Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and three We have 20 days left before we get married

After getting into the Mercedes-Benz of this guy wearing a black suit and white gloves.

After a while, Pei Ge and Ji Ziming arrived at the prestigious five-star hotel in Zhangjiajie.

The car had just stopped when a doorman in a red uniform trotted over and respectfully opened the door for Pei Ge and Ji Ziming.


After Pei Ge got out of the car and looked at the surrounding scenery, she couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Because the scenery here is really beautiful, even though this is a hotel. However, because it is located in the core area of ​​Zhangjiajie with beautiful scenery, it looks to Tianmen in the south and Lishui in the north. Therefore, the surrounding environment is very beautiful and the air is extremely fresh.

When Pei Ge followed Ji Ziming into the five-star hotel, he was slightly shocked by the extremely luxurious decoration style in the hotel.

The hotel is composed of three interconnected but relatively independent characteristic buildings, integrating European classical gardens and modern design styles, and the decoration materials are extremely luxurious and noble.

As soon as you enter the hall, you will be amazed by the splendor of everything here.

While Pei Ge was still admiring the decoration of this five-star hotel, he saw the hotel foreman walking towards them with a smile.

"Mr. Ji, your and your lady's rooms are ready. Please come with me."

The foreman made an inviting gesture to Ji Ziming and Pei Ge, and then led Pei Ge and Ji Ziming directly to the elevator.

While sitting in the elevator, the foreman introduced their hotel to Pei Ge and Ji Ziming in great detail.

"Our hotel is also equipped with KTV, foot sauna, massage, beauty salon, chess and card room, fitness center, indoor tennis court, heated swimming pool and other leisure and entertainment facilities to meet the various needs of different guests. If you and your wife have any needs , please call us at any time and we will try our best to meet your requirements."

Listening to the foreman's introduction, Pei Ge nodded inwardly with emotion. He felt that this hotel was really great. It had everything~

With the foreman's introduction, the elevator quickly reached the top floor.


After the elevator door opens,

For a moment, Pei Ge almost felt that he and Ji Ziming were not staying in a hotel, but in a villa.

"This is the presidential suite of our hotel. It covers a total area of ​​more than 500 square meters and is divided into 12 spaces of different sizes, which are used for reception, dining room, study room, master bedroom, master bathroom, and walk-in dressing room. room, bathroom, kitchen, conference room, etc..."

Listening to these words, Pei Ge felt like her head was spinning. She felt that there was no need for the two of them to live in such a large suite!

When the foreman pushed open the door to the presidential suite, Pei Ge, a bumpkin who had never stayed in a presidential suite, was shocked again.

The first thing that catches the eye is a milky white corridor with a huge carved mirror.

Several classical European murals hang on the walls on both sides of the porch. The spacious living room is next to the cloister. The almost floor-to-ceiling glass windows make the living room extremely bright. Its decoration colors are mainly milky white and light brown, and the atmosphere is soft and elegant.

The living room is equipped with antique cabinets, European antique furniture, soft sofas, crystal table lamps and European classical murals. In the antique cabinet high on one wall, there are some Chinese and foreign ancient porcelain, bronze vessels, etc. The cabinet is equipped with a large flat-screen wall-mounted TV and a DVD player.

Seeing everything in front of him, Pei Ge almost wanted to exclaim, this is so luxurious!

Just such a living room is probably bigger than her house!

"Mr. Ji, Mrs. Ji, your luggage has been placed in the bedroom for you. And following your instructions, everything in your suitcase has been sorted."


Ji Ziming nodded lightly and waved to the foreman.

"President Ji, I'll go out first. If you have anything, you can ring the bell at any time to call us."

With that said, the foreman left the presidential suite directly.

After seeing the foreman leaving, Pei Ge suddenly stared at Ji Ziming with wide eyes.

"Ji Ziming, you are too wasteful! Why are the two of us living in such a big room?"

Ji Ziming looked at Pei Ge's angry little face, raised his eyebrows, and said calmly: "I said, I can support you. And I also want to give you the best."

Raising his hand, Ji Ziming gently pinched Pei Ge's fleshy cheek.

"Also, I heard from my mother that you are losing weight recently?"

Pei Ge, whose heart was beating out of control because of Ji Ziming's words, suddenly felt a little awkward after hearing what Ji Ziming said.

"Yes, I have been losing weight recently~"

Oops, my mother is really too talkative. Why does she follow this annoying guy about everything~!

"No less, I like you like this." Ji Ziming pinched Pei Ge's cheek again and said in a very domineering manner.

"..." After listening to Ji Ziming's words, Pei Ge's mouth twitched slightly.

"Why don't you let me lose weight! Why don't you let me lose weight! When we got engaged this time, Lily said that if I lose 20 pounds, I will look great in a wedding dress!"

When Pei Ge heard Ji Ziming's words, not only was he not moved, but he even protested.

Although Pei Ge had never taken fatness, thinness, beauty or ugliness seriously before, but now she was getting married, and the person she was going to marry was so handsome. If she didn't lose weight, she even felt that she couldn't be with Ji Ziming. Stand together!

"Anyway, I must lose twenty pounds before getting married!"

Pei Ge looked at Ji Ziming with wide eyes and said firmly.

Seeing Pei Ge's angry expression and his eyes widening like a cat, Ji Ziming suddenly felt his hands itching again and pinched Pei Ge's cheeks again.

"Peg, then your wish to lose twenty pounds will be in vain."

Ji Ziming looked at Pei Ge funnyly and said lightly.

"Ah? Why did you fail? I have lost two pounds recently~!" Pei Ge proudly pointed two fingers at Ji Ziming and said very happily.

"Because we are getting married in twenty days."

As soon as Ji Ziming finished speaking, Pei Ge was dumbfounded. She stared at Ji Ziming with her mouth agape, and she was immediately dumbfounded.


It took a while before Pei Ge came back to his senses.

"You, you, you! You're lying! There are still twenty days?!"

God! ! ! Although she knew that Ji Ziming had told her that he would get married soon, but was it too early? !

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