Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and twenty-nine He will always be a loser in front of this woman

"Peg, please wait here. I'll be back soon."

Looking at Pei Ge who was so drunk that he had closed his eyes and was taking a nap, Ji Ziming whispered softly into her ear.


Pei Ge snorted unconsciously and continued to doze off.

Ji Ziming glanced at Pei Ge helplessly and thought to himself, he must not let this stupid woman drink so much next time.

How dangerous it would be without him by your side.


Ji Ziming patted Pei Ge's head gently and strode out of the private room. I wanted to settle the issue of the suite as soon as possible so that I could deal with Pei Ge and Mu Heng's drunk cats.

However, what he didn't expect was that just after he left the box, Fu Mingxuan, who should have fallen asleep drunk, opened his eyes with clarity.


Fu Mingxuan let out a breath and looked at Pei Ge, who was leaning on the chair.

At this time, his elegant and handsome face did not have the drunken look just now?

Although, there was still some watery drunkenness in his eyes. However, it can still be seen that he is awake at this time.

Fu Mingxuan glanced at the situation in the box and saw that Ji Ziming had left and Mu Heng and Liao Gaofei were fast asleep. He stood up from the chair very awake.

He strode towards Pei Ge.


In a few steps, Fu Mingxuan walked in front of Pei Ge, and he called softly into Pei Ge's ear.


But Pei Ge moved his head, without any sign of waking up, and fell asleep again.

I don't know why, but looking at Pei Ge's appearance, Fu Mingxuan felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart.


Fu Mingxuan's eyes were full of obsession,

He raised his hand, imitating Ji Ziming's usual behavior, and gently stroked Pei Ge's head.

"Do you know how important you are in my heart..."

As he spoke, Fu Mingxuan's palm gently moved to Pei Ge's cheek.

The warm and soft touch in his hand suddenly made Fu Mingxuan's heart beat hard.

As if he was electrocuted, Fu Mingxuan felt a burst of electricity rush from Pei Ge's body, flowing from his palm to his entire body.

It's crispy and tingling, really comfortable and unbearable.

"Gege, Ziming has something, and so do I, and I like you more than, do you like me, okay..."

Fu Mingxuan looked at Pei Ge with burning eyes and murmured softly beside Pei Ge.


Pei Ge seemed to feel a little uncomfortable being scratched by Fu Mingxuan. She immediately raised her palm and opened the palm that Fu Mingxuan was touching her face.

"be quiet."


Fu Mingxuan was startled by Pei Ge's behavior. He thought Pei Ge had sobered up.

As a result, he soon discovered that he was thinking too much.

After Pei Ge waved away Fu Mingxuan's palm, he closed his eyes again.

Seeing Pei Ge sleeping with his eyes closed, Fu Mingxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before he could completely let go of this tone, he saw Pei Ge suddenly sitting upright from the chair as if he was pretending to be a corpse.

"I need to use the bathroom!"


Fu Mingxuan was startled by Pei Ge suddenly waking up and going to the bathroom. Before he could recover, he saw Pei Ge getting up from the chair and stumbling out.

"Gege, wait, don't move."

Fu Mingxuan looked at Pei Ge's back as he stumbled away, and hurriedly chased him out.

"Gege, be careful!"

Seeing Pei Ge's shaky figure, Fu Mingxuan was so frightened that he almost woke up from the wine.

After hurriedly catching up with Pei Ge, he held Pei Ge's arms and shoulders tightly and pulled Pei Ge into his arms.

"be careful!"

"Who are you! You are not Ziming! Let me go!"

Who would have known that before Fu Mingxuan could recover from the emotion of holding Pei Ge in his arms, he was struck by Pei Ge's words.

"Gege, it's me."

Fu Mingxuan hugged Pei Ge helplessly and explained.

However, no matter what he said, Pei Ge struggled hard to leave his arms.

"Gege, I am Fu Mingxuan. I am your senior. I am not a bad person."

Helplessly, Fu Mingxuan could only explain it clearly.

"Ah, you are Ziming's good friend~!"

However, after Pei Ge heard Fu Mingxuan's words, he muttered this sentence.

After hearing this, Fu Mingxuan, who was originally secretly happy because he hugged the woman in his arms, immediately turned dark.

"Zi Ming... is a good friend..."

Fu Mingxuan raised the corners of his lips with a wry smile, feeling depressed in his heart.


As if no one paid attention to her, Pei Ge mumbled to the bathroom again.

Hearing Pei Ge's voice, Fu Mingxuan came back to his senses.

"Okay, I'll take you to the bathroom."

Fu Mingxuan hugged Pei Ge and walked towards the bathroom, but he, who was always cautious, did not notice that there was a dark shadow at a corner behind him...

And, from the side of the dark shadow, a bright light flashed, and... there was a slight sound of a camera taking pictures.

‘Click~! ’

When Fu Mingxuan returned to the box with Pei Ge half in his arms, he found that Ji Ziming, who had left earlier, had not returned yet.

Looking at the two people lying drunkenly on the table in the box, Fu Mingxuan's mouth moved slightly, and Qiao Jingyun's sinister and cunning face suddenly appeared in his mind.

Could it be...that woman Qiao Jingyun took action?

Thinking like this, Fu Mingxuan's brows frowned tightly subconsciously.

He knew that Qiao Jingyun might have set him up today.

However, he didn't know what Qiao Jingyun wanted to do.

This woman is so insidious that no one really knows what she will do.

"Let me go!"

Taking advantage of the moment when Fu Mingxuan was stunned, Pei Ge pushed Fu Mingxuan away.

Unprepared for the moment, Fu Mingxuan almost fell because he tripped over the chair.

"Where's Ziming! I want Ziming!"

After Pei Ge lost sight of Ji Ziming, he angrily yelled at Fu Mingxuan.


Seeing that Pei Ge only had Ji Ziming in his eyes, Fu Mingxuan also became a little angry, so he did not respond to Pei Ge.

"I want Ziming~! I want Ziming!"

After seeing Fu Mingxuan ignoring her, Pei Ge snorted lightly, climbed up from the chair and walked outside.

"Don't run around! Be careful of falling!"

In the end, Fu Mingxuan chased after her helplessly. When facing this woman, he always seemed to be a loser.

"I want to find Ziming!"

"Okay, okay, I'll take you to Ziming..."

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