Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine hundred and sixty-eight There is more than one murderer of your father!

Three close friends, laughing and joking, eating, shopping, singing...

They share their little secrets and what happened to them recently.

In this way, the fun continued until almost eleven o'clock in the evening, when Pei Ge returned home.

"You're back? You seem to be in a good mood today."

Zhang Manhua said with a smile after watching her daughter come back from outside with a smile on her face.

Pei Ge smiled and nodded, and said happily: "Yes, I am very happy today~"

"As long as you are happy, from now on, go out and have fun with your friends."

Pei Ge is worried and in a bad mood these days, and Zhang Manhua has always noticed it.

However, she understands that her daughter is a stubborn person. She won't tell you what she doesn't want to tell you.

Therefore, although she was worried about her daughter, she never asked anything.

However, after watching her daughter go out to play with Qin Qitong for a day today, Zhang Manhua's mood also improved after she came back obviously in a better mood.

"Yeah~! I know~Mom~!"

Pei Ge hugged his mother with a smile, kissed Zhang Manhua on the cheek, and returned to his bedroom humming a song.

"Hi~! This kid..."

Zhang Manhua wiped her cheek that was kissed in a funny way, and returned to her bedroom dumbfounded.

After returning to the bedroom, Pei Ge took a change of clothes and went into the bathroom to wash up.

By the time she finished washing and came out, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Just as Pei Ge was getting ready to sleep, suddenly, her cell phone rang.


Who called at such a late hour?

Could it be... it's Ziming? !

Pei Ge’s eyes lit up.

Not caring about anything, he jumped out of bed and ran quickly to the desk.

As a result, after picking up the phone and seeing the notes on the screen, the light in Pei Ge's eyes dimmed, and his entire face was filled with disappointment.

Pei Ge answered the phone in great disappointment, but what the person on the phone said the next second cheered up Pei Ge in an instant.

"Gege, I am now certain that your second uncle is the murderer of your father!"

Fu Mingxuan's elegant voice came from the phone, but although the voice was elegant, like a calm spring, when heard in Pei Ge's ears, it was like deafening thunder, which was so intense that Pei Ge Ge's heart was beating crazily.

"Senior...really, really?!"

"Yes! Gege! Moreover, the murderer of your father is not only your second uncle, but also a second person! No! There are actually three people in total!"

Fu Mingxuan's words made Pei Ge freeze on the spot. She was so shocked by Fu Mingxuan's words that she didn't know what to say.

"W-What?! Three people?!"

Pei Ge, who came back to his senses, shouted out loud.

"Gege, don't get too excited. Calm down first. I'll tell you slowly..."

"Senior! Please tell me now, what is going on! Why are there three people! Who are these three people except my second uncle! Why, why did they kill my father? My father is obviously so good. …”

As he spoke, Pei Ge, who was so excited, his tears kept falling down like an out-of-control faucet.


Listening to Pei Ge's crying, Fu Mingxuan couldn't help but feel worried.

However, he was worried that Pege had interrupted him before he could say his comforting words.

"Senior! Just tell me the truth about this matter now! I just want to know this matter now!"

Pei Ge's words were so urgent and heart-wrenching.

So Fu Mingxuan no longer worried about Pei Ge's mood. He spoke at the fastest speed and in the most concise and clear words to tell Pei Ge the results of his investigation.

"There should be three people who murdered your father. Among the two people, your second uncle and a senior executive from your father's company should be the masterminds, while the other one is the one who killed your father."

Fu Mingxuan's concise words made Pei Ge's body soften immediately.

"Pa~!" With a sound, Pei Ge felt exhausted and sat down on the chair.

"Gege, are you... okay?"

There seemed to be something wrong with the voice on the other end of the phone, so Fu Mingxuan asked anxiously.

"It's okay! Senior, keep talking! Tell me your investigation results in detail..."

Pei Ge held the phone with a blank expression and said with a trembling voice.

"It's too late today, otherwise, how about we make an appointment to meet and discuss it in detail tomorrow?"

Fu Mingxuan sighed and said softly.


However, it was Pei Ge who responded to Fu Mingxuan's strong objection.

"Senior, tell me now! Otherwise, I won't fall asleep tonight!"

"Okay, then I'll continue."

Fu Mingxuan sighed again, feeling very sorry for Pei Ge, because he knew how cruel the truths he told him next would be.

However, he also knew that Pei Ge would feel even more uncomfortable if he didn't say anything.


"My original investigation of your father was only focused on your second uncle. When I investigated his bank account, I found two slightly unclear inflows and outflows of funds. And of these two amounts of money, one was The amount was transferred out before your father’s accident, and the amount was transferred in after your father’s accident.”

"You know, those of us who are engaged in finance are naturally very keen on numbers. So, I investigated these two funds. Before your father's accident, he transferred money from your second uncle's bank account. I found out the money at once.

He is a loan shark, and this person is also his creditor. In fact, in the eyes of the police, there should be nothing suspicious about this money. Because it is possible that this money was repaid by your second uncle..."

Before Fu Mingxuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Pei Ge.

"No! It's impossible! My second uncle didn't have any savings at that time! How could he have the money to pay back that gangster who was lending usury!"

"Yes, that's right. I saw it and thought so too, but do you know where the funds in his account came from?"

"from where?"

"It was debited from your father's account."

"How many, how many?!"

"one million."

"What?! This is impossible!"

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