Six o'clock in the afternoon.

After a long journey, they finally arrived in front of the city wall.

During the journey, they played no less than ten dungeons of level 55 to 65 again, and finally reached level 60. After running for so long, they had already run a distance of 3,000 kilometers.

It was hard for the people of the God Killing Guild to imagine that they had actually traveled about 3,000 kilometers.

3,000 kilometers, in the real world, is the distance from the old border to the imperial capital.

Even taking the high-speed rail would be difficult to reach in one day.

After arriving at the destination, Bai Lu finally breathed a sigh of relief: "No wonder it is called the expedition of all races..."

"This is really too far."

After six hours of running, she even slept on the horse. The advantage of high spirit value is that she can go a long time without sleeping, but at the same time, she can easily fall asleep as long as she wants to sleep, and there will be no insomnia. The efficiency of recovering spirit is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Fearless: "You are amazing. You can fall asleep on such a bumpy horse."

"I'm not sleeping all the time. I'm still playing a dungeon. I was the one who dealt with the dungeons along the way."

Lu Cang laughed and said, "Yeah, I was woken up in front of the dungeon. I didn't even wipe my saliva and went in to cast a skill. Then I went back to sleep."


When I arrived in front of the city wall, I realized that the city wall was simply a sky wall.

At that time, I just felt that the wall was so high and big from a distance.

The closer I got, the worse I felt. Is this really a wall? There are such high walls in the world?

The city wall is so high that it seems to be connected to the sky. Bai Lu couldn't help but think of a poem: The yellow crane can't fly over it.

Not to mention the yellow crane, nothing can fly over such a high city wall.

However, the city wall is not completely closed and integrated.

Instead, there is a door for passage.

At this time, in front of Lu Cang and others, there is an extremely large and wide door.

The gate was wide open, and there were hundreds of guards guarding the city in front of the gate.

These guards came from different races, including goblins, tree spirits, stone statues, humans, and orcs, which happened to be the five lower races in the lower world outside.

"Boss, those guards seem a bit fierce."

"How do we get through?" The fearless warrior asked.

Lu Cang raised three fingers and replied: "One option is to kill them directly, kill them all, and break in openly."

"What about the other two options?"

"The second option is to go up and communicate with them and ask about the conditions for entering the customs."

"What about the third option?"

"Climb over the wall." The fearless warrior looked up at the towering city wall, "Boss, are you kidding?"

Lu Cang smiled: "Haha, guess."

"Let's go." Leng Qingying pulled the reins and rode towards the door.

She already knew that of the three choices given by Lu Cang, there was only one choice, and the other two were just teasing them.

Seeing Leng Qingying coming from a distance, a human guard raised his spear to stop Leng Qingying.

"The partition wall in front! Those who are not qualified are not allowed to cross!"

Leng Qingying asked calmly: "What is the qualification?"

"The qualification of a strong man that is enough to prove your strength! If there is no proof, go back!" The guard's tone was fierce and extremely impatient.

But suddenly, the guard saw the wizard in a long skirt behind Leng Qingying from the corner of his eye.

His eyes stayed on the white deer, and then his pupils shrank instantly, and he shouted: "Sage! It's the sage!"

Hearing this shout, all the guards guarding the city looked over here, and when they looked closely, their faces suddenly changed! The soldiers guarding the city wall knelt down in unison.

Changing faces faster than turning pages.

"We are blind and don't recognize the wise man!"

"Please forgive our offense!"

"Please forgive me, wise man."


In front of the city gate, there were voices of apology one after another. Seeing this scene, even Leng Qingying was stunned.

Sage? Are you talking about Bai Lu's identity?

Leng Qingying still remembers that in the dungeon not long ago, Bai Lu did get the title of sage.

Is this sage's identity so powerful?

Seeing the fierce guards kneeling down to him suddenly, Bai Lu was also a little panicked. He hadn't done anything yet, why did they kneel down to him?

What's the point of saying apology? It's so embarrassing.

Bai Lu's feeling at this time was not the vanity of being high above.

Instead, it was a sense of shame of being executed in public, and his face turned red.

Fortunately, after staying with his brother for so long, Bai Lu also learned some of the temperament of being a leader.

"Ahem, um..."

"Everyone, get up. I'm going to lead... uh, my followers from here."It shouldn't be a problem to go through there." Bai Lu lowered her tone a little, pretending to be an experienced elder.

But in fact, even lowering her tone could not change her childish voice.

"With the sage leading the team, there is naturally no problem!" These guards naturally did not think there was any problem.

A sage is a sage, whether it is a loli, an uncle or an old man, a sage is a sage.

"Please pass!" The guards made way generously.

A wide and smooth road was opened for Bai Lu.

"Follower..." The brave and fearless complained in the team voice.

"It is our honor to travel with the sage, and it is the honor of our life to be the sage's follower." Lu Cang also laughed in the voice channel.

"Please appreciate it, sage." Leng Qingying actually joined them.

Shi Tou: "Reward!"

Bai Lu blushed when he heard these words in the voice: "Nuong! Nonsense! Let's go!"

The wall of separation was passed just like that.

It was different from what everyone imagined, that there would be a big battle or a difficult task to complete.

After passing the wall of separation, Lu Cang did not forget to tease: "This time I can pass the level, thanks to the sage."


"You are bad!" Bai Lu said angrily.

After crossing the wall of separation, a notification popped up in front of everyone.

[The ranking list of strong people has been updated]

[Fantasy species - the strongest dragon race - Hernid]

[Fantasy species - the strongest elf race - Ini]

[Smart race - the strongest drifting blade race - Gu Chen]

[All-spirit species - Thunder race - Buzz buzz buzz]


"Many new races can be ranked."

"Fantasy species, smart race, natural race... These are terms that have only been seen in the player manual. "White Deer murmured.

Fantasy species, intelligent machine species, all-spirit species

The classification of the human race belongs to the fantasy species. The definition given by the fantasy world for fantasy species is - innate creatures that were born without any prior guidance.

In addition, there are intelligent machine species.

Intelligent machine species are life that evolved from the birth of wisdom from machines, a bit like the so-called artificial intelligence, such as AI.

However, in the fantasy world, this is more complicated, almost referring to all mechanical types of life. The fantasy world has a supplementary definition for it - acquired life formed by the accumulation of complex instructions and wisdom.

As for the all-spirit species...

This type is the most special. It is both an individual and an entire race... There is only one of them in the race. They can be wind, water, lightning, darkness, pure light, stars...

It is a bit similar to elemental creatures, but not only elemental. They can even be a collection of concepts, such as life, death, etc.

The supplementary definition given by the fantasy world is - the essence of all things that already exist in the world and universe.

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