Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Nine Hundred and Seventy-One Mu Heng deceived a certain CEO

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Not to mention that Fu Mingxuan was unable to sleep due to Pei Ge's abnormal attitude, and that Pei Ge was writing furiously under the lamp, planning his plan back and forth.

Even Mu Heng, the flowery young man who had nothing to do with this matter, couldn't sleep well.

The reason is very simple.

"Hey~! Master, it's almost two o'clock in the morning! It's too much for you to call now!"

Mu Heng, who was returning home from the nightclub and had already fallen into a sweet dream, simply wanted to throw away the cell phone in his hand that was disturbing his sleep!

Unfortunately, because of the person on the phone, he didn't have the guts to hang up the phone and throw it out.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, we grew up wearing crotchless pants together~!"

Just as Mu Heng finished speaking, the CEO who had been silent on the other end of the phone suddenly spoke.

"I didn't wear crotchless pants with you."

"..." Listening to Ji Ziming's words, the corners of Mu Heng's mouth twitched slightly, and he said feebly: "I'm just making a metaphor, do you understand the metaphor?"

However, Ji Ziming ignored Mu Heng's words and kept talking to himself.

"She hung up on me."


Mu Heng yawned and muttered in confusion: "Why did she hang up on you? Who hung up on you?"

"Pege, Pege hung up the phone on me and didn't say a word to me."

The words were obviously very indifferent, and the voice was obviously very cold, but for some reason, Mu Heng could hear the feeling of grievance in Ji Ziming's words. ?


Mu Heng suddenly felt a little happy and burst into laughter.

However, he knew that Ji Ziming must be in an extremely bad mood at this time.

So he suppressed his laughter,

Trying to calm down his voice.

"Oh~ Pepper didn't talk to you, so he just hung up on you."


Little pepper! Well done!

Mu Heng silently gave Pei Ge thirty-two likes in his heart!

"You tricked me."

Ji Ziming continued to say calmly.

Listening to that cold voice and those cold words, Mu Heng felt that he was wronged~! This winter has obviously passed, but he feels that it can snow at any time~

"I cheated you? I cheated you? Ji Ziming, let's talk some sense, okay? When have I cheated you before! And, with my IQ, can I cheat you? Are you kidding me? Not today either It’s April Fool’s Day!”

Mu Heng was very excited and said to Ji Ziming.


Mu Heng could imagine that the person on the other end of the phone must be so disgusted with him that he wanted to hang up!

Hey hey hey! Then he can go back to sleep!

However, Mu Heng's misfortune was completely wrong.

Ji Ziming did not hang up the phone, but continued to hold Mu Heng accountable.

"...But, she hung up on me."

Although Ji Ziming's words were very concise, they basically came out word by word.

but! Mu Heng, who was familiar with the whole matter, certainly knew what Ji Ziming meant.

"Please! She should hang up the phone on you, right? You deserve it!"

Anyway, he couldn't get a good night's sleep tonight, so Mu Heng, who was extremely sleepy due to lack of sleep, decided to give it a try.


President Ji Da on the other end of the phone suddenly fell silent again.

"You tell me! I don't even know what to say about you. What time is it now! Brother! You are getting married soon! But at this time, you suddenly disappeared! You are going too far! "

Mu Heng sat up from the bed. He was worried that he would lie down on the bed later and fall asleep.

"You told me to avoid her."

Ji Ziming said calmly, shirking all the responsibilities on Mu Heng.

"I'm going! I said! Ji Ziming, don't go too far! I'm just telling you, don't tell Pei Ge about you climbing into the wrong bed, but I didn't let you avoid Pei Ge! Even if I let you You're avoiding Pei Ge, but I didn't let you turn off your phone!! You've been completely invisible in the last few days, okay!"

As he talked, Mu Heng became more and more enthusiastic.

"Do you know how scary your behavior is? Do you know what it means?"


"If others find out about this, I'm afraid everyone will think that you abandoned Pei Ge and that you ran away from your marriage! You regretted your marriage! You don't want to marry Pei Ge!"

"I don't!"

Ji Ziming retorted without thinking: "How could I abandon her? How could I not want to marry her..."

It's because he cares about her so much and loves her so much that...

"But, in the eyes of others, your behavior will make people think so, you know!"

When he encountered this opportunity to reprimand Ji Ziming, Mu Heng suddenly felt energetic and all his sleepiness was gone.

He seemed to be the most righteous messenger of justice in the world, and his righteous criticism inspired Ji Ziming.

"...Peg, does she...think so too?"

Ji Ziming no longer had the cold, arrogant and domineering aura he had before. At this time, he was like a child who knew that he had done something wrong, feeling anxious and uncomfortable.

"What do you think! As a bride, Little Pepper suddenly disappeared without a trace while facing the groom without saying a word, and she couldn't even get through on the phone. How would she feel? What if your roles were reversed? , what would you think?"

Mu Heng snorted coldly and started to complain about Pei Ge.

"You don't know, the day after you disappeared, Pei Ge couldn't find you anywhere. How anxious she was! How many calls she made! To be honest, you are really sorry for her!"

"...Well, I'm sorry for her. I owe her... too much, too much..."

Ji Ziming's voice was suppressed with unprecedented pain and self-blame. These were emotions that Ji Ziming had never felt before.

Of course, the sensitive Mu Heng also felt Ji Ziming's emotions. Mu Heng, who originally wanted to say something, finally sighed and comforted Ji Ziming.

"Ziming, don't think so much. As a man, you will always do something wrong. In fact, I don't blame you for this matter, and don't pay too much attention to it. In the future, as long as you don't make such mistakes again, just follow Pei Ge. Just live a good life. Don't think too much."

Mu Heng's words obviously didn't make Ji Ziming feel any better.

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