After all, the dinner party has to end.

After the dinner, it was a rare rest time. Lu Cang did not give any instructions and just let everyone in the God Kill Guild move around as they pleased. It was basically a relaxing break time until they went to the upper world.

As for when to go to the upper world, Lu Cang responded mysteriously with "keep it secret."

Not to mention whether he had anything done or not, Lu Cang disappeared after the dinner. Even Bai Lu didn’t know where Lu Cang was. Come on, he has indeed been busy for a week. It seems that he also wants to rest. one time.

This night passed very peacefully. It was a rare rest time for the Gods Killing Guild. Time passed very quickly, and the next day arrived in just a blink of an eye.

It’s noon when the sun is shining brightly.


Regardless of whether it should be daytime or not, with the existence of the Day Emperor, the sun can appear. The sun hangs in the middle of the sky, bright but soft, not dazzling.

Yakaticto appeared on the high podium wearing a long golden dress.

“Dear citizens, no, fellow human beings

We humans have been living in this crisis-ridden world for thousands of years.

We have experienced darkness and chaos, great reckoning, friction between races, and numerous catastrophes.

Even yesterday, a holy war broke out that could lead to the annihilation of the entire clan if they were not careful.

In the long history, many races that originated earlier than us have perished, and many races that originated later than us have also perished.

But in this dilemma again and again, the human race still survived.

There are still people who can live to smile and see the new sun rise.

why is that?

Is it because our race has absolutely invincible strong men?

No, there are countless existences that are even more powerful than our human race.

Is it because our species has wisdom that transcends everything and can even predict the future?

No, we will still be deceived, deceived, and even have many bad qualities.

The reason why the human race continues is because we never give up hope of life! No matter how difficult the environment is, we still haven’t given up on survival!

In the past, in the war between the ancient gods, we humans were as weak as ants.

During the Age of Reckoning, we too were slaughtered like bugs.

In the multi-racial struggle, we have always been the weak one. We do not have a body as strong as a dragon, or sharp fangs and claws like a beast. We are born with nothing.

But we also relied on this body of nothing to fight and survive!

This time's groundbreaking plan is our way to survive.

The superior races in the upper world will one day break through the boundaries and come down, but we have never been a race that just sits around and waits for destruction..."

Xiumi Lu in the audience was wagging his tail: "This speech is really inspiring."

"It's just that when extremely lucky people say the words 'we are born with nothing', it really feels so inconsistent, meow."

"The speech may not be entirely true." Lu Cang said with a smile.

"It's enough for ordinary people to know this. How can a truly strong person have no talent at all? Even Luo Jiutian is born with a sacred heart and all things are balanced, and everyone in our guild starts with at least S-level talent."

"Cang Cang, you are really a dark cat. What Didi said was so touching and inspiring." Xiumi poked Lu Cang with her tail.

"Reality, you definitely can't survive on chicken soup alone." However, as he spoke, Lu Cang touched his chin, looked at the sky, thought, and murmured: "However, it's not like there are ordinary people who go up against the odds and become strong. example."

Yakaticto's speech was indeed very effective, causing the people below to cheer.

The morale of the human race has reached its peak after a completely victorious battle and Yakaticto's inspiring speech.

The lecture did not last long. After the lecture was completed, there was an exciting human award ceremony.

In the brightest square of Lotvis, Yakaticto will honor the heroes in the name of the Supreme Emperor.

Brave and Fearless was the first to step onto the awarding platform and bowed on one knee in front of Yakaticto.

"To courage, to the human race that is naturally weak but tenacious." The brave man fearlessly read out the declaration that he had already memorized.

Yakaticto raised his golden sword to the sky with both hands: "The brave man is fearless. You are the most powerful warrior of the human race. You used your fearless courage to resist the five superior races alone. Your bravery and strength saved the lives of countless people."

"May your courage be able to live up to everything that guards you, your unwavering faith, and the glory that supports you. May you be able to live according to your heart without fear or regret, and without confusion."

"──Are you willing to swear that this will be unswerving, just like everything you protect, and more than this time, fight for everything you protect?"

The Brave Man is fearless in his heart. This is the first time in his life that he has received such a great honor.

Beneath the golden and white medal ceremony, countless people were shouting his name.

"The brave man is fearless! The brave man is fearless!" Shouting like this is like calling for the hero to appear.

Oh yes, I am really a hero now.

Brave and Fearless looked out of the corner of the audience and saw several children he had met in Weituo City, his parents who appeared in the game, and the friends he just met at last night's dinner, those who were fighting for the human race. The geniuses, seeing them, a smile appeared on the brave man's lips.

"I swear, in the name of a brave and fearless man, to protect everything I should protect."

Yakaticto's golden sword fell and touched the brave man's fearless shoulder: "May you follow your heart and live up to your faith."

Immediately, Yacatikto put the golden sword of honor into its scabbard.

The brave man stood up, and Yakatiktu hung a red and white medal on the brave man's chest.

[Medal of Courage] symbolizes the noblest courage of the human race.

Yakaticto announced loudly: "From now on, the brave and fearless human adventurers will pursue the title of the Red Emperor of the human race."

The two attendants put a bright red shawl on the brave man behind him.

The brave man fearlessly turned behind him and faced the millions of people in the human race, raising the giant sword in his hand that was renamed from [Humility] and now named [Red Heart].

"The brave man is fearless!"

"The brave man is fearless!"

"The brave man is fearless!"

Thousands of people in the audience shouted in unison for glory!

After receiving the posthumous title of Yakaticto, the brave and fearless became the third emperor of the human race, the Red Emperor.

The second person to receive the crown was Bai Lu. She appeared on the stage wearing a snow-white dress, delicate and elegant.

Arriving in front of Yakatikto, the White Deer also saluted Yakatikto fearlessly: "To the judgment, all crimes should be punished."

Yacatikto chanted: "Bai Lu, you are the most powerful destruction mage of the human race. You used your powerful strength to defeat the enemies of the human race. Your magic defeated the enemies and laid a solid foundation for the victory of the holy war of the human race." ."

"When the enemy misses you, they will only sigh in fear. You will represent the human race and bring fear and nightmares to the enemy."

"──Are you willing to swear that this will remain unswerving and that you will continue to judge all foreign enemies for the human race just as you destroyed everything?"

Bailu raised his head and smiled cheerfully: "Of course, I will blow them all up."

But Bai Lu also added in his heart, of course, if his brother needs it... even the human race is no exception.

Yacatikto's sword gently touched the White Deer's shoulder: "May you be impartial and follow your heart without any confusion."

Bai Lu received a pure white medal. Painted in the center of the medal was an upside-down sword, which was the [Judgment] medal symbolizing conviction.

Yakaticto also solemnly announced to his subordinates: "From now on, the human adventurer Bailu will be crowned the human white emperor."

The title of the emperor is chosen by oneself. Being divided into emperors will not improve the strength. The only thing that really affects the strength is the position of the Supreme Human Emperor. Otherwise, Yakaticto would be willing to give it to everyone in the human race. Everyone is assigned the position of emperor, so it is easy to improve their strength.

The next one is Leng Qingying.

"To Darkness."

"It is your credit for discovering the Night Emperor's conspiracy. Perhaps no one mentions or remembers your name, but it is precisely because of your existence that everything can go smoothly and successfully. You walk in the dark side that no one knows about... "

Although Leng Qingying was sealed, under the influence of [Divinity - No Existence], everyone saw that Leng Qingying only maintained a short-term memory, and then the memory quickly dissipated.

Compared to the crazy scene where the first two people were sealed, the episode where Leng Qingying was sealed seemed like a fragment to everyone.

I vaguely remember that someone was sealed just now, but I can't quite remember it.

The impression gradually becomes blurry. Only by thinking carefully can I remember that there seems to be an extra Dark Emperor in the human race.

If you think about it more deeply, you can think of Leng Qingying from the God Killing Guild, but if you talk about the specific details, you can't remember them.

"Sister Leng, is this okay? It's obviously a rare honor." The brave warrior felt that he was partially affected, but because he was both a demigod and Leng Qingying did not deliberately target him, the impact was not very great.

Leng Qingying stood next to Bai Lu: "It doesn't matter. As an assassin, you shouldn't be too famous."

"Really...The assassin is quite lonely." The brave man said with regret.

However, everyone has their own thoughts and personalities. Sister Leng may not like these false names in the first place, and she does not like vanity as much as she does.

Behind Yakatictuo, Yongzhe Wuwei, Bailu, Leng Qingying and others stood in a row.

A perfectly handsome being walked onto the pedestal.

Yacatikto looked at Lu Cang, his eyes firm and trusting.

The last of the greatest heroes in the war is also the one with the greatest honor in this holy war.

"The sky."

"The planner of the Holy War battle plan also single-handedly defeated the strongest superior race, Xin Qianhuan. Without his help, the human race would have been doomed."

Yacatikto chuckled and said: "I have no right to grant any position to the sky posthumously, nor do I have the right to bless the sky."

Hearing Yakatikto say this, countless spectators in the audience immediately became agitated. They wondered what Yakatikto meant. As the Supreme Human Emperor, could he not have the right to posthumously award the greatest hero of the Holy War?

Yacatikto ignored the commotion and solemnly announced: "From now on, the sky will be equal to me, and I will be the candidate for the fifteenth generation of human emperor and the agent of the fourteenth generation of human emperor."

As soon as these words came out, all spirits were shocked.

They originally thought that Cang Qiong would also be granted a posthumous title as an emperor, but they never thought that Cang Qiong would directly succeed him as the Human Emperor.

There is only one Human Emperor with real power in the human race, and that is the Supreme Human Emperor. Other than that, all other powers are separated from the Supreme Human Emperor. The power of the Deputy Human Emperor is only established by the Supreme Human Emperor. That's all, but even so, those deputy human emperors can be regarded as beings with the highest status in the human race.

But soon, someone asked in confusion: "Why equal rights? Can't we just let Cang Qiong succeed?"

"Damn, do you really think that the position of Human Emperor will be given to you right away? According to regulations, after becoming a candidate for Human Emperor, there is still a period of assessment. How can you just say that you will be given the position with a slap on the head?"

"Lord Yakatikto attaches great importance to rules, otherwise he would not have decided all the plans through motion. Regarding the principled rule of succeeding the emperor, even the sky cannot violate the rules and open up privileges. ."

"Furthermore, equal rights are already very powerful. Even if the two of them disagree, Yakaticto cannot completely veto Lu Cang's decision. It has to be left to the House of Representatives for judgment."

"If I remember correctly... this is the first time in three thousand years that a candidate for the Human Emperor has appeared, right?"

"Other times, even if there is a deputy emperor, he is only trained as a deputy emperor. Since Yakaticto, there has never been a situation where the Supreme Human Emperor has an heir. Qianqiong should be the first one."

To say that the appearance of others is fanaticism.

The appearance of the sky only left a shock.

"It seems that they are all surprised." Yakatictuo whispered to Qianqiong through his thoughts.

"You should indeed be surprised."

"On the other hand, you are not surprised at all? I should not have informed you of this beforehand." Yakaticto said softly.

Making this decision, after last night's dinner, Yacatikto returned to the palace and tossed coins all night.

"That - what a surprise and surprise."

"It's really unseemly. This is the occasion of a medal ceremony." Yakaticto's tone was not reproachful.

"I think there is no one more serious than me. I am preparing very seriously for this day." Cang Qiong had a smile on his face and waved warmly to the crowd below.

I don't know why, but just seeing him makes me feel his perfection, and I feel the endless charm and affinity radiating from him, and I actually have the thought of being loyal to him and doing my best to him.

[Theocratic power - perfect imitation: This divine power can be used to imitate other divine powers of the same level, regardless of enemy or friend. The imitated divine power cannot be replaced within one day after imitation. 】

Lu Cang directly borrowed Xin Baiyue and imitated her divine power of [All Things Obsessed].

If Xin Baiyue knew that Lu Cang used her divine power to do this, I am afraid she would be angry and helpless. However, thanks to the divine power that all things are obsessed with, in just a few seconds after Lu Cang appeared on the stage, she got the undisputed recognized by the entire human race.

There is no "nearly" or "most", but a very definite 100%, all races.

Regardless of whether he had any objections to Lu Cang before, the moment Lu Cang appeared on the stage today, those past prejudices were completely dissipated.

After that, the rest of the talented heroes of the human race will be awarded titles.

In the Human Holy War, in addition to the God-Slaying Guild, there were also many human heroes who made significant contributions.

However, compared to everyone in the God Slaughter Guild, most of them have received some titles of kings and marquises, and more are posthumously awarded medals and honors.

Of course, substantial rewards will be distributed later. The victory of the Holy War will allow the human race to have very abundant supplies.

It is more than enough to reward these heroes of the Holy War.

After the heroes of the human race were enfeoffed, Xiumi and Zuya, as foreigners, appeared in this enthronement ceremony.

Xiumi and Zuya were both awarded honorary guest titles from the human race by Yakaticto.

Enjoy the highest standards of human treatment throughout your life.

After obtaining human status, they can declare themselves to be human. Of course, this is just an identity and does not change their actual race.

If you want others to change their race, the human race, which is a lower-level race, cannot do it now.

At this point, Lu Cang is the agent of the 14th generation of the Human Emperor and the successor of the 15th generation of the Human Emperor in the God Killing Guild.

Those who are brave and fearless are awarded the title of Red Emperor and receive the Medal of Courage.

Bailu was granted the title of White Emperor and received the Medal of Judgment.

Leng Qingying was named the Dark Emperor and received the Dark Side Medal.

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