Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and fifty-six Is my cousin particularly good at that?

"Ah~! Sister Pei Ge! What is this on your neck? Have you been bitten by some insect?"

Qin Qitong's cry of surprise immediately made Pei Ge at a loss.

Her cheeks were once again flushed with a burning red.

"Hmm, well, he must have been bitten by some insect."

Pei Ge nodded and whispered shyly.

The innocent Qin Qitong did not doubt Pei Ge's words, but nodded in belief and mumbled innocently: "Oh~! I don't know what kind of bug it is, but it stung so many red marks on your neck."


Listening to Qin Qitong's simple words, Pei Ge became more and more embarrassed and shy.


Pei Ge didn't know what to say, so he could only laugh dryly and complain silently in his heart.

I wasn’t bitten by your cousin’s big bug~!

God knows how devastated she was when she saw the red and purple hickeys all over her body when she got up from bed and got dressed~!

From her neck to her ankles, every part of her body was marked by Ji Ziming. There was not a single piece of good skin on her body.

It almost made her too embarrassed to look directly at her body.

In order to cover the hickeys all over her body, she wrapped herself up tightly and put on a turtleneck sweater that she particularly disliked!

oh! It is worth mentioning that this turtleneck sweater was something she found after looking for it for a long time.

But what I didn't expect was that Qin Qitong discovered this hickey~


What else did Pei Ge want to say, and he continued to change the subject of this somewhat embarrassing matter, who knows -

"Ah! Sister Pei Ge!!! The red spots on your neck are not bitten by bugs!!!"

The innocent Qin Qitong's eyes suddenly lit up and she raised her hand.

Pointing at Pei Ge's neck, he started shouting very excitedly.

Listening to Qin Qitong's words, the blush on Pei Ge's cheeks that had not faded became even redder.

"Hahaha! Sister Pei Ge, you must have been planted with strawberries by my cousin!"

Qin Qitong looked at Pei Ge who was blushing proudly and said with great pride.

Seeing Qin Qitong's proud look, Pei Ge was really helpless.

"Okay, okay, you're the smartest, you guessed everything right. Can you please keep your voice down..."

Pei Ge glanced at the people around him. Fortunately, there was no one in the restaurant at the moment.

"Wow! I really guessed it right!"

Listening to Pei Ge's words, Qin Qitong's eyes suddenly widened.

After suppressing the shyness in his heart, Pei Ge silently rolled his eyes at Qin Qitong.

"He is almost going to be my husband. Isn't this kind of thing normal?"

"Pfft~! If Sister Pei Ge is normal, why did you want to hide it just now? And when you say such things, please first see if your face is still red~! Haha~ Big Apple~"

Qin Qitong looked at Pei Ge with red cheeks and talked to her in a serious manner with a smile, and thought it was really funny.


After Qin Qitong's reminder, Pei Ge's palm suddenly touched his cheek.

I go! So hot! No wonder she felt her face was so hot just now!

"Go, go, I'm too lazy to talk to you anymore."

Pei Ge, who was a little annoyed and angry, glared at Qin Qitong and decided to concentrate on finishing the meal in front of him.


However, Qin Qitong was unwilling to let Pei Ge go. She smiled and bumped Pei Ge's arm with her shoulder, and asked gossiping: "I heard that it's very comfortable to do that kind of thing. Sister Pei Ge, how do you feel?" How about that? Isn’t my cousin particularly good at that?”

As soon as Qin Qitong finished speaking, Pei Ge, who was eating porridge, choked and coughed.

"Cough cough cough~!"

Pei Ge almost choked to death from the mouthful of porridge. Only after he finally stopped coughing, Pei Ge recovered.

"Sister Pei Ge, are you okay?"

Qin Qitong blinked her eyes, looked at Pei Ge whose face was red from coughing, and murmured in a low voice.

"Is everything okay? See if I'm okay~! Do you want to kill me~" Pei Ge rolled his eyes at Qin Qitong and simply didn't know what to say.

She seems to be a very innocent little girl, but why did today's topic suddenly become so pornographic?


Qin Qitong curled her mouth and wanted to say something, but when she saw Qin Qitong's choked red face, she closed her mouth again and muttered quietly to herself.

"I'm just curious. They say a woman's first time is very painful, so I wanted to ask someone with more experience..."

Although Qin Qitong spoke very quietly, Pei Ge still heard her.

Listening to Qin Qitong's words that a woman's first time hurts, Pei Ge's mind suddenly resurfaced with the intertwined bodies of her and Ji Ziming last night...

In an instant, Pei Ge's mind was filled with charm again...

Does it hurt?

It seems to hurt, right?

But after the pain passed, it seemed quite comfortable...

Thinking of this, Pei Ge's cheeks suddenly turned a burning red again.

"Sister Pei Ge, where have you been thinking about? Look at your blushing face~"

Qin Qitong, who had been observing Pei Ge, suddenly laughed out loud when she saw Pei Ge's cheeks turning red again.

"I'm stuffed!"

Seeing the teasing look in Qin Qitong's eyes, Pei Ge couldn't sit still anymore so he stood up from the dining chair and strode towards the outside of the restaurant.

"Ouch~! Sister Pei Ge~ are you waiting for me~!"

Seeing Pei Ge's fleeing figure, Qin Qitong hurriedly put down the tableware in her hands and chased him out.

"Hey~Sister Pei Ge, wait for me~Wait for me~"

With great difficulty, Qin Qitong caught up with Pei Ge.

"Sister Pei Ge, it's true. You are about to marry my cousin, and you are still so shy."

Qin Qitong held Pei Ge's arm intimately and murmured with a smile.


Listening to Qin Qitong's words, the corner of Pei Ge's mouth twitched slightly.

"Hey~! Okay~! Sister Pei Ge, I won't tease you anymore, isn't this done~"

"This is what you said!"

Pei Ge glared at Qin Qitong and turned his mind to Ji Ziming again.

This morning, she had not seen Ji Ziming, and now his fiancé had not sent a message.

This seems a bit strange, right?

After all, they just did that kind of intimate thing last night.

Shouldn't you just go missing this morning?

Or does he have something urgent to deal with?

Otherwise, why have I never seen him...

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