After Lu Cang left, the Brave One searched for strategies in the community.

There are many ways to play in the Fantasy World.

And there are really many strategies for the Fantasy World.

In the community of District 3, there are currently thousands of strategies just for upgrading.

So much so that the Brave One didn't know which strategy to start with.

After searching over and over again, the Brave One finally found a warrior leveling strategy.

[The fastest leveling route for warriors, keep up with Brother Bao's pace! Brother Bao's products must be top-notch】

The Fearless Warrior clicked in and saw the recommended tips, first kill 10 little white rabbits, then go to the forest to find two elite bear monsters.

After killing them, he was promoted to level 4...

After a lot of nonsense, he finally reached level 10.

[After level 10, go to the West Wind Plains. There are fewer monsters there, but each monster gives more experience. It is most suitable for warriors and other professions with less range damage in the early stage to level up. 】

After reading this strategy, the Fearless Warrior first changed the name of his weapon.

Then, he found the route to the West Wind Plains and headed straight to the West Wind Plains.

The West Wind Plains is not far away. Following the navigation route, the Fearless Warrior arrived soon.

There are all level 10 monsters like the unicorn tiger here.

The Fearless Warrior bravely chopped one directly.

The flat attack is replaced with a charged slash!


With one strike, he dealt 5,000 damage. The fragile level 10 monster could not withstand the blow of the Fearless Warrior and was killed instantly.

So, the Fearless Warrior, who had tasted the sweetness, began to kill the monsters one by one. After about half an hour, he finally reached level 11.

The Fearless Warrior, who was immersed in the joy of leveling, did not notice that players were gradually gathering around him.

Eight players squatted on the grass nearby, staring at the Fearless Warrior.

A fat guy said in the team voice: "You haven't noticed us yet, Big Eyes, is that the big fish you mentioned?"

"This ID looks familiar, is he the member who just got the first kill in the dungeon?"

The player called Big Eyes put his hands in his pockets and grinned: "Hey, yes, it's him."

The fat guy continued to examine: "He can kill a level 10 monster with one knife, his attributes are not bad."

There was also a black-robed wizard wearing glasses on the side: "Well, his skills are also A bit stronger."

"That five-stage slash is a bit like the mighty five-stage slash... Has he got a two-star skill at this time?"

"However, why doesn't his mighty five-stage slash need to be charged? Is this person also an S-level talent?"

"No... He also learned the fierce dragon sword slash, damn, this is a four-star skill! Doesn't the fierce dragon sword slash also need to be charged? Is this person a monster?"

The fat man judged: "Haha, the four-star skill book may be a reward for the first kill in the dungeon."

"Three people can get the first kill, he is an S-level talent The probability of a gift is not low."

"I see he has a lot of good equipment, his clothes are gold quality, his turban is silver, and his wrist guards and belt are all silver."

"As for the weapon... I have never seen such a style, it may be a special weapon."

The mage pushed his glasses: "Is he wrong?"

The fat man was silent for a while, then responded: "It is possible that I am wrong, but it is almost right."

The mage looked at the big eyes on the side: "What do you think, how is his skill?"

"He is now level 10, with all the equipment and skills. Yes, we are fighting against opponents of higher levels, but we have the advantage of numbers. Big Eyes, what do you think is our chance of winning? "

Big Eyes chuckled: "I have been observing here for about 20 minutes. Although he has good equipment, his skills are completely at the level of a new baby. We can completely fool him with our operation as long as we don't make mistakes."

"And... I know this big fish is hard to catch, so I also called an outsider."

Big Eyes looked at the team, a hot and cold beauty.

The beauty didn't speak, exuding an aura of strangers.

Seeing this person, the mage nodded: "Well, that is indeed a good opportunity. If you kill the owner of S-level talent, you can join the [Zero Destruction] guild with this record."

"Let's start, the old rules, if the equipment explodes, sell it directly for money, and the money will be divided according to the agreement."

After saying this, his name changed to the red name [Magic Hunter], the mage

The staff drew a circle, and a red magic circle condensed, and then a fireball flew towards the Fearless!


The fireball exploded on the Fearless!


The Fearless's health bar moved a little.

Seeing the damage, the Demon Hunter's pupils shrank slightly.

How much physical strength does he have? This fireball only did so much damage?

In front of the Fearless, a prompt popped up [You have been maliciously attacked by a player. You can counterattack this player and the players in his team]


And then, behind the Fearless, a big-eyed assassin who was as short as a dwarf took out a pair of daggers and came behind him.

[Powerful Five-stage Slash]


A gust of wind blew past!

The Fearless instantly rushed out a distance of ten meters.

The assassin named [Du Poyan] behind him also disappeared.

Du Poyan, who was in stealth mode not far away, was somewhat surprised. He did not expect that this Fearless Warrior, with such powerful stats, would use the Five-segment Slash to escape instead of counterattacking him.

As a result, the [False Phantom] he used for feinting did not work at all.

And when he looked again, the Fearless Warrior had already drawn the Five-segment Slash with great power and ran directly to 50 meters away...

The eight-man encirclement of the Fearless Warrior also surrounded an empty space.

What the hell?

Why are you running?

You have such good equipment and such good skills, but you actually ran away directly?

And almost at the same time, a world announcement popped up in the lower right corner [The second player in the level ranking: Cangqiong is online]

"Big Eyes, what should I do? Cangqiong is online, is he calling for help?"

This Fearless Warrior is a newbie, but Cangqiong is not a newbie. In just one hour, Cangqiong has become a recognized mysterious master in the fantasy world.

Currently, in the rankings passed down by word of mouth by players, he has become the lowest T3 professional player, with an unknown upper limit.

However, just when these people were struggling over whether to chase or run, a black shadow in the team rushed out directly and chased the Fearless Warrior, completely ignoring the decision of the other seven people.

Her speed was so fast that the other seven players were stunned.

But soon, Big Eyes recovered from his daze.

"What should I do? Chase! Kill him before Cang Qiong comes!"

After the decision was made, a player named [Bu Feng] followed closely, and he brought a gust of wind.

"Follow me."

The players behind him all enjoyed the speed bonus.


While the Fearless Warrior was running away, he also initiated a voice call with Lu Cang.

[Sky]: "Who are chasing you?"

Lu Cang stepped onto the teleportation array, and with a slight flash of light, he arrived at the outskirts. He took out the [Chocobo Horn] he had just bought from the mount shop

He summoned a chocobo, and then Lu Cang boarded the bird and rushed towards the West Wind Plains, with the white deer sitting behind Lu Cang.

[Fearless]: "I don't know, I didn't look, I just ran away."

Lu Cang's mouth twitched when he heard this answer.

In his previous life, this Fearless was the player standing at the forefront of the human race. No matter how powerful the enemy was, he would not be afraid of fighting. I really didn't expect that he was so cowardly in the early stage.

[Sky]: "Look back."

[Fearless]: "You won't be caught up, right?"

[Sky]: "If you catch up, fight him. With your current attributes, if you stand still and let them hit you, they will probably have to fight for a while."

Fearless was relieved by Lu Cang's comfort.

So he looked back.

As he turned around, he saw a swift blade stabbing at his face.

"What the hell?"

The pupils of the Fearless Warrior shrank, and his body moved subconsciously!

Five-stage slash!

Swish, swish, swish, swish--

The five-stage displacement rushed out fifty meters again.

[The Fearless Warrior] looked back again, and this time he saw the name of the player chasing him--[Leng Qingying]

[The Fearless Warrior]: "Boss! It's Leng Qingying. Besides her, there are seven other people. It's too far for me to see their names. Should I still fight?"

When Lu Cang heard the name, he smiled helplessly.

[Cangqiong]: "Forget it, don't fight, just run, run faster."

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