Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and fourteen Qiao Jingyun, I caught your pigtail

"Back then, your uncle suddenly had a car accident, and the company also went bankrupt and owed a lot of debt, and he needed to sell the house. So that dead girl couldn't accept it at the time, so she ran out willfully."

Having said this, Liu Yan curled her lips and said with great disdain.

"I'm not saying that, the reason why that damn girl can't accept this matter so much must not only be because your uncle left suddenly, but also because he knows that he won't be able to live such a good life in the future, so he is so Let’s collapse.”

Listening to Liu Yan's words, Pei Shishi disagreed.

Even though he didn't like Pei Ge, she also understood that the reason Pei Ge had such a big reaction at that time was really just because Pei Ge had a deep relationship with her father.

"But speaking of which, your uncle is quite unlucky. Such a thing happened at such a young age. Speaking of which, the father and daughter were involved in car accidents one after another, which caused quite a sensation at the time.

But after your uncle was hit, the driver hit and ran, and no one took him to the hospital in time, so he died.

However, that dead girl Pei Ge was much luckier. Even though she was in such a remote place, someone still happened to see her and called the emergency number..."

While Liu Yan was opening and closing her mouth as she talked about that incident that year, she didn't see that her daughter's pretty and delicate face was pale.

There was also a look of guilt and panic in his eyes.

"To be honest, Pei Ge still blames our family for taking the money from selling their house, but she doesn't want to think about it, is the house so easy to sell? We have been busy and how much we have done for their family. What's wrong with charging some hard work fees? As for Er, do you hold grudges like this..."

Seeing that Liu Yan's words were getting more and more biased, Pei Shishi tried her best to calm down and interrupted Liu Yan softly.

"Mom, where was the place where Pei Ge had the car accident? Was there anything strange at that time?"

"Strange place?"

Liu Yan frowned slightly and tried to remember.

"The strange thing is that the place where the dead girl was found was really too far away. Although the dead girl did run away willfully at that time, she didn't have any money with her. You can go to such a remote suburb."


Pei Shishi's heart moved slightly,

Suddenly he felt that maybe, there really was something unknown hidden in it.

"And the clothes on her body are still dirty. According to the doctor, it seems that the damn girl was hit like that intentionally, and she was hit twice. But fortunately, that damn girl Pei Ge is lucky, although I was hit by a car twice, but there were no serious injuries, except for some bruises on my head, but it’s not a problem, I just suffered from selective amnesia.”

"Bumped twice?! On purpose?!"

After hearing this, Pei Shishi finally couldn't sit still, and she immediately screamed.

Because this thing is really incredible!

"I remember back then, Pei Ge was only thirteen or fourteen years old, right? Why was she hit so hard?"

No matter how this happened, it sounded like there was some hidden secret in it, as if Pei Ge had offended someone, so he was hit twice like this.

"We don't know about this. Although the police also intervened at the beginning, the place where Pei Ge's accident happened was really remote. There wasn't even a traffic light, let alone any surveillance.

In addition, that dead girl Pei Ge had nothing to do at the time, so the matter ended up being settled. "

After listening to Liu Yan's words, Pei Shishi frowned tightly, feeling that there was something unspeakably weird about this matter.

"Where was Pei Ge's accident?"

"It's been so many years. I can't remember where it was, but I still remember that there were a lot of poplar trees in that place."

Poplar tree? !

Pei Shishi's eyes suddenly flashed. For some reason, she felt that this information was very important!

"But Shishi, you are so nice, why are you asking about this?"

After Liu Yan finished talking to her daughter, she finally thought of asking.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered it, so I wanted to ask."

After saying that, Pei Shishi smiled and returned to her bedroom.

She took the small and lightweight notebook in her hand, sat on the soft bed, turned on the computer, and started surfing the Internet.

But it’s more about researching information than surfing the Internet.

Her fingers were tapping on the keyboard, and soon, the information she was looking for appeared on the computer page.

But what she didn't expect was that when she entered the date of Pei Ge's car accident, the result was——

[The heir to the Ji Group was kidnapped for six hours and was finally successfully rescued! 】

[All Kyoto security guards will be dispatched for six hours! The heir to the Ji Group escaped on his own! 】

[Six hours of battle of wits and courage! Mr. Ji of the Ji Group shows off his power and brings evil into the world! 】


After looking at the top posts in the web search, all of which were related to Ji Ziming, Pei Shishi couldn't help but exclaimed, full of surprise and shock.

"Could it be..."

A burst of absurd thoughts suddenly arose in Pei Shishi's heart.

Could it be that during the period when Pei Ge disappeared, he was kidnapped along with Ji Ziming? !

However, this is impossible! What kind of person is Ji Ziming? How could Pei Ge be kidnapped together? This is absolutely impossible!

Moreover, the person who was kidnapped along with Ji Ziming was clearly Qiao Jingyun...


Qiao Jingyun!

Pei Shishi's eyes suddenly lit up! A general idea gradually came into her mind.

She clicked on the first post at the top about Ji Ziming's kidnapping, and then read it very carefully.

After she read about the approximate location where Ji Ziming was kidnapped, she quickly used the search engine to search for the map of that place.

The result was as she expected...

There happened to be a poplar tree growing in that remote place! !

"Haha~ How can there be so many coincidences in this world..."

A strange smile suddenly appeared on Pei Shishi's face, and her eyes were full of excitement.

"Qiao Jingyun, I have to say, you are really powerful... I really didn't expect that you had such deep scheming when you were a child..."

As she spoke, Pei Shishi laughed heartily.

She didn't expect that the final result would be like this.

She suddenly felt that she had caught Qiao Jingyun's little braid that she least wanted to be discovered~hehehe~

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