Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and thirty-six This is your wedding, whatever you want to do is up to you

"A few days ago, I met the study committee member of our class in New York, and she asked me about you again. She said that the classmates all miss you. You see..."

Listening to Tang Xiaoyu's words, Pei Ge's eyes suddenly filled with water.

She only felt that her nose was sour, and waves of warmth in her heart were dispersing from her chest to her limbs.


At first, she left in a hurry because of a car accident. Immediately after she was discharged from the hospital, she transferred to other schools with her mother.

At that time, firstly, it was because things developed too suddenly, and secondly... she still had a little bit of pride at work after all, and she didn't want others to know her current situation.

She knew that if people at the school knew about her situation at that time, they would definitely organize some donations to help her.

But...she didn't want to see such a result at all, and she didn't want them to see her in such a mess.

That's why she left so decisively at that time, leaving everyone unaware.

"Gege, it's been so long. My classmates are all concerned about you and worried about you. Just let everyone see how happy you are and let them relax."

How could Tang Xiaoyu, who had been Pei Ge's best friend for more than ten years, not understand what her best friend was thinking? So, she comforted him softly.

"Well... you're right... I shouldn't let those classmates who care about me continue to worry about me."

Pei Ge sniffed and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

"So, you agreed?"

Tang Xiaoyu immediately started shouting after listening to Pei Ge's words.

"Yeah, now that I think about it, I seem to have a few friends here to attend my wedding."

Pei Ge held the phone and nodded with a smile.

"That's great. Don't worry. Our classmates in the first grade of junior high school will definitely help you support your bride's situation! Then, you will never be looked down upon by the groom's family~"

"Pfft~! I don't care if I look down on you or not, Ziming's parents are very good to me.

Okay, I’ll leave it to you to contact your classmates. When the time comes, I will just send out invitations. "

"OK, leave the matter to me, I will definitely complete it successfully~!"

After chatting with Tang Xiaoyu for a while, Pei Ge hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

However, Pei Ge just hung up the phone, relaxed, and was about to leave the balcony when he saw——

"Eh? Ziming?"

Pei Ge looked at Ji Ziming who suddenly appeared behind her, and she blinked.

"When did you come here?"

"Very early."

Ji Ziming raised his eyebrows and looked at Pei Ge's cell phone that he had put aside.

"What are you talking about? We've been talking for so long."

Ji Ziming said with some jealousy.

For some reason, Pei Ge always felt that Ji Ziming seemed to be complaining.

"We didn't talk about much, we just talked about our wedding and her coming to be my bridesmaid~" Pei Ge stood up from the cradle chair with a smile.

"By the way, Xiaoyu and the others will be coming in a few days. Let's make arrangements for their accommodation first~!"

"Well, it's not a big deal."

Ji Ziming nodded and said nonchalantly.

"By the way, can you add dozens of people to the invitation list when the time comes?"

Pei Ge blinked and looked at Ji Ziming flatteringly.

"Dozens of people?"

Listening to Pei Ge's words, Ji Ziming's brows moved slightly.

"Yes, I want to invite my junior high school classmates to our wedding. Is that okay?"

Seeing that Ji Ziming didn't agree immediately, Pei Ge thought it was not easy, and immediately added: "But if it's too troublesome, forget it, I'll just take care of it myself~"

"No problem. You can invite whoever you want. You don't have to report to anyone. This is your wedding."

Ji Ziming held Pei Ge's hand and said softly.

"Well...thank you, Ziming~"

Pei Ge raised the corners of his lips, and his eyes and mouth were filled with a happy smile.

How virtuous and capable is she to have a man who loves and cares for her so much?

She is so happy now~

Even though she was happy, she was a little scared that all this was just an illusion...

"Ziming, you will always be by my side, right?"

Pei Ge wrapped his arms around Ji Ziming's waist and snuggled tightly into Ji Ziming's arms.

"Well, I will always be by your side and never leave you."

"Then I will always love don't need me anymore..."

Pei Ge murmured with a smile, but she didn't know that her unintentional words would eventually become reality.

"Ms. Qiao, the bachelor's party has been decided to be held in the east and west rooms of Ji's old house tomorrow."

In Ji's old house, Sister Yun hid in her servant's room and made a phone call quietly.

No one knew that Sister Yun, an old man, was actually plotting against her master. No one knew that she, who had always been honest and loyal, was actually planning to do such a crazy thing.

"Sister Yun, these things are all thanks to you, otherwise Aunt Ji wouldn't have thought of holding a bachelor's party."

Even without hearing the name Qiao, just by listening to the voice, I knew that the person calling Sister Yun was Qiao Jingyun.

"Miss Qiao, I didn't do anything."

"Okay, Sister Yun, I'll leave the rest to you."

"Well, Miss Qiao, don't worry, everything is ready. Just wait until the young master and that woman Pei Ge come to the old house tomorrow."

"Be careful not to be discovered, otherwise..."

"Miss Qiao, you don't have to worry about me. I have always been responsible for the food at home. What's more, several of the young master's friends love to play and make trouble. When the time comes, they will definitely drink a lot more wine..."

"Sister Yun, thank you! Thank you so much. Without you, I don't know what I would do."

"Miss Qiao, these are what I should do. Only you can be worthy of our young master, and you are also the most suitable woman for our young master. Only you can fill the position of young mistress."

"Sister Yun, don't worry, if I become the young mistress of the Ji family, I will definitely repay you."

"Miss Qiao, what are you talking about? I don't do this for any reward, just for the sake of the young master..."

She was just doing it for the good of the young master, so that the young master would not be deceived by that duplicitous woman.

Her young master is so perfect and excellent.

How could Pei Ge, a woman with looks but no looks, no figure but no figure, and even poor family background and academic qualifications, be worthy of their young master!

so! This woman! Must be eliminated!

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