Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and forty-six Ziming~I want to dedicate myself to you~

"Ziming~ Where are you~"

Just like a lost child constantly looking for his mother, Pei Ge looked for Ji Ziming everywhere.

Pei Ge left the guest bedroom that the maid had arranged for her. After walking out of the room, she found that there were more houses waiting for her outside.


Pei Ge looked around and saw that they were all of the same series and style behind the door. She tilted her head, her face full of doubts.

"There are so many rooms. Will Ziming be here too?"

After finishing speaking, Pei Ge walked toward the door closest to him with bright eyes.


As a result, after opening the door, I found that it was completely empty, with not a single person in sight.

"No Ziming~"

Looking at the empty room, Pei Ge pouted and continued searching.


Still no one, still empty.

In this way, after Pei Ge searched several rooms and did not see Ji Ziming, Pei Ge decided to leave here and go out to find Ji Ziming.

However, before Pei Ge could leave the building, suddenly, Pei Ge seemed to hear something.

Then, she found a door that was not closed.

"Eh? This door is not closed. Is there someone inside?"

Pei Ge blinked her eyes, and out of curiosity, she walked towards the guest bedroom where the door was not closed but was half open.

One step, two steps...

The closer he got to the room, the more clearly Pei Ge could hear the noise coming from the room.

"Is it Ziming?"

Listening to the rough breathing, Pei Ge opened the door and walked into the bedroom.

And the habits are very good,

He closed the door smoothly.

"Hoo~! Hoo~! Hoo~!"

However, in response to Pei Ge's questions, she only heard rapid gasps.

"Ziming?? Is that you?"

Pei Ge's footsteps were getting closer and closer to Ji Ziming's bedroom.

"Don't come here! Get out!"

Suddenly, in addition to the gasping and Pei Ge's voice, a third voice appeared in the room.

And this cold and low roar was full of threats.

However, the threatening voice with a strong warning did not scare Pei Ge. On the contrary, it made her excited and happy.

"Ziming! I finally found you!"

After hearing Ji Ziming's voice, Pei Ge was very happy and ran to Ji Ziming's bedside.

After running to the head of the bed, Pei Ge discovered that Ji Ziming's face was very red, as if he had been steaming in a steam room. His forehead was covered with sweat, and his cheeks were as hot as if they had been roasted by a fire. .

"Ziming, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Ziming, who had just regained his mind a little bit, saw Pei Ge vaguely with half-squinted eyes. In an instant, his sanity completely collapsed.

He was still trying hard to control his desires, but the moment he saw Pei Ge, he completely indulged himself.


Pei Ge blinked and stretched out his palm. Just as he was about to gently caress Ji Ziming's burning face, he suddenly held his wrist tightly with Ji Ziming's palm.

Those fiery palms, like irons, tightly grasped Pei Ge's wrist.

Before Pegmi could react, she saw him pull hard...


Pei Ge exclaimed and fell onto Ji Ziming's chest, which was so hot that it could almost burst into flames.


Feeling the softness on his body, Ji Ziming put his head on Pei Ge's neck, took a deep breath, and murmured affectionately.

"Zi, Ziming?"

Even Pei Ge, who was drunk, noticed that Ji Ziming seemed a little strange today.

However, Pei Ge's uneasy call did not receive any response from Ji Ziming.

Pei Ge responded with an overwhelming passionate kiss.

A kiss that can almost set people on fire...


The hot breath hit his face, and the hot yet cold thin lips pressed tightly against Pei Ge, twisting and turning in search of an exit. Pei Ge was completely shocked by Ji Ziming's momentum.

This kiss was more urgent and passionate than the previous kisses!

Pege's lips and tongue were all plundered by Ji Ziming urgently, and the kiss was so passionate that Pege almost couldn't breathe.

Pei Ge, who was almost suffocated, suddenly began to struggle. However, Ji Ziming's arm strength was so amazing that Pei Ge couldn't get away no matter how hard he tried.

Suddenly, Ji Ziming seemed to notice Pei Ge's discomfort, and he slightly let go of Pei Ge's lips and tongue.

In just such a moment, Pei Ge began to breathe heavily.

However, Pei Ge's chance to take a deep breath only lasted so long, because...

Soon, Ji Ziming changed his position again.

He turned around and pressed Pei Ge under him. His right palm held the back of Pei Ge's head tightly, and his left hand hugged her waist. The two bodies were so tightly attached to each other.

Then, Ji Ziming grabbed Pei Ge's red lips menacingly.

At this time, Pei Ge, who was so dizzy from being kissed, realized that Ji Ziming just let her go just because he wanted to change his position and continue kissing her.

But soon, Pei Ge was once again teased by Ji Ziming's lips and tongue and lost consciousness. He could only fall into this extremely passionate kiss and couldn't extricate himself.

Lips, teeth, ****...

Gradually, Ji Ziming was no longer satisfied with Pei Ge's lips.

His lips and tongue gradually developed new features, his cheeks, chin, neck... collarbone... chest...

Step by step, mouth by mouth, as if he was tasting a big meal, Ji Ziming kissed every corner of Pei Ge's body passionately and fiercely.

Pei Ge's body was so limp that Ji Ziming's body, which had been stripped naked, was also stained with layers of faint pink.

And, a kiss that makes people extremely shy.


Pei Ge, who was drunk, felt dizzy and very comfortable under Ji Ziming's fierce attack.

She was helplessly under Ji Ziming's body, enduring his kisses and caresses over and over again.

The seductive and sexy moans and groans kept coming out of Pei Ge's mouth.

Along with Pei Ge's seductive moans, Ji Ziming's deep breathing sounds were simply sexy.

There is an indescribable temptation in the whole bedroom, and the hormones in the room are so strong that it makes people blush subconsciously and their hearts beat.


Pei Ge moaned softly and comfortably, looking at Ji Ziming who was working on her with eyes full of spring water.

In her drunken state, she was bolder than before, raising her arms and wrapping her arms around Ji Ziming's neck.

"Ziming, I love you, so...I am willing to dedicate myself to you now."

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