Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and eighteen You are my woman, I will stand in front of you

"Gege, why don't you get tanned or lose weight when you go out?"


Listening to his mother's words, all the longings and emotions in Pei Ge's heart were all turned into speechless.

"Mom, you are really going too far! I wear sunscreen every day, so of course I don't get tanned! Do you want me to get tanned~!"

She puts on sunscreen every day when she goes out. How easy is it for her!

As for why I haven’t lost weight...

Pei Ge glanced at Ji Ziming and muttered in his heart depressedly: They are all this person! If this person hadn't cooked so deliciously, she wouldn't have eaten so much every day!

Others also say that when traveling to other places, you may not be accustomed to the local culture or the local food.

But when she came here, she was really supported by Ji Ziming, and it tasted so delicious! And I enjoyed every meal.

"Hello, Aunt Ji, how are you and uncle doing recently?"

Just when a family of four was chatting happily, Qiao Jingyun's gentle and sweet voice suddenly interrupted the family's reminiscence.

At this time, Ji's mother, who heard Qiao Jingyun's voice, realized that Qiao Jingyun was actually standing behind Ji Ziming and Pei Ge.

"...Why are you here too?"

Mother Ji frowned and looked at Qiao Jingyun, full of suspicion.

"Oh, I came back on the same flight as Ziming and Gege. Greece's sea of ​​​​love is truly well-deserved. If it weren't for something going on in the company, I really wouldn't want to come back~"

Qiao Jingyun shrugged, a look of regret written all over her face.

I don't know why, but after listening to Qiao Jingyun's words, Pei Ge suddenly felt that the answer and explanation given by Qiao Jingyun was a little ambiguous.

She was talking about the sea of ​​​​love that Ziming and she had agreed to go to together!

"You also went to Greece?"

Sure enough, listening to Qiao Jingyun's words, Ji's mother's face was full of surprise and disbelief.

Could it be...

There was a suspicious look in Ji's mother's eyes.

Could it be that her stupid son invited this woman to go with him?

But it’s impossible! Doesn’t my stupid son like the person Gege...

Just when Ji's mother was confused by Qiao Jingyun's words and wanted to ask in detail, she suddenly saw a large group of people holding mobile phones or cameras heading toward them. Bian ran over wildly.

And he was still shouting crazily——

"Mr. Ji and Cinderella are right there!"

"Come on! Comrades! Since no newspaper dares to expose this precious Cinderella! Then let's be the messengers of justice! Use our hands to tell these capitalists! Although we are ordinary! We don't have much money! But! We also have freedom of public opinion!"

"Yes! For our freedom of public opinion!"

Looking at the mighty crowd rushing towards them, Ji's mother and Zhang Manhua were frightened.

"What's going on? What's going on? Are those people rushing towards us?"

"It seems so, it seems to be coming towards our Ziming and Gege!"

"Ziming, Gege, it seems something is wrong. Let's go back quickly and leave through the VIP channel!"

Qiao Jingyun immediately grabbed Pei Ge's hand and pulled Pei Ge towards the inside.

Pei Ge frowned tightly when she was suddenly pulled by Qiao Jingyun. In fact, she was confused in her heart.

She had no idea why the group of people rushing towards them with mobile phones and cameras were chanting her and Ji Ziming's names.

So when she was pulled away by Qiao Jingyun, Pei Ge subconsciously shook off Qiao Jingyun's hand.


Pei Ge was about to say something and ask Ji Ziming properly, but was suddenly interrupted by Qiao Jingyun again.

"Gege, what are you doing? Even if you don't like me, you can't be willful at this time! Come with me quickly! Otherwise, you don't know what will happen if you are caught by this group of people later. !”

Qiao Jingyun grabbed Pei Ge's hand again and continued to drag Pei Ge towards the VIP channel.

"Qiao Jingyun, it's not that I don't like you, that's why I don't want to go with you, but I want to find out first what the situation is!"

After listening to Qiao Jingyun's words, Pei Ge said helplessly.

Unfortunately, her words were of no use.

"In this situation, you still want to find out first, are you okay? Okay, don't say anything, just follow me into the VIP channel first!"

Qiao Jingyun said to Pei Ge quickly while holding Pei Ge's hand and walking quickly.

"Yes, Princess, let's get out of here first, I think those people are crazy!"

"Yeah, yeah, let's talk about it later. Let's leave quickly so we don't get hurt."

Ji's mother and Zhang Manhua both agreed and followed Qiao Jingyun, walking towards the VIP channel.

Only Ji Ziming did not move, but stood as steady as a mountain.

"Ziming, what are you doing? Why don't you leave?"

When Ji's mother turned around, she realized that Ji Ziming hadn't moved. Now she was anxious.

"Yes, Ziming, let's leave quickly."

Zhang Manhua also said eagerly, because she had been watching the news on the Internet recently, so she knew very well what this group of people came for.

She knew that there was nothing wrong with her daughter and son-in-law. It was these people, because of their jealousy and unwillingness, that caused the riots on the Internet and the current riots.

And following this group of mobs who have been dazzled by jealousy and self-righteous justice, they can't reason with them.

"Mom, don't worry, you go first."

After listening to the two mothers' dissuasion, Ji Ziming turned his head calmly, glanced at Zhang Manhua and his group calmly, and said calmly.

"If Ziming doesn't leave, I'll stay too!"

When Pei Ge saw that Ji Ziming was not leaving, she also stopped and wanted to stay like Ji Ziming, who had never wanted to escape like this.

However, this time, it was not only Qiao Jingyun who held her tightly to not allow Pei Ge to go, but even Ji Ziming did not allow Pei Ge to stay.

"Peg, you leave with Jingyun and mom. I'm here."

"Why do you have to leave me? You haven't even left yet!"

Pei Ge looked at Ji Ziming in confusion. She didn't understand that these people were obviously coming for her and Ji Ziming. Why, Ji Ziming could stay, but she had to leave?

"...Because I will worry about you."

Looking at Pei Ge who stopped walking, Ji Ziming was silent for a while and said what was in his heart.

Hearing Ji Ziming's words, not only Pei Ge was stunned, but also Qiao Jingyun.

"This matter started because of me. As my woman, I will personally resolve this matter for you no matter what."

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