang Shounuo, I don't know how much entanglement he has to deal with every day like a wolf and a tiger, but he still has to guard himself like a jade under this kind of battle, and the lady is not by his side.

Such torture can be called **** mode.

However, this small business firm now has an annual turnover of 400,000 yuan and a gross profit of more than 300,000 yuan! No matter how hard it is, Wang Shounuo will stick to it.

In addition, those famous ladies, large and small, are one of the best sources of news channels. All kinds of gossip and gossip will be compiled by Wang Shounuo and sent home through the Feiyan express system.

This day.

As usual, Wang Shounuo guarded the firm conscientiously and worked hard to cope with the continuous waves of noble ladies.


He heard the news that [Qingfeng Commercial Bank] opened today. From now on, everyone will take a flying fly to travel to Baidaowei, and only 30 large coppers will be needed. Not only that, the prices for mailing letters and goods are much lower than [Shouda Commercial Bank].

"What?" Wang Shounuo was excited, and hurriedly inquired about the lady, and then ran to [Qingfeng Commercial Co., Ltd.] anxiously.

He knows that Shouda Commercial Bank is now very profitable and it is one of Wang's pillar industries. The extraterritorial Xin'an Town was developed to such an extent in just over a dozen years because of the surplus blood transfusion provided by Shouda Commercial Bank.

If there is a crisis in Shouda Commercial Bank, it is bound to curb Wang's current good situation.

After half an hour.

Before the newly opened [Qingfeng Commercial Bank], the crowds were all attracted by the low-price strategy promoted by the merchant.

It has been nearly 20 years since Fei Nian entered the home of "ordinary people", and it is no longer a rare thing.

People in Longzuo County are in the Feiye transit center. Whether it is delivering goods, letters, or going out for fun, it is the most convenient.

There are even rich people who, when they are feeling upset, take a flying fly to go out and stroll around, and then in a few days they will return to the high-paced life of the county with large and small bags of local specialties.

Merchants in the county city can also use the flying delivery system to sell all kinds of high-quality goods in the county city to all the guards in Longzuo County, thus making a lot of money.

Shouda Commercial Bank also made a fortune and became one of the most profitable industries in Longzuo County. I don't know how many people are greedy and jealous. It's just that the Flyer system is not so easy to build.

Firstly, where to get so many flies is a problem, and secondly, the fifth-grade family of Qian in Longzuo is not easy to bully. The third reason is that there is Zifu Academy behind the Shouda Commercial Bank, and the annual rent to the Academy is also a large figure.

As a result, Shouda Commercial Bank has formed a dominance in Longzuo County, but no one can compete.

However, just today, this monopoly has been broken.

Wang Shounuo learned from the cheerful discussions that this newly opened [Qingfeng Commercial Bank] turned out to be the property of the famous fourth-grade family Qing’an Zuoqiu family. Most of the flying flies they used were from 【Lingyun Holy Land】On loan.

With the endorsements of Zuoqiu Family and Holy Land, there is no problem with the goodwill of Qingfeng Commercial Bank, and the price they offer is only 30% of Shouda Commercial Bank! Aroused the support of merchants from all walks of life.

Some merchants signed contracts with Qingfeng Commercial Bank on the spot.

"It's awful." Wang Shounuo's scalp was numb, and feeling the crisis was approaching, he hurried back to write a letter to Wang Shouzhe.

In fact, Wang Shounuo was not alone in informing the family. The head office of Shouda Commercial Bank in Longzuo County, branches in various places, Longzuo Wang Clan, Longzuo Qian Clan, etc., all transmitted this information quickly.

Suddenly, wind and rain are coming. The Shouda Commercial Bank, which has been established for nearly 20 years, has ushered in the biggest crisis.

But this time the suppression of Qian and Wang seemed to be the tip of the iceberg.

at the same time.

To the northwest of Gyeong'an County, near Monan, there is a business road that has existed for nearly three thousand years, called the "Gyeongbuk Corridor."

Because the territory of Dagan is mountainous, the terrain of Qing'an County is relatively flat, which is convenient for the transportation of bulk goods and the distance is also close. Therefore, the caravans of Liaoyuan, Lingbei, and Longzuo counties want to go to the capital of the country. This "Gyeongbuk Corridor".

The caravan of the Qian clan in Longzuo is naturally no exception.

For so many years, Qian's caravan has been traveling north and south, and I don't know how many times they have walked this road. They are already very familiar with this road.

Qian Zhong is a manager of Qian's firm. For these years, he has been in charge of the transportation line of Gyeongbuk Corridor.

He travels back and forth between Guodu and Longzuo several times every year.

For so many years, he has been traveling north and south, and he has not known how many times he has walked this road. He is already very familiar with everything on this road.

When running a business, when you start, at what speed, and how much time you can find a place to rest, it is all clear. The error in the estimation of time is never more than an hour.

On this day, as usual, he set off with the caravan with a pinch, ready to leave the customs in the afternoon, so that he could arrive at the post on the Guodu in the evening and rest.

Qian’s business firm has been operating for many years, and transportation has always been one of the main businesses of Qian’s business. It transports crude iron from Monan to Longzuo where iron ore resources are seriously insufficient, and undertakes part of the grain transportation of Zuoqiu family in Qing’an, and It is the business scope of Qian's firm to ship foreign glass and other commodities produced by Wang Ning Wang to the capital.

Correspondingly, the transportation-related industrial chain of Qian’s side has also been very mature. Not only have warehouses set up in various counties, they are specially used for stocking and transit, but also in the key links of transportation and transportation tools. mature.

Qian's long-range trucks use specially purchased Northland bulls. They are a lap larger than the southern bulls, and they have strong endurance, strength, and fast travel.

The carriage is also specially modified. It is a fully enclosed large carriage with a lock, rainproof and windproof, and has a certain defensive ability. Even if you are unlucky, you will be attacked by a beast on the road, there is a high probability that the cargo will be preserved.

In the front half of the carriage, near the front of the car, there is also a small single room specially opened.

This small single room is separated from the carriage at the back. It can only be accessed from the front of the car. There are windows on the left and right. The area inside is just enough to cover two beds. It is convenient for families to take turns to rest. Occasionally, when you have to sleep in the wild, you can live in just a little bit.

The modified trucks are not only convenient and easy to use, but also have a carrying capacity of 1.5 to twice that of ordinary bullock carts, which greatly increases the transportation capacity of Qian's firm. The loss or damage of goods in transit is also greatly reduced.

The transportation capacity and credibility are precisely the foundation of Qian's firm.

It is precisely because of its excellent transportation capabilities and the reputation of time and quality that have been accumulated over the years that Qian's firm has been able to convince other families to trust them and hand over their goods to them for transportation.

However, today, something went wrong on this road that has been going very smoothly.

"What's going on before? You go over and ask about the situation."

Seeing that the bullock cart in front of him hadn't moved for a long time and blocked the road, Qian Zhong felt that something was wrong, so he ordered his companion.

Dang Even took the order to get out of the bullock cart, took a horse from the escort's home, and rode to the front in a hurry.

Although this team is only one of the many teams of Qian's firm, it is not small at all. It has a full 48 ox carts, and there are guards on the left and right. The entire team is nearly two miles long.

Although Qian Zhong had the strength of the Lingtai Realm, he was sitting in the center, and he didn't have the ability to see and hear the situation nearly a mile away. Therefore, he was really puzzled at the moment.

After a while, the guy hurried back on his horse, with a clear look of worry on his face: "Uncle Zhong, the road ahead was blocked by a roadblock, guarded by officers and soldiers from Qing'an County, saying that he was building a road. It is temporarily not allowed to pass."

"Building roads?" Qian Zhong puzzled. "This Gyeongbuk Corridor has been used for so many years. Crane cranes run over cattle and rammed soil is stronger than the official road. Where can I build roads? And, for so many years, I never heard that Gyeong'an County built this road~"

I don't know why, he has a vague premonition in his heart.

"Uncle Zhong, what shall we do now?" the dude asked, "fix it on the spot, wait for the road to be repaired?"

"No." Qian Zhong waved his hand. "In addition to the North and South groceries carried on weekdays, a considerable part of this batch is foreign glass products customized by the Tiangongfang main store. I told Tiangongfang earlier. The shopkeeper has made a contract and will have to deliver it in one month at the latest. We can't afford to delay it anymore."

Two months ago, Wang had finished making customized foreign glass products and handed them to them. The transportation time left for Qian is more than enough. If the delivery time is missed in this way, the responsibility rests with Qian. It is bound to pay a large amount of liquidated damages.

Moreover, the liquidated damages are not the most troublesome. The most troublesome thing is that the owner of Tiangongfang is the third-class family, Gongye, and Qian can't afford to incriminate.

In case the shopkeeper of the workshop hated Qian because of this, he turned around and put some eye drops on Qian in front of his owner. Qian had finally opened up the situation in the major countries, and maybe he had to go back to the past.

Qian Zhong had a headache when he thought of this, and he thought for a moment, and told his buddy: "Let everyone fix it on the spot for a while. I will go ahead and check the situation and find a way for the officers and soldiers to provide us with accommodation."

As he said, he took the horse in the boy's hand and rode to the front.

Soon, he saw the rows of black and towering roadblocks.

The Gyeongbuk Corridor runs along the direction of the current. The Suochun River is located less than a mile away from the south, and the north side continues to rise. It is a sea of ​​unpopulated forests with occasional beasts. Therefore, it is used The roadblocks are all solid hardwood, which can temporarily resist the collision of the beasts and is very strong.

At this moment, the continuous roadblocks almost completely blocked the road. Only in the cracks can we vaguely see officers and soldiers in uniforms.

Qian Zhong untied the saber around his waist and threw it to the family general. He immediately stepped forward and said loudly, "Dare to ask the officers and soldiers of Qing'an County in front of me? In Qian Zhong's business, Qian Zhong, please help me. I want to see your commander. "

When the voice fell, a helmeted head protruded from the top of the barricade. He glanced at him, then dropped the word "wait", jumped off the barricade, and ran behind to inform him.

Not long after, a roadblock was removed, and a middle-aged soldier in the uniform of the commander came out from behind.

"Hey~ Isn't this the treasurer of money?" When he saw Qian Zhong, the commander smiled and greeted him, "It's really been a long time since we saw him."

"Commander Zhao?" Qian Zhong froze for a moment, and hurriedly greeted him with a suit. "I haven't seen him for more than ten years. The commander has been promoted? Look at your uniform... Are you promoted to a captain? Congratulations~"

In his early years, Qian Zhong worked as a treasurer in North Gyeongsang Province for a period of time and dealt with Zhao Zhibang. This person is smiling on the surface, but in fact he has been doing things badly and is not a good person to deal with.

"I'm no longer in North Gyeongsang Province. I am now a guerrilla school lieutenant in Gyeong'an County. I am responsible for patrols in the north with several other school lieutenants." Zhao Zhibang said and patted the roadblock behind him, "No, today. One was sent to help repair the road."

After chatting a few words, Qian Zhong pulled Zhao Zhibang aside and whispered: "School Wei Zhao, you don’t know when the road will be built. My customers are very urgent. Look, can you be accommodating? ?"

As he said, he took out a golden ticket from his arms and wanted to stuff it into Zhao Zhibang's arms.

However, Zhao Zhibang, who seems to be very talkative, confiscated the gold ticket. Instead, he justly rejected the request for accommodation. He also said that accidents often occur during road construction, and that they are not allowed to go in for the safety of the team.

No matter what Qian Zhong said, he was exhausted, Zhao Zhibang refused to let go, and abruptly stopped Qian's motorcade behind the roadblock.

Qian Zhongxin was aggrieved and angry, but he was helpless.

Seeing that Zhao Zhibang was about to leave, he hurried up and grabbed his anger. He suppressed his anger and said in a low voice: "His lieutenant, even if you are going to die, you should make me a ghost. I was in Qing'an County before. The goods have been detained for several days, and now they are blocked again. What is the reason here? I didn't offend you either?"

With that said, he slipped the gold ticket in Zhao Zhibang's hand and held it tightly to prevent him from returning it.

"I said treasurer Qian, you have been a treasurer for so many years anyway, why don't you even understand this?"

Zhao Zhibang helplessly, glanced at the golden ticket in his hand, thought about it, after all, received it, and then whispered to him: "This matter is arranged from above. It is impossible to accommodate accommodation. You still Let your Patriarch quickly think about who has offended someone recently~"

After that, he threw away Qian Zhong's hand, took the golden ticket and returned to the roadblock.

The tall barricades also closed again.

Qian Zhong looked at the darkness in front of him, and his mood was gloomy.

It seems that his previous ominous hunch is true.

Sure enough, there are forces in Qing'an County to secretly target the Qian clan. This situation is much more serious than the failure to deliver the goods on time.

If this situation is not resolved, today's order with Tiangongfang is overdue, offending Tiangongfang, and I don't know how many companies will be offended in the future.

If things go on like this, can Qian's business still be done?

You know, the transportation line is one of Qian's lifeblood.

The Qingan County and Guodu lines accounted for nearly 30% of Qian's transportation business. If something goes wrong, Qian's loss will inevitably be very heavy.

Although Qian’s family has a big family, but the manager responsible for specific affairs is usually in his spiritual stage. If Qing’an County is determined to cause trouble for Qian, his small manager will not be able to handle it at all. I dare not resist.

He has to send a message to the Patriarch quickly, so that the Patriarch can quickly think of a solution.

At this point, he hurried back to the carriage with a dark face.

Soon, two white birds flew out from the window of the carriage, flapped their wings and flew high in the sky, towards the direction of Longzuo County.

However, similar incidents are not accidental. Similar problems have appeared everywhere in the fleet of Qian's firm.


Longzuo County Town.

In a high-end box in the Zifu Palace of Longzuo Wang's Industry.

After hearing the news, Wang Shouzhe, who had rushed to the county town again, was slowly drinking a pot of high-quality spiritual tea, which was the "fairy tea" given by the county guardian Tai Shi Ankang some time ago.

This tea is worthy of being a good tea produced by the Han Yuexian Dynasty. Not only does it have a long and long taste, it also has the effect of nourishing the spiritual mind. At his level, his divine consciousness is already very powerful, and every bit is not easy.

As the saying goes, from frugality to luxury, Wang Shouzhe has entrusted all parties to purchase this fairy tea spirit seed.

"Patriarch Shouzhe." Qian Xuehan was dripping with sweat from the side, "When is this, your old man still has such a leisurely and elegant tea and tea, please think of a way."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Wang Shouzhe smiled indifferently, and passed a cup of tea. "Patriarch Xuehan first taste this fairy tea, but he can calm down and get rid of the turbidity. We can speak slowly if we have something to say."

"Guckling." Qian Xuehan took the tea cup and drank it in a couple of sips. He wiped his sweat and said, "Patriarch Shouzhe, the Zuoqiu clan pressed us Qian clan on the ground and rubbed it. I don't have you. good mood."

After getting along with Wang Shouzhe for a long time, Qian Xuehan also learned some strange new words.

He is in a very bad mood.

This time, Zuoqiu's total suppression was the first to bear the brunt of the Qian's business. Now every day, the Qian's will suffer considerable losses.

In the past ten years or so, Qian Xuehan was still watching the great drama of Cao's family in Liaoyuan.

Now it was Qian's turn to be beaten by Zuo Qiu, and only then did he truly understand the pressure and helplessness. The gap between the fifth-rank family and the fourth-rank family is really big.

Moreover, Zuoqiu's family is not an ordinary Fourth Grade. There are six ancestors of Zuoqiu's Guangzi Mansion (one of them is in Qing'an Academy), and the entire Qing'an County is covered with one hand.

"Patriarch Shouzhe, you have to be the master for our Qian family." Qian Xuehan said tragically, "There are rumors that Zuoqiu's Zuoqiu Qingyun was killed by the two of us. And left The Qiu family always thought that your Wang clan is just our Qian clan... Therefore, all the points of effort are aimed at our Qian clan. I was wronged, and I was wronged."

"Patriarch Shouzhe, you have to be responsible for our Qian Clan..."

"Don't be restless." Wang Shouzhe calmed Qian Xuehan and said, "Zuoqiu Qingyun's death was a scandal. Zuoqiu did not dare to violate the Dagan law and directly use force against Qian. The big deal, It's just some little tricks that are not on the table."

Small means?

Qian Xuehan's eyes are faint, and Patriarch Shouzhe, what you said is light, do you know how much we will lose in a year by those little tricks? As the owner of the family, Qian Xuehan, how much pressure do I have?

Besides, now everyone knows each other, Zuoqiu Qingyun died in the hands of your Wang family... But they asked the Qian family to take care of it! What made Qian Xuehan most helpless was that in order to maintain the long-term friendship and common interests between the two sides, they had to continue to carry on the Qian's pot.

"However, problems always need to be resolved." Wang Shouzhe said calmly, "but before that, you and I will visit the county guard together."

"Sir, I am afraid it will be difficult to manage this matter, right?" Qian Xuehan was full of misgivings. In fact, Qian had already paid respect to Shi Ankang, the governor of the county, but he had not received a satisfactory answer.

However, Qian Xuehan still respected Wang Shouzhe's proposal and jointly visited the county guard again.

Inside the county guard house.

Tai Shi Ankang was "in his busy schedule" and took time to meet Wang Shouzhe and Qian Xuehan, and gave him a good tea and fruit. Qian's family is a family of five grades, and will naturally be valued. And Wang's is not simple, too Shi Ankang will not neglect.

"Patriarch Xuehan, I have already said it before." Taishi Ankang said, "The Zuoqiu clan follows the law and opened a chamber of commerce in Longzuo County to carry out normal business activities. I am a county guard, I am afraid I can't help it."

"Sir, the county guard, we Qian's are your own people." Qian Xuehan said unwillingly, "If it is normal business competition, neither Shouda and Qian's firms will be afraid. It's just that Zuoqiu's business will do things. It’s really disgusting. Let’s not do it in the Qing’an County’s great flying flies transportation market. Let’s run to Longzuo County to compete with the Shouda firm."

"This is to make it clear that you are bullying. Protect the meat from your own pot. Put your chopsticks in our bowl to grab the meat. How can there be such a reason?"

Tai Shi Ankang's expression was also a little unpleasant. In the final analysis, it was indeed that Zuoqiu clan was a bit bullying, and he did not put him in the eyes of the Longzuo county guard, but he said helplessly: "This is the Zuoqiu clan. It's really abominable, but they can't do anything about it." After that, he looked at Wang Shouzhe and said, "Is there any solution for Patriarch Shouzhe?"

In any case, the Qian family, the Shouda firm, and the Wang family are all his own. Some seem to have been bullied by their own children, but they are in a reluctant mood.

"Or else, the county guard will go to Qing'an county in person to visit the Qing'an county guard and Chengjun king." Wang Shouzhe suggested, "and made a solemn protest to them, saying that Zuoqiu's diet is too ugly. They take care of the Zuoqiu family, don't do everything, don't go too far.

Tai Shi Ankang's face was black.

He said to Wang Shouzhe with a little disappointment: "Patriarch Shouzhe, Qing'an County guards Wudinghai, and has always been on the same line with Zuoqiu's family. I went to Qing'an County to beg for help, but I just stretched my face and beaten others. , It's just a shame."

"The adults are right." Wang Shouzhe nodded, "I just want the adults to go and take a "humiliation" back, and to make the surrounding counties and many people in the country know that the adults are "humiliated" and return."

Tai Shi Ankang's face was green for a while: "Wang Shouzhe, I am too shameless for Shi Ankang? How can this county guard behave in the future?"

"My lord, please take a moment." Wang Shouzhe said calmly, "The reason why Shouzhe let the adults operate the first wave is because Shouzhe's next layout of Qing'an County will target Zuoqiu's actions. It will be better than Zuoqiu's attack on us. The plan... is more disgusting, more excessive, and even more ugly..."

"In order to prevent Anqing County from guarding Wudinghai, King Chengjun and others couldn't help but come to an adult to cry, which caused the adult to be in a dilemma... It is better for the adult to move his face in first, and let the other party be arrogant first to block the leisurely crowd. ~"

Tai Shi Ankang suddenly came to his senses and said in a low voice, "What is Shouzhe's trick? Hurry up and be happy with me."

Qian Xuehan on the side was also extremely repeatedly said: "I knew that Patriarch Shouzhe was prepared..."

Wang Shouzhe smiled and muttered in a low voice.

A quarter of an hour later.

The expressions of Tai Shi Ankang and Qian Xuehan kept changing, and finally, they looked at Wang Shouzhe with strange and horrified eyes.

Isn't your plan even more exaggerated?

This is clearly to put Zuoqiu to death. Even their "owners" as Wang Shouzhe felt shuddering. He reminded himself like an alarm bell in his heart that he should never offend Wang Shouzhe if he offends anyone in the future.

People have gradually laid out their plans 15 years ago, putting ropes around Zuoqiu's neck.


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